Geek Homeworld 10 Year Celebration with Daniel J Lewis and Ray Ortega, with co-host DigitalCavemann on 9-7-2024
Release Date: 12/15/2024
Geek Homeworld
Ed Ciucevich and Scott Schreiber bring you our annual OSCARS predictions this time for the 97th Academy Awards for 2025. Who will win, who do we think will win, who do we want to win, who got snubbed? Listen up to this epiosde, then watch the OSCARS, and then enojy our follow up episode where we discuss the results as well. Thanks for listening, Ed Ciucevich 3/2/2025
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Digitalcavemann of Digitalcavemann Presents brings you a livestream dual review of Xes Ray Studio Combatants Fight for Glory Thales and Kasos action figures with Razyel Kayne Reviews and Ed of Geek Homeworld. Plus, we discuss other geeky topics. Links: Host: Digitalcavemann Presents Guest: Razyel Kayne Reviews Co-Host: Ed "SavageTechman" Ciucevich Please Like, Follow, Thumbs Up, and Susbscribe to our social media...
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Ed Ciucevich counts down the top films of 2024 by domestic box office numbers. View the video version livestream on YouTube at and like, share, and subscribe. Thanks for listening, Ed Ciucevich 1-5-2025
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Ed Ciucevich, host of the Geek Homeworld Podcast and DigitalCavemann of DigitalCaveamnn Presents have a conversation with Dave Jackson from The School of Podcasting. This took place on 10-5-2024. Also, check out the video version on our YouTube channel. Like, share, and subscibe. Thanks for listening! Ed Ciucevich 12-16-2024
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Ed Ciucevich and Digital Cavemann of DigitalCavemann Presents, celebrate 10 Years of the Geek Homeworld Podcast with special guests Daniel J Lewis of The Audacity to Podcast, and Ray Ortega.
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We all give our lists and discuss of the top movies of 1980. Contributors are: Ed of Geek Homeworld, DigitalCavemann of Digital Cavemann Presents, Sgt. Curtis Schultz, The Profit Director, Viper's War Room, and M3.
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We review the film Deadpool and Wolverine. Joining us for the review are DigitalCavemann, Sgt. Curtis Scultz, The Profit Director, and M3.
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DigitalCavemann of DigitalCavemann Presents gives you a detailed recap of JoeFestUSA 2024 in Augusta, GA with Ed Ciucevich of Geek Homeworld Podcast. The video version is on YouTube at DigitalCavemann Presents.
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Your host Ed Ciucevich and DigitalCavemann of DigitalCavemann Presents bring you a pre-show of JoeFestUSA 2024 in Augusta, Georgia.
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Your host Ed Ciucevich reviews the entire extraodinary season 1 of X-Men 97 with predictions for season 2.
info_outlineEd Ciucevich and Digital Cavemann of DigitalCavemann Presents, celebrate 10 Years of the Geek Homeworld Podcast with special guests Daniel J Lewis of The Audacity to Podcast, and Ray Ortega.