A Voice in The Desert Podcast
As a Christian Minister, it is my honor and privilege to share the message of John 17:16 with you. This powerful verse, which comes from Jesus' high priestly prayer in the Gospel of John, speaks to the heart of Christian identity and mission in the world.
info_outlineA Voice in The Desert Podcast
When we think about redemption, what comes to mind? The word itself means to be saved or rescued. In the Christian context, redemption signifies being freed from sin and restored to a right relationship with God. It’s a powerful and transformative concept that is beautifully illustrated through the symbol of the cross.
info_outlineA Voice in The Desert Podcast
The only kind of prayer that is acceptable to God is one directed by the Holy Spirit. Actually, this goes far beyond our prayers. It applies to every area of the Christian life. The only kind of Christian life acceptable to God is one directed by the Holy Spirit. Paul brings this out in the 8th chapter of Romans. In Romans 8:14, he says: “For all who are being led by the Spirit of God, these are sons God.” That’s what constitutes a person, a son or a child of God, that he’s being led by the Spirit of God. You see, to become a child of God you...
info_outlineA Voice in The Desert Podcast
The Truth that Endures: Insights from 1 John 2:22-26 As a Christian minister, it's imperative that we delve deeply into the scriptures to understand God’s message for us today. In 1 John 2:22-26, the Apostle John addresses a crucial issue faced by the early church that resonates profoundly in our contemporary context: the challenge of discerning truth from falsehood. This passage offers vital insights into the nature of Christ, the identity of the Antichrist, and the importance of holding fast to the truth we have received. The Nature of Deception John begins by identifying the one who...
info_outlineA Voice in The Desert Podcast
**Título: El Regalo del Perdón: Un Mensaje de Esperanza y Redención** Queridos amados en Cristo, Al reunirnos aquí hoy en el espíritu de compañerismo y amor, me recuerdan las profundas palabras que se encuentran en el libro de los Hechos, específicamente en Hechos 13:38, que dice: "Sea, pues, notorio a vosotros, varones hermanos, que por medio de este se os anuncia el perdón de pecados." Esta escritura encapsula la esencia de nuestra fe y el poder transformador del Evangelio. Hoy deseo reflexionar sobre el monumental regalo del perdón que se nos ofrece a través de Jesucristo, y cómo...
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Understanding the Biblical Message in Mathew 13:41-42 (Hell) The Bible is a sacred text that holds profound wisdom and guidance for those seeking spiritual enlightenment and moral direction. In the book of Matthew, chapter 13, verses 41-42, we encounter a passage that carries a powerful message about the consequences of living a life devoid of righteousness and virtue. Let us delve deeper into the meaning behind these verses and explore their significance in the context of Christian faith and teachings. These are verses that modern churches avoid teaching on.
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**Message on Hebrews 4:12** Dear brothers and sisters in Christ, Today, we turn our hearts and minds to a powerful verse found in the book of Hebrews, specifically Hebrews 4:12, which states: “For the word of God is alive and active. Sharper than any double-edged sword, it penetrates even to dividing soul and spirit, joints and marrow; it judges the thoughts and attitudes of the heart.” As we meditate on this scripture, we are reminded that the Word of God is not just a collection of ancient texts; it is a living force that can penetrate the depths of our being. The author of Hebrews...
info_outlineA Voice in The Desert Podcast
Today, I want to reflect on a profound statement made by our Lord Jesus Christ in Matthew 8:20, where He says, “Foxes have holes, and birds of the air have nests, but the Son of Man has nowhere to lay His head.” This verse encapsulates the essence of discipleship and the radical call that Jesus issued to those who sought to follow Him.
info_outlineA Voice in The Desert Podcast
Seeking the Fullness of the Spirit Text: Luke 24:49 Beloved in Christ, today we gather to explore a profound truth that lies at the heart of our Christian walk—the fullness of the Holy Spirit. While every believer is blessed with the indwelling of the Holy Spirit, not every believer experiences the fullness and control of the Spirit in their daily lives. Scriptures like 1 Corinthians 6:17 and Acts 9:1-6 remind us of the intimate relationship we have with the Spirit, yet we find ourselves challenged to live in that fullness.
info_outlineA Voice in The Desert Podcast
Listen to what Paul says about it in 1 Corinthians 14:2-4: “For one who speaks in a tongue [an unknown tongue] does not speak to men, but to God; for no one understands, but in his spirit he speaks mysteries. One who speaks in a tongue edifies himself...” So, what are we doing when we pray in this prayer language, this unknown tongue? Paul says we’re doing three things. First of all, we’re speaking direct to God, not to man; that’s a privilege in itself, to be able to speak directly to Almighty...
info_outlineFIRST SIGHT OF THE CROSS: Mark 10:46-52
It is hard for us to imagine the anticipation of the crowds that followed Jesus as he went up to Jerusalem for the last time.
The buildup of their expectation was something you could almost feel. There was electricity in the air.
Everyone knew that something special was about to happen. Great crowds of people were streaming towards Jerusalem for the yearly celebration of the Passover. Jesus was also going there to celebrate the festival with his disciples.
However, he was also going there for another specific reason.
Earlier, Jesus told his disciples, “We are going up to Jerusalem and the Son of Man will be betrayed to the chief priests and teachers of the law.
They will condemn him to death and will hand him over to the Gentiles who will mock him and spit on him, flog him and kill him. Three days later he will rise.” Jesus plainly told his disciples why he was going to Jerusalem for the last time, but the disciples really did not understand what he was saying. They couldn’t see what Christ was talking about. They were spiritually blind when it came to the teaching of the cross.
As the Lord begins his final approach to Jerusalem, he comes to the great city of Jericho. This was an ancient city with a long history. It was about 20 miles northeast of the capital.
Here, at Jericho, we see even more pilgrims joining Jesus and his group.
Now, the crowds really swell. It becomes a triumphal procession as they move through the great city down the main street. It is like a grand parade with Christ leading the way.
But then, something happened. It was such a trifling incident, but no one ever forgot it. A blind man lived in Jericho; Bartimaeus was his name.
He was a beggar who sat on the main street every day asking for money. Somehow or another, this blind man heard that Jesus of Nazareth was coming through his city and was about to pass by. Evidently, Bartimaeus knew who Jesus was and why everyone was so excited by his arrival.
He had probably heard about the many great miracles Christ had performed.
Therefore, Bartimaeus now begins to shout at the top of his lungs, “Jesus, Son of David, have mercy on me! Jesus, Lord Messiah, help me!” Repeatedly he shouts this out. And Bartimaeus must have had a loud voice because those in the crowd near him finally said, “Hey, you old bum, shut up! Be quiet! You’re spoiling the whole parade.”
Mark says, “Many rebuked him and told him to be quiet, but he shouted even louder, ‘Son of David, have mercy on me!’” Bartimaeus saw his chance and he was not about to quit.
Jesus was coming and he knew that it was now or never. When Christ came to the place where Bartimaeus was seated, he suddenly stopped.
He stood still and the whole procession behind him stopped as well. The whole show came to a grinding halt.
Silence fell so that the shouting of Bartimaeus became even more obvious. “Jesus, Son of David, have mercy on me!” was ringing through the crowded streets of Jericho.
“Call him,” commanded Jesus. The people then told Bartimaeus, “Cheer up, old fellow!
On your feet! He’s calling you.” Throwing his cloak aside, Bartimaeus jumped to his feet and was escorted over to where Jesus stood in the street. And so, with the great crowds as spectators, these two men faced each other, the beggar with no light in his eyes and the man who was the Light of the World.
Then, the question from Jesus’ lips, “What do you want me to do for you?”
Bartimaeus simply says, “I want to see.”
You can almost feel the pain of being blind for so many years in those simple words. “I want to see. I want to be healed. I want to be made whole and restored.
O Lord Jesus, help me!” Christ sees the faith that Bartimaeus has. This is a faith that believes Jesus is the Messiah sent by God. He is the promised Son of David. He is the Lord who has compassion upon those who are suffering, and he has the power to heal and help and make all things new.
What follows now is interesting. No anointing occurs; there is no laying on of hands. But there are only the simple words of Christ which say, “Go, your faith has made you well.” Immediately, Bartimaeus receives his eyesight back.
The Lord speaks his Word and the blind man is healed. Just like that! Here, we see how God’s Word is a Word of healing. It is a Word of salvation and restoration.
Literally, Christ says, “Go, your faith has saved you.” Salvation brings healing and hope. Christ makes all things new.
Faith believes this. Faith receives the gift of salvation and renewal to be found in Jesus the Messiah. Mark tells us, “Immediately Bartimaeus received his sight and followed Jesus along the road.” That’s how it is.
We receive the gift and then we respond in faith. We are healed and then immediately follow Christ along the road.
That is what Bartimaeus did and that is what we do as well. We follow our Lord on the road to Jerusalem; we follow him into his suffering and death and into his resurrection.
Think about what probably happened to Bartimaeus after he was healed. We don’t know for sure, but we can probably guess he joined the crowds going up to Jerusalem.
He surely continued to follow this extraordinary man who had just healed him so miraculously. With seeing eyes, he joined the great procession as it left Jericho behind.
Imagine the joy and wonder of Bartimaeus as he looks for the first time upon the majestic city of David.
Did it take his breath away to see the great city of God, to see the huge temple complex? Did he stay with the pilgrims who came up to celebrate the Passover at Jerusalem? Did he see Jesus ride in triumph on Palm Sunday?
Did he witness how Christ cleared the temple of the moneychangers?
Did he hear about how Christ had been betrayed, arrested and taken away? Did he learn about how Jesus was put on trial and unfairly condemned as a criminal?
Did he watch as Jesus was led out by the Romans to be crucified? Was he there at Golgotha on Good Friday? Was he there in the crowd, watching the slow and terrible death of Christ on the cross?
I think it’s quite possible. Bartimaeus may have seen Jesus on the cross.
He may have seen with his own eyes how the Lord suffered and died. He may have witnessed how Christ shed his holy and precious blood. Many people did that day.
Imagine what that must have been like for Bartimaeus to witness all these things.
Imagine watching the Lord who had just opened your eyes being put to death by crucifixion.
Imagine seeing the Son of God dying on a cross.
And yet, that is exactly what we have to see. We need to look with the eyes of faith and see our Savior on that cross.
The truth is we will never truly understand why the Son of God came into this world until we see him on that cross outside of Jerusalem.
God has to open your eyes so that you can look with the eyes of faith and see your Lord on that cross. Then, you discover how he takes all your sins upon himself and he carries them all down into his terrible suffering and death.
Christ takes all of our guilt and sin down into his eternal death and there they die forever. They are put to death and are now gone forever. In Christ, you are forgiven! You are healed and restored. “By his wounds, we are healed.” Christ makes all things new (and that includes you!)
When we see that, then we can say along with the Apostle Paul, “I have been crucified with Christ and I no longer live, but Christ lives in me.
The life I live now, I live by faith in the Son of God, who loved me and gave himself for me. I now live for God.” That is what Bartimaeus could say.
He could say, “I know my Savior loves me. He not only opened my eyes, but also he loved me and gave himself on the cross for me.
And he has given me my sight back so that I could follow him. I now see with the eyes of faith that he truly is the Son of God. He is my Messiah!”
Look now with the eyes of faith and you will behold Jesus. Look and see how he is full of mercy and compassion. He cares about you and he wants to heal you and restore your sight so that you can look into the face of your Savior.
Do you see it? You can cry out to him in your suffering and distress. You can shout, “Jesus, Son of David, have mercy upon me! Lord, help me in my time of need!” And he will answer, “Cheer up! On your feet! What do you want for me to do for you?” Then you answer, “Lord, I want to see! I want to witness the power of your cross at work in my life.
I want to experience your love and grace and be made new. O Lord, I want to see!”
And Christ says, “Go! Your faith has saved you. You are healed and made new. Come now and follow me! Know that I am always with you; I will never leave you or forsake you.
Together, we shall journey along the way until you enter the majestic city of God, the New Jerusalem that awaits all who trust in God’s mercy.” Amen!
My name is Cesar and I’m A Voice In The Desert