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Avoiding the Tax Trap: An In-Depth Discussion with Assistant Tax Commissioner Rob Thompson

The Michael Yardney Podcast | Property Investment, Success & Money

Release Date: 05/22/2024

This city will deliver the strongest growth over the next decade, with Stuart Wemyss show art This city will deliver the strongest growth over the next decade, with Stuart Wemyss

The Michael Yardney Podcast | Property Investment, Success & Money

If you’re a property investor, the most common question you will likely ask is, "Where should I buy my next investment property?” In fact, who wouldn’t give their second garage to know which city will outperform over the next decade? Well, that’s the question I’m going to ask my guest today - independent financial adviser Stuart Wemyss, Director of Prosolution Private clients, who is going to give us an evidence-based approach, and looking at his track record, I think he’s worth listening to. Links and Resources: – Stuart’s Book – Rules of the Lending Game &...

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The Michael Yardney Podcast | Property Investment, Success & Money

Today I'd like to explain to you why our housing crisis is going to expose some of the flaws in the quick-fix solutions our major political parties are telling us is going to solve the housing crisis. I was writing a blog about this, and thought I've got to discuss it with you now. As a regular listener, you'd know I normally have guests on the show, but it's just me and you every now and then. And that's what this show is today, as I want to get out some thoughts about why our housing crisis will become a fierce political battle, and that could have major implications leading right up to the...

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The Michael Yardney Podcast | Property Investment, Success & Money

There are 106 suburbs across Australia that are cheaper today than they were five years ago, new analysis shows, despite house and unit prices doubling at the same time. That’s one of the reports from Domain that I’m going to chat about today with Dr. Nicola Powell, Domain’s Chief of Research and Economics, and we will also discuss Domain’s latest reports covering the latest developments in our housing and rental markets and much more As somebody interested in property, you're probably pleased that we’ve now had 16 months of continuous property, price, and rental growth, but can this...

What's Happening in the Australian Property Markets? Big Picture Podcast with Pete Wargent show art What's Happening in the Australian Property Markets? Big Picture Podcast with Pete Wargent

The Michael Yardney Podcast | Property Investment, Success & Money

Only a few months ago, there was talk about the hope of interest rates starting to fall by the middle of this year. Australia’s biggest bank in CBA suggested there could be six cuts in interest rates over the next two years. And then things changed, inflation remained more stubborn and the economy grew strongly and suddenly there was talk of potential interest rate rises. What’s ahead for interest rates and our property markets? There are clues in the news as to what’s ahead, which I will discuss in this month’s podcast with leading financial commentator Pete Wargent, who brings...

7 Lessons from Australia’s $26Billion Man with Tyron Hyde show art 7 Lessons from Australia’s $26Billion Man with Tyron Hyde

The Michael Yardney Podcast | Property Investment, Success & Money

Would you like to learn the property investment secrets of Australia’s richest property investor? Well, today we’ll explore the powerful strategies that fueled Harry Triguboff's ascent to billionaire status, as we learn seven lessons from the $26 billion man who is regularly number one or number two on Australia’s wealthiest person list. My guest, Tyrone Hyde, director of Washington Brown, has saved Harry billions of dollars over the last 27 years so I’m keen to hear the lessons he’s learned working closely with this successful investor. I hope you’ll get some hints on becoming a...

Crisis or Opportunity? Navigating Australia's Apartment Drought with Richard Temlett show art Crisis or Opportunity? Navigating Australia's Apartment Drought with Richard Temlett

The Michael Yardney Podcast | Property Investment, Success & Money

Over the past few years we've witnessed a whirlwind of changes, particularly in the mortgage market. Mortgage rates have skyrocketed, soaring from 2.9% in April 2022 to a staggering 6.4% today. And if that wasn't enough, the rental crisis has reached new heights, with vacancy rates plummeting to record lows nationwide, causing rents to skyrocket. In the face of these mounting pressures, purchasing an apartment has become a viable solution for some. However, this seemingly attractive option comes with its challenges with a severe shortage of apartments nationwide. It’s a topic at the...

Avoiding the Tax Trap: An In-Depth Discussion with Assistant Tax Commissioner Rob Thompson show art Avoiding the Tax Trap: An In-Depth Discussion with Assistant Tax Commissioner Rob Thompson

The Michael Yardney Podcast | Property Investment, Success & Money

As we edge towards the end of the financial year, it's the time that you need to crunch some numbers to make sure you have all your tax obligations right, so today I am again joined by Rob Thompson, Assistant Commissioner of the ATO to dive into the world of taxation, specifically targeting tax time tips, the ins and outs of selling property, and the nuances of Capital Gains Tax. Rob's here to ensure you can navigate these turbulent tax waters confidently and avoid running afoul of the tax man. Whether you're looking to sell a property and want to understand the CGT implications, or you're...

Why Some Secondary Suburbs Soar with Stuart Wemyss show art Why Some Secondary Suburbs Soar with Stuart Wemyss

The Michael Yardney Podcast | Property Investment, Success & Money

Have you ever wondered why some locations that could be labelled as 'secondary’ outperform the established blue-chip suburbs? What drives this unexpected surge in property value, and more importantly, is this a trend that savvy investors should be paying attention to? Should you be looking for these suburbs, or should you stick to blue-chip locations? I’d like to know if this is a mere market fluctuation, or are we witnessing a fundamental shift in what defines a 'smart investment' in our property markets? That’s what I ask my guest today, leading independent financial advisor, Stuart...

ATO expert reveals tax time hacks for property investors, with Assistant Tax Commissioner Rob Thompson show art ATO expert reveals tax time hacks for property investors, with Assistant Tax Commissioner Rob Thompson

The Michael Yardney Podcast | Property Investment, Success & Money

You've probably heard the whispers or read in the media that the taxman is on the hunt. The Australian Taxation Office is implementing some innovative strategies and forming new alliances to recoup billions of dollars of revenue deficit. This means Australian property investors should be on high alert and make sure they have completed all their obligations correctly. To discuss how to avoid getting trapped by the tax man today I'm joined today by Rob Thompson, Assistant Tax Commissioner at the ATO. We are going to discuss some things that will help you understand what your obligations are and...

Property success principles that stand still when everything else moves show art Property success principles that stand still when everything else moves

The Michael Yardney Podcast | Property Investment, Success & Money

What will life be like in 10 years? Strategic property investors think in 10-year time frames,  they don’t worry about what’s going to happen to interest rates or the economy in the next six weeks or the next six months. In my mind, 10 years is a short term and the successful investors I know ponder about what the housing markets will be like in 20 to 30 years. We are living through times of rapid change, but most of us don’t like change. It makes us feel uncomfortable. We like a level of certainty about our future, health, and jobs, as well as about the worlds of finance and...

More Episodes

As we edge towards the end of the financial year, it's the time that you need to crunch some numbers to make sure you have all your tax obligations right, so today I am again joined by Rob Thompson, Assistant Commissioner of the ATO to dive into the world of taxation, specifically targeting tax time tips, the ins and outs of selling property, and the nuances of Capital Gains Tax.

Rob's here to ensure you can navigate these turbulent tax waters confidently and avoid running afoul of the tax man.

Whether you're looking to sell a property and want to understand the CGT implications, or you're prepping for tax time and seeking ways to optimise your claims, this discussion is tailored for you.

Links and Resources:

Michael Yardney

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ATO Resources:

        Tax time toolkit for investors: ato.gov.au/Investorstoolkit

        Rental properties guide: ato.gov.au/rentalsguide

        Rental video series: ato.gov.au/Rentalvideos

        Property sale clearance certificates: ato.gov.au/clearancecertificate

        Working from home: ato.gov.au/home

        Car expenses: ato.gov.au/car

Shownotes plus more here: Avoiding the Tax Trap: An In-Depth Discussion with Assistant Tax Commissioner Rob Thompson