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The Elephant and Donkey in the Room - Part 1 - The Jesus Way

Sun City Church Podcast

Release Date: 05/05/2024

Jesus in the Streets - Part 2 - Remove the Boundaries show art Jesus in the Streets - Part 2 - Remove the Boundaries

Sun City Church Podcast

Jesus removes the boundaries of Heaven, making blessings accessible to anyone who calls on His name. Last week, we revealed the lie that we should keep Jesus confined to private spaces; this week, we'll explore what happens when Jesus steps into the public sphere and transforms lives. Let's see what happens when He takes to the streets!

Jesus in the Streets - Part 1 - Where Does Jesus Belong? show art Jesus in the Streets - Part 1 - Where Does Jesus Belong?

Sun City Church Podcast

Welcome to our new series that shares the importance of living out our faith publicly and boldly, embracing the call to share Jesus beyond the confines of home and church. The love of Jesus is for everyone, but how do we share the Gospel as we face a pressure from culture to keep the Good News in safe and secluded spaces? Join us and learn how to take Jesus to the streets!

The Elephant and the Donkey in the Room - Part 4 - Political Practices and Postures show art The Elephant and the Donkey in the Room - Part 4 - Political Practices and Postures

Sun City Church Podcast

In concluding the series, Pastor Danny Schulz will share practical steps for engaging with politics as a disciple of Jesus. November is coming. There's going to be a ballot. What is realistic in order to engage with all of this? Let's lean in and learn together about what we can do during this election season. As His Church, we are truly better together.

The Elephant and Donkey in the Room - Part 3 - Hope and Humility show art The Elephant and Donkey in the Room - Part 3 - Hope and Humility

Sun City Church Podcast

There's been a noticeable increase in people giving up on politics, feeling like it's all over and irredeemable. At the same time, there's been a significant lack of humility, with everyone suddenly becoming experts, especially online, leading to a rise in combativeness. Pastor Shalom Borgford shares how, as followers of Jesus, we're called to maintain hope and humility. Without it, we become cynical or exhausted, affecting our engagement with politics. Together, let's remember to fix our eyes on eternal things, align our outlook with scripture, and understand that Jesus ultimately triumphs.

The Elephant and Donkey in the Room - Part 2 - All Hail King Jesus show art The Elephant and Donkey in the Room - Part 2 - All Hail King Jesus

Sun City Church Podcast

In this message, Pastor Jamie Schulz helps us confront the notion of Jesus' political nature, often overlooked in modern interpretations. Despite our tendency to separate spiritual and political spheres, Jesus' message encompassed both, challenging the status quo of His time. Ultimately, we're prompted to consider: Is Jesus truly our King, and where does our allegiance lie?

The Elephant and Donkey in the Room - Part 1 -  The Jesus Way show art The Elephant and Donkey in the Room - Part 1 - The Jesus Way

Sun City Church Podcast

Recent events have highlighted the divisive nature of politics and its impact, even in the church. 2020 left a mark on all of us. Recognizing the need for preparation in the coming year, Pastor Danny Schulz shows us how Jesus engaged with politics. Let's jump into this new series and focus on the "how" rather than the "what" of politics and the nature of navigating relationships and unity.

The Spiritual Guide to Family and Parenting - Part 4 - The Power of Words show art The Spiritual Guide to Family and Parenting - Part 4 - The Power of Words

Sun City Church Podcast

Have you ever experienced the power of your words in parenting? This week, we are focusing on how words can either build up or tear down. Pastor Chris Spedick shares about the significance of speaking blessings over your family and the importance of nurturing everyone's God-given gifts. Join us as we learn how to encourage, guide, and empower our kids the way Jesus intended.

The Spiritual Guide to Family and Parenting - Part 3 - The Direction of Discipline show art The Spiritual Guide to Family and Parenting - Part 3 - The Direction of Discipline

Sun City Church Podcast

Parenting is undeniably challenging, especially when conflict arises within the family. In this sermon, Pastor Danny Schulz addresses the struggles and realities of disciplining and how we should be for our kids and not against them. Looking to Jesus’ example, we learn how to cultivate our relationship with our kids through patience and kindness!

The Spiritual Guide to Family and Parenting - Part 2 - Stages show art The Spiritual Guide to Family and Parenting - Part 2 - Stages

Sun City Church Podcast

What do different seasons of parenting look like, and how do you navigate them? In this sermon, Pastor Jamie Schulz discusses how to parent with intentionality through various stages of a child's development. Be encouraged and find hope in this message for whatever stage you find yourself in!

The Spiritual Guide to Family and Parenting - Part 1 - Parenting Toward Relationship show art The Spiritual Guide to Family and Parenting - Part 1 - Parenting Toward Relationship

Sun City Church Podcast

Join us in our new series tackling the complexities of parenting. From navigating various family dynamics to wrestling with personal imperfections, Pastor Danny Schulz shares candidly about the challenges and joys of raising children. This series is going to be full of insight and encouragement for parents of all backgrounds, emphasizing the importance of grace, truth, and prioritizing authentic relationships with our kids. It's going to be fun!

More Episodes

Recent events have highlighted the divisive nature of politics and its impact, even in the church. 2020 left a mark on all of us. Recognizing the need for preparation in the coming year, Pastor Danny Schulz shows us how Jesus engaged with politics. Let's jump into this new series and focus on the "how" rather than the "what" of politics and the nature of navigating relationships and unity.