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AMA | How To Thrive In A Fast-Paced World

Wellness + Wisdom with Josh Trent

Release Date: 06/14/2024

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Wellness + Wisdom Episode 647

Wellness + Wisdom Podcast Host and Wellness Force Media CEO, Josh Trent, shares his tips on how to thrive emotionally, mentally, physically, spiritually, and financially in the fast-paced modern world.

Send Josh your AMA Question HERE!

👉 Today's Question: Renee Davidson: How do you define thriving in today's fast-paced world? And what do you believe are some key principles to achieve it?


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Listen To Episode 647 As Josh Trent Answers Your Questions

[00:00] Intro

What is up everyone? It's Josh Trent. This is Wellness + Wisdom. If it's your very first time to the podcast, welcome. This is a place, a very special, safe, amazing place where every single week, twice a week, sometimes more, we go over all the different ways.

There are 5 of them, 5 really important ones, that we can master wellness and wisdom in this modern world.
We call it the wellness pentagon.

This is the physical, mental, emotional, spiritual, and financial self, the 5 sides of your whole self. The sides of your whole self that when you fill them up and when you feed them, you can truly thrive.

This is an AMA. If you're looking for our full-length podcast, those are on Tuesdays, but make sure that you hit wherever you are listening to this podcast. Just hit subscribe wherever you are.

We want to hear your voice!

[03:55] How To Thrive in The Modern World

Let's get into our question today.  It's from Renee Davidson. Renee says:

How do you define thriving in today's fast-paced world? And what do you believe are some key principles to achieve it?

We're gonna do something different today where I'm first and I'm gonna talk about the aspects of what I truly believe we can utilize to thrive in today's world.

And then I'm going to flip it over to Mar for her perspective, not just as a woman, but as a soul that's much different orients much different than I do in the world.

So I like to see everything through the lens of the Wellness Pentagon, which I talked about earlier when we started this AMA. And there's so many resources we're gonna link.

We've done a lot of content on the Wellness Pentagon. It's where everything on this podcast and really this movement of how do we embody wisdom? How do we embody wellness? How do we make it live in our body?

Well, we start with the body. If you wanna embody something, you have to have a clean vessel in order to embody it.
So your physical body must be clean and healthy.

Now, What are the things that are stacked against us? There's quite a few. Mar, can you relate like out there in the island, it's much different than in a major metropolis, right? Probably not as much EMF, probably not as much pollution, and probably a whole lot more freshness. Would you agree?

Oh yeah, I can smell cows practically everywhere. Like I live in the city, but I can still smell the cows, which is nice. Hopefully it's the good part of the cow. Not the cow shit. Not really, but I like it. I like, I enjoy it because it tells me that I'm surrounded by nature.

And for the rest of the people who do not live on a beautiful island in the ocean, you can create your own island, your own ocean by stacking the environment in your favor. I call it synergy stacking.

And you stack things together from a breath or air quality perspective, from a nutrition or dietary perspective, and then also from a liquid or hydration perspective.

Then you can start to get into some other things that I'll do to fortify the body, to keep the body, the vessel clean, and that would be EMF mitigation, and also detoxification.

So let's go into this because yes, everything is seen through the Pentagon, the physical, mental, emotional, spiritual, financial, all the 5 parts of the self that make up the whole self.

And by the way, it's not like you are made of money, but I promise I'll make sense of this financial piece because in the 3D, we signed up to be here. It's our Dharma, it's our karma that we're here on planet earth.

So all of these things feed into one another. You cannot have one without the other. And if you take out one of these five sides, I promise you, I've lived this. Once one of these five sides of the self of the Pentagon is under stress or lacking or leaking, it starts to pull energy from the other ones. That's how this works.

That's why the Pentagon and also the hexagon, by the way, are signs not only found in nature but in the Fibonacci sequence and in chemistry.

They're all the same because these hexagonal or pentagonal structures, they depend on each other for biotensegrity.
Biotensegrity is the way that something can exist in a hard structure or secure structure.

Really, really great resource for this, by the way, is Buckminster Fuller. He's the one that brought this concept of biotensegrity to the world. So back to the Pentagon.

At the floor of the Pentagon is the physical. Clean and keep your body healthy. EMF mitigation, a really great tool for this is the QI device. It's in our store page.

Another great way to do this is to actually design your house so that your router and your modem is away from you and use ethernet in your house so you're not being bathed in Wi-Fi all day long.

Also make sure you're not in a house that has a smart meter or when you look out your window that there's no 5G towers that you can see.

These are all really important things because EMF is scientifically proven, by the way, of course not by cell phone companies, but by third-party blind placebo studies to harm plants. Now if they're harming, if EMF is harming plants, then y'all tell me, Don't you think it can harm you?

If you put a plant right next to a router or a modem, I mean like within a foot or 2, and then you take that exact same sister plant and you put it 50 feet away in a house, and you feed them the exact same nutrients, exact same water, y'all tell me why the 1 next to the modem or the router dies. What do you think that's all about?

We're not making this up, right? So EMF is 1. 2 is to make sure you're eating foods without labels. This subject gets really complicated. It doesn't have to be. Eat foods that don't have labels.

In other words, when you look at a label, if it just says potato, great, eat it. If it says grass-fed beef, great, eat it. If you're looking at like a coconut yogurt and it has 3 or 4 ingredients, but they're organic and you understand them all, that's fine too. Just eat whole foods. Just eat real food for Christ's sake.

It's been like 20 years of my life trying to just pound this into people's heads. They're all organic ingredients. They're all non-seed oil ingredients. This is actually a really big piece that I wanna, how do we thrive, Renee? That's your question, right?

How do we thrive in today's fast-paced world? We remove seed oils. Seed oils are extremely deleterious to the body. Seed oils cause havoc in your metabolism. And don't just trust me...

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