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The Great Menopause Myth: The Truth on Mastering Midlife Hormonal Mayhem with Kristin Johnson & Maria Claps

The Hormone Solution Podcast with Karen Martel

Release Date: 09/14/2024

Quick Hits: How to Heal Your Metabolism with Kate Deering show art Quick Hits: How to Heal Your Metabolism with Kate Deering

The Hormone Solution Podcast with Karen Martel

Welcome to Quick Hits: Blasts from The Past. Join Karen as she explores her podcast archives, offering you short, impactful excerpts from standout episodes. In just 15 minutes, you’ll experience the essence of past conversations, packed with valuable insights and memorable moments from our guests. If you want to dive deeper, you’ll find links to the full episodes in the show notes below. Listen to the full episode:     Your metabolism has everything to do with whether or not your body is able to lose weight. Many women do not realize that their metabolism is under functioning....

The Great Menopause Myth: The Truth on Mastering Midlife Hormonal Mayhem with Kristin Johnson & Maria Claps show art The Great Menopause Myth: The Truth on Mastering Midlife Hormonal Mayhem with Kristin Johnson & Maria Claps

The Hormone Solution Podcast with Karen Martel

Maria, an FDN practitioner, and Kristin, an NTP Board Certified in Holistic Nutrition, are plainspoken friends and practitioners who share a passion for women's health, especially women's health at midlife. As both are themselves menopausal, they've refined the art and science of thriving as a midlife woman based on both clinical and personal experience. They combine individualized nutrition and lifestyle changes tailored to midlife women's needs with mindset coaching, lab testing and hormone replacement therapy education to help women thrive so that they can stop or prevent their health from...

Quick Hits: Women Facing Menopause are Betrayed by Ignorance and Sexism in the Health Community show art Quick Hits: Women Facing Menopause are Betrayed by Ignorance and Sexism in the Health Community

The Hormone Solution Podcast with Karen Martel

Night sweats, mood swings, insomnia, hot flashes, weight gain, headaches, depression, anxiety, dry skin, vaginal atrophy... the list goes on. It’s disheartening, isn’t it? These are just some of the often debilitating symptoms that accompany peri-menopause and menopause. You’d think such a daunting list would catch the attention of doctors and spur them to find effective solutions. But sadly, that’s not what’s happening. Instead, many women are being met with ignorance—even sexism—by the very medical professionals they trust, including doctors, functional MDs, nutrition coaches,...

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The Hormone Solution Podcast with Karen Martel

Angela is an award-winning Nutritionist, Health & Performance Coach, Keynote Speaker and Host of The High Performance Health Podcast.   A former corporate lawyer turned industry leader in biohacking and health optimisation for women, Angela regularly gives keynotes to large fitness, health and wellness events She also delivers Health Optimisation and Performance Workshops to large multinational corporations with a strong focus on women’s health and burnout prevention.   Angela brings us through her vast knowledge of midlife mental health, focusing on the hormonal shifts...

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The Hormone Solution Podcast with Karen Martel

Welcome to Quick Hits: Blasts from The Past. Join Karen as she explores her podcast archives, offering you short, impactful excerpts from standout episodes. In just 15 minutes, you’ll experience the essence of past conversations, packed with valuable insights and memorable moments from our guests. If you want to dive deeper, you’ll find links to the full episodes in the show notes below. Listen to the full episode:   Have you ever reached your weight loss goals only to discover that you are still unsatisfied and full of self-hatred? Have you ever sabotaged your weight loss efforts? Do...

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The Hormone Solution Podcast with Karen Martel

Dr. Scott Sherr is a Board Certified Internal Medicine Physician Certified to Practice Health Optimization Medicine and a specialist in Hyperbaric Oxygen Therapy (HBOT).   He is the COO of Troscriptions, a line of physician formulated, pharmaceutical grade, and precision dosed buccal troches containing novel ingredients like methylene blue, agarin, and others in formulas for energy, focus, sleep, stress, immune support, and more. His clinical practice includes Health optimization medicine as its foundation plus an integrative approach to hyperbaric oxygen therapy that includes...

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The Hormone Solution Podcast with Karen Martel

Welcome to Quick Hits: Blasts from The Past. Join Karen as she explores her podcast archives, offering you short, impactful excerpts from standout episodes. In just 15 minutes, you’ll experience the essence of past conversations, packed with valuable insights and memorable moments from our guests. If you want to dive deeper, you’ll find links to the full episodes in the show notes below. Listen to the full episode:     David Brownstein, who is a board-certified family physician. Dr. Brownstein has lectured internationally to physicians and others about his success in using...

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The Hormone Solution Podcast with Karen Martel

I’m sharing my personal journey in this episode through the challenging landscape of breast pain, swelling, and cysts. We’ll discuss the complexities of breast pain, from cyclical and fibrocystic discomfort to hormone replacement therapy-induced pain. You’ll hear the critical role that hormones like estrogen, progesterone, and prolactin play in breast health and the importance of hormonal balance. Additionally, I explore how lifestyle factors such as caffeine and iodine deficiency impact breast pain. I’ll provide strategies, including supplementation and dietary changes, to alleviate...

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The Hormone Solution Podcast with Karen Martel

Welcome to Quick Hits: Blasts from The Past. Join Karen as she explores her podcast archives, offering you short, impactful excerpts from standout episodes. In just 15 minutes, you’ll experience the essence of past conversations, packed with valuable insights and memorable moments from our guests. If you want to dive deeper, you’ll find links to the full episodes in the show notes below. Listen to the full episode   Dr. Todd Watts is a national board certified Chiropractic Physician, a Functional Wellness Practitioner and is licensed with the Pastoral Medical Association. Many know...

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The Hormone Solution Podcast with Karen Martel

Daniel DeBaun is an internationally recognized expert in EMF radiation, EMF shielding, and EMF-related health issues with special focus on the effect of exposure from mobile devices such as laptops, tablets, and cell phones. Daniel’s concern regarding the health impact of EMF emissions grew from over thirty years of engineering experience in the telecommunications industry, where he held a variety of executive positions at SAIC, Telcordia, AT&T, and Bell Labs. He is the co-author of Radiation Nation: The Fallout of Modern Technology, and the CEO of DefenderShield, the world leader in...

More Episodes

Maria, an FDN practitioner, and Kristin, an NTP Board Certified in Holistic Nutrition, are plainspoken friends and practitioners who share a passion for women's health, especially women's health at midlife. As both are themselves menopausal, they've refined the art and science of thriving as a midlife woman based on both clinical and personal experience. They combine individualized nutrition and lifestyle changes tailored to midlife women's needs with mindset coaching, lab testing and hormone replacement therapy education to help women thrive so that they can stop or prevent their health from spinning out of control.


Maria and Kristin share their journey from general nutrition to specialized hormonal health in this episode. We explore the profound impacts of hormones on aging, focusing on the roles of senescent cells and hormone replacement therapy. Maria and Kristin reveal surprising insights about estrogen receptors and the importance of maintaining optimal hormone levels for overall health, from hair and joints to brain and vascular health. They emphasize the benefits of cyclical progesterone dosing and debunk common myths surrounding estriol and estradiol in HRT, advocating for a personalized approach to hormone therapy.


In this episode:

  • Why hormone replacement therapy impacts overall health beyond symptom relief.
  • How estrogen receptors are located in unexpected areas like the eyes and ears.
  • Why maintaining optimal hormone levels benefits hair, joints, brain, and vascular health.
  • How hormone cycling can mimic the body's natural rhythms for better health outcomes.
  • Why cyclical progesterone dosing is preferred over static hormone dosing.
  • How static dosing can lead to issues like breakthrough bleeding and water retention.
  • Why estradiol is often misunderstood and feared despite its protective benefits.
  • How high doses of estriol can cause adverse effects such as insulin resistance.
  • Why incorporating topical progesterone can benefit women sensitive to oral forms.
  • Why understanding hormone health is important beyond just managing symptoms.
  • How Maria and Kristin's book "The Great Menopause Myth" provides a unique perspective.
  • Why women often receive inadequate medical support during menopause.
  • How misconceptions about hormone therapy can isolate and misinform women.
  • Why there is a need for more research using bioidentical hormones.
  • How upcoming studies aim to compare traditional HRT to physiologic restoration.
  • Why achieving hormone levels akin to a healthy, younger woman is beneficial.
  • How proper hormone cycling can lead to lighter periods and fewer PMS symptoms.
  • Why the narrative around menopause can sometimes hurt women.


Order The Great Menopause Myth NOW! https://wiseandwell.me/book/



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Are you in peri or post menopause and looking to optimize your hormones and health? At Hormone Solutions, we offer telemedicine services and can prescribe in every U.S. state, as well as in British Columbia, Alberta, and Ontario in Canada.


Visit karenmartel.com to explore our comprehensive programs:

  • Bioidentical Hormone Replacement Therapy
  • Individualized Weight Loss Programs 
  • Peptide Therapy for weight loss 


Interested in our NEW Peptide Weight Loss Program? Join today and get all the details here.


Join our Women’s Peri and Post Menopause Group Coaching Program, OnTrack, TODAY!


Your host:

Karen Martel

Certified Hormone Specialist, Transformational Nutrition Coach, & Weight Loss Expert


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