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Human Fertility and Current Controversies (Fr. Tadeusz Pacholczyk) 4/22/24

The Catholic Current

Release Date: 04/22/2024

Let's Take a Closer Look: Here's Goliath! Where's David? | Fr. Robert McTeigue, S.J. show art Let's Take a Closer Look: Here's Goliath! Where's David? | Fr. Robert McTeigue, S.J.

The Catholic Current

Lent is easy for people to get wrong. What is the most important question to ask yourself to begin Lent well? If you don't know, and if your focus is wrong, you will do more harm than good in this season. Fr. McTeigue takes a closer look.  Watch on YouTube:  

The Case Against IVF (Stacy Trasancos) 3/11/25 show art The Case Against IVF (Stacy Trasancos) 3/11/25

The Catholic Current

We welcome Stacy Trasancos to discuss IVF, examining both the biological and moral flaws. Father and Stacy explore alternatives for women and whether IVF is merely the lazy choice for doctors. Father finishes with timely thoughts. Show Notes          

Let's Take a Closer Look: Why They Won't Leave Us Alone show art Let's Take a Closer Look: Why They Won't Leave Us Alone

The Catholic Current

Totalitarians refuse to simply leave Christians alone, to let them live and worship in peace. Have you ever wondered why? Father McTeigue takes a closer look. Watch on YouTube:

Is It 1943 Again? (Fr. Robert McTeigue, S.J.) 3/7/25 show art Is It 1943 Again? (Fr. Robert McTeigue, S.J.) 3/7/25

The Catholic Current

Fr. Robert McTeigue, S.J. takes on this week's Let’s Talk About This by comparing the time that we are in now with a prior year in which so much change was taking place. Can we use the mistakes of the past to forge a better future? Father finishes with Weekend Readiness to prepare you for the upcoming Sunday Mass. Show Notes   

Can Anyone Afford Feminism? (W.M. Briggs) 3/6/25 show art Can Anyone Afford Feminism? (W.M. Briggs) 3/6/25

The Catholic Current

We welcome William M. Briggs, known as Statistician to the Stars, to talk about feminism in the workplace and academia, as well as what the data can really show us. He explores the victim mindset and how we have built institutions around perceived oppression. Show Notes      

Let's Take a Closer Look: Questioning Lent show art Let's Take a Closer Look: Questioning Lent

The Catholic Current

Lent is easy for people to get wrong. What is the most important question to ask yourself to begin Lent well? If you don't know, and if your focus is wrong, you will do more harm than good in this season. Fr. McTeigue takes a closer look.  Watch on YouTube:  

Are You Down to Your Last Lent? (Fr. Robert McTeigue, S.J.) 3/4/25 show art Are You Down to Your Last Lent? (Fr. Robert McTeigue, S.J.) 3/4/25

The Catholic Current

Fr. Robert McTeigue, S.J. presents a pre-Lenten special, so that listeners might be ready to embrace this penitential season, and draw closer to Christ. Show Notes      

Let's Take a Closer Look: IVF: Mr. President—You're Wrong. Call Me. show art Let's Take a Closer Look: IVF: Mr. President—You're Wrong. Call Me.

The Catholic Current

IVF is presented as the opposite of abortion—a pro-life measure to bring more children into the world. Yet, if we take a closer look, that's not quite right. Watch on YouTube:  

No More First World Problems? (Fr. Robert McTeigue, S.J.) 2/28/25 show art No More First World Problems? (Fr. Robert McTeigue, S.J.) 2/28/25

The Catholic Current

Fr. Robert McTeigue, S.J. takes on this week's Let’s Talk About This by discussing how our modern lives and the over-use of technology can keep us from a right relationship with God. Father finishes with Weekend Readiness to prepare you for the upcoming Sunday Mass. Show Notes              

Canon Law and Immigration (Fr. Gerald Murray) 2/27/25 show art Canon Law and Immigration (Fr. Gerald Murray) 2/27/25

The Catholic Current

We welcome back Fr. Gerald Murray to discuss recent pronouncements from the Vatican about immigration, in light of canon law and the tradition of the Church.  Show Notes

More Episodes

On this special podcast-extended episode welcome back Fr. Tad of the National Catholic Bioethics Center to dive deep in discussion of controversial topics of human fertility, IVF, and the concept of embryo adoption. What are the moral issues involved in these beginning of life processes, and at this point what can be done for the children left in these cryogenic orphanages?


Show Notes

Father Tad’s Website

The National Catholic Bioethics Center

Making Sense of Bioethics

FatherTad.com | Lectures

Father Tad — The Struggle of Infertility

Father Tad — Why is IVF Wrong?

Making Sense of Bioethics: Column #217 : Poking the Hornet’s Nest of IVF

Making Sense of Bioethics: Column #216 : Surrogacy and Child Trafficking

Making Sense of Bioethics: Column 006: Babies in Test Tubes

Making Sense of Bioethics: Column 013: Thawing the Frozen Embryo Myths

Making Sense of Bioethics: Column 035: Fire in the Clinic!

Making Sense of Bioethics: Column 048: What Should We Do with the Frozen Embryos?

Making Sense of Bioethics: Column 066: Humans in "Frozen Orphanages"

Making Sense of Bioethics: Column 137: Orphans in Liquid Nitrogen

Making Sense of Bioethics: Column 165: It’s Not Just About the Frozen Embryos

Instruction Dignitas Personae on Certain Bioethical Questions, Congregation for the Doctrine of the Faith 

The Frozen Embryo Problem 

Instruction on Respect for Human Life in its Origin and on the Dignity of Procreation: Replies to Certain Questions of the Day 

Adoption: Prayer and Educational Resources | USCCB

The Concentration Can: When Does Human Life Begin? an Eminent Geneticist Testifies: Lejeune, Jerome

Pope Paul VI Institute

The Gianna Center | Catholic Health

Want a Baby? Get the App! - Let’s Talk About This (Fr. Robert McTeigue, S.J.) 09/24/21 

Selling Embryos & Making A Killing (Dr. Tara Sander Lee) 7/10/23

Women & Children For Sale (Dr. Jennifer Roback Morse) 1/24/24

An Honest Look at IVF (Leila Lawler) 3/4/24

Read Fr. McTeigue’s Written Works!

Listen to Fr. McTeigue's Preaching! | Herald of the Gospel Sermons Podcast on Spotify

Visit Fr. McTeigue's Website | Herald of the Gospel

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