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403. Baylen Bean on Finding OCR, Qualifying for Elite, Winning Spartan Pan-American Championships, and More!

Obstacle Running Adventures

Release Date: 09/23/2024

427. Boston Run Show and Outdoor Expo! (Part 2) show art 427. Boston Run Show and Outdoor Expo! (Part 2)

Obstacle Running Adventures

We have covered the for the past couple years.  This year, it combined with the ! We weren't sure if we were going to go and cover it this year since it was later in the year than usual and events are starting up but we made the trip and booked a hotel to just cover Saturday. Even though we just covered one day of the event we were able to get over 60 interviews causing us to split everything into part 1 and part 2 episodes.  Check the time stamps below to see who we talked to for this second half! Start – 3:24 – Intro 3:24 – 7:06 – Quick News 7:06 – 8:07 – Content...

426. Boston Run Show and Outdoor Expo! (Part 1) show art 426. Boston Run Show and Outdoor Expo! (Part 1)

Obstacle Running Adventures

We have covered the for the past couple years.  This year, it combined  with the ! We weren't sure if we were going to go and cover it this year since it was later in the year than usual and events are starting up but we made the trip and booked a hotel to just cover Saturday. Even though we just covered one day of the event we were able to get over 60 interviews causing us to split everything into part 1 and part 2 episodes.  Check the time stamps below to see who we talked to for this first half! Start – 3:31 – Intro 3:31 – 5:20 – Quick News 5:20 – 6:44 – Content...

425. The First DEKA ATLAS with Underdog Fitness! show art 425. The First DEKA ATLAS with Underdog Fitness!

Obstacle Running Adventures

Mike and Katelyn did their first event at in Wallingford, CT to support and his wife and !  Not only was a coach for Mike for about a year but is known to be a prominent gym in the DEKA community.  Due to both of those reasons, Mike wanted to continue his support for the gym by driving down to Hartford, CT and covering the first official ! You'll hear from some athletes who competed in the DEKA STRONG and their thoughts on the new  event before we talk to the first 11 out of 12 people to officially do the ! including the , as well as ! Start – 3:28 – Intro 3:28 –...

424. Christian Brown-Johnson on Hannibal Race, Hybrid Racing, His Magic Mirror, and More! show art 424. Christian Brown-Johnson on Hannibal Race, Hybrid Racing, His Magic Mirror, and More!

Obstacle Running Adventures

We have had on the show multiple times and he frequently traveled to compete at , and we had on .  This year went for the first time and did well in both the 8K and 300 meter races! I wanted to have on for his own episode to hear about his first experience flying and competing in in Kuwait.  We discuss how it feels to join the , how to minimize the negative impact of long distance travel, time spent in the Middle East, competing in the 8K and 300M races, his magic motivation mirror, thoughts on hybrid races, and what’s coming up for him this year! Start – 3:52 – Intro...

423. Winning West Coast Spartans, Carrying Kayaks, Wolf’s Den and More with Chloe Melikian! show art 423. Winning West Coast Spartans, Carrying Kayaks, Wolf’s Den and More with Chloe Melikian!

Obstacle Running Adventures

In the last episode (and a few before that), we kept talking about having an athlete on the show who we've mentioned a lot in Quick News because she's always popping up on the podium! We finally reached out to , who's been a major podium contender at West Coast Spartan Races. We chat about her athletic background, her thoughts on changes in the sport, the shifts in the Spartan Elite series, how the SoCal race went, the kayak carry obstacle, the importance of the community at her gym, and a whole lot more! Be sure to , , and her sponsors on social media! ____ Start – 3:47 – Intro 3:47 –...

422. reRun of 4. Blizzard Blast with Fred Smith! show art 422. reRun of 4. Blizzard Blast with Fred Smith!

Obstacle Running Adventures

We planned to finally give some well deserved attention with a couple guests but we were unable to find a time that worked out after 2 attempts at rescheduling.  So after panicking for a while Mike resorted to another reRun episode, this time reairing our 4th episode which originally came out on January 29th, 2017! Long ago when OCR was still doing well in the Northeast of the US we had winter snow races with both Blizzard Blast in Massachusetts and Spartan Greek Peak in New York!  As someone who loves the cold, Mike misses one of the original local races in New England and figured...

421. The Disney Dopey Challenge with Sarah Hetzel! show art 421. The Disney Dopey Challenge with Sarah Hetzel!

Obstacle Running Adventures

took on the Dopey Challenge which is completing all of the events!  This consists of the 5K on Thursday, 10K on Friday, half marathon on Saturday, and the marathon on Sunday! We discuss her running background, Disney Favorites, how long she has been wanting to do this multi day event, how it went, and advice to others considering the multi day event! Check out on social media to follow along with her adventures, and consider , it's tough out there for teachers! Start – 2:52 – Intro 2:52 – 8:26 – Quick News 8:26 – 9:02 – Content Preface 9:02 – 54:16 - Interview 54:16 –...

420. Accountability Corner with Darren Martin, Morgan Maxwell, and Chris Shipley! show art 420. Accountability Corner with Darren Martin, Morgan Maxwell, and Chris Shipley!

Obstacle Running Adventures

is a podcast created in May 2023 by 3 athletes (, , and ) in England who wanted to keep themselves accountable! , , and have progressed to also helping their listeners stay accountable! Hear us discuss a bit about how they found the sport of OCR, origin of their podcast, how they  feel the UK ranks in Europe as a competitive country in the sport, the impact on local federations, World Obstacle, complicated rulebooks, local OCRs, the style of racing in the UK, penalty preferences, WTM coming to Europe, personal accounability updates, and goals for the show as well as themselves! Please...

419. reRUN of 1. Welcome to the Podcast! (Pilot) show art 419. reRUN of 1. Welcome to the Podcast! (Pilot)

Obstacle Running Adventures

So this is a first for the show and we don't plan to do this often but we are rereleasing an older episode for this week!  This will be done during times where it's difficult to find a guest, continuous time zone issues, life circumstances, etc. This features a rerelease or a reRUN of our first ever episode published January 8th 2017, that's 8 years ago!  Back when there were 4 hosts of the show, it had a different name, and we didn't focus much on elites but more on our own team ! Hope you enjoy and we will be back to our regular scheduled programming next week! Start – 5:36 –...

418. 2024 OCR Podcaster Roundtable Chat with Fran Chiorando, Dave Claxton, Scott Knowles, and Jason Dupree! show art 418. 2024 OCR Podcaster Roundtable Chat with Fran Chiorando, Dave Claxton, Scott Knowles, and Jason Dupree!

Obstacle Running Adventures

Every year since 2018 we have started the year off with a round table discussion with other podcasters in the sport of OCR.  In the past we have had , , , , , , , , , and ! This year we had from Podcast, from , from , and from ! We discuss our thoughts on the Spartan and Savage series in the United States, the sport in Europe as well as Canada, changes to the competitive waves, east and west coast age group series, the new Spartan Super Championships, the next OCRWC being in 2025, World Obstacle, 3 band system, mandatory obstacle completion, World's Toughest Mudder, favorite moments...

More Episodes

We have been hearing about Baylen Bean for a while now, after his recent victory at Spartan Pan-American Championships we figured that it would be a perfect time to finally have him on the show!

We talk about his athletic background, how he found obstacle course racing, the qualification process to join the elite field, his favorite race distances, how his championship event in Seattle went,  how that ranks in his all time racing accomplishments, potential interest in World's Toughest Mudder in the future, and much more!

Be sure to support the sponsors who support our athletes in our sport like Elete Electrolytes, Kriva CBD, and Honey Stinger!

0:00 – 4:32 – Intro

4:32 – 10:01 – Quick News

10:01 – 10:40 – Content Preface

10:40 - 56:30 - Baylen Bean Interview

56:30 - End – Outro

Next weekend we may have an athlete on the show to talk about MidWest OCR put on by Race Ready Obstacles!


News Stories:

Boston Marathon Qualification Time Changes

2025 Tough Mudder Medals

2025 Spartan Race Medals

2025 Spartan Race Shirts

Savage Race Georgia Podiums

Spartan Angel Stadium Podiums

Fake Snake Secret Link

Women Recognition Secret Link

Bounce It Secret Link

Rocking Horse Secret Link

Balanced Interview Secret Link


Related Episodes:

342. Spartan Poconos 3K Audio and Interviews with Elites!

344. Angel Quintero on the Competitive Field in OCR, Glory Days of the Sport, and Pan American Championship!

386. Hawk Call on Growing Up in OCR, Big Bear National Series Race, Preparing for Broken Arrow, and More!


The OCR Report

Patreon Supporters: Jason Dupree, Kim DeVoss, Samantha Thompson, Matt Puntin, Brad Kiehl, Charlotte Engelman, Erin Grindstaff, Hank Stefano, Arlene Stefano, Laura Ritter, Steven Ritter, Sofia Harnedy, Kenny West, Cheryl Miller, Jessica Johnson, Scott "The Fayne" KnowlesNick Ryker, Christopher Hoover, Kevin Gregory Jr., Evan Eirich, Ashley Reis, Brent George, Justin Manning, Wendell Lagosh, Logan Nagle, Angela Bowers, Asa Coddington, Thomas Petersen, Seth Rinderknecht, and Bonnie Wilson.

Sponsored Athletes: Javier EscobarKelly SullivanRyan Brizzolara, Joshua Reid, and Kevin Gregory!

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Intro music - "Streaker" by: Straight Up

Outro music - "Iron Paw" by: Dubbest