1/18 Genesis - Suffering and God's Sovereign Will
Release Date: 01/18/2025
Key Chapters of the Bible
Genesis 49 is one of those Key Chapters that we might normally overlook; and yet this passage actually gives us several critical prophecies regarding the future of Israel, the nature of the kingdom and her King. So rather than being a chapter we should overlook, instead, this is one that we should dive into. Join us! DISCUSSION AND STUDY QUESTIONS: Genesis 49 1. The study opens with how the book of Genesis is ultimately about the “genesis” of this new nation, dedicated to God. As we close out our study in the book of Genesis, we have seen the Lord use very imperfect...
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info_outline 1/18 Genesis - Suffering and God's Sovereign WillKey Chapters of the Bible
Life doesn't always go the way we want; and today as we begin to look at Joseph's life, we'll see that indeed, things didn't start out the way Joseph would have wanted either; but God had sovereign plans for Joseph's life and He was going to use Joseph to save His people. We may not always understand why God is doing what He does; but we know He has good and wise reasons. Join us! DISCUSSION AND STUDY QUESTIONS: Genesis 37 1. Joseph grew up without his birth mom because Rachel died in Genesis 35. He had multiple stepmoms, 10 older brothers, and a dad who seemed to be disconnected from...
info_outline 1/17 Genesis 25-28 - The Birthright that MattersKey Chapters of the Bible
The story of Jacob is well-known to students of the Bible. What may not be as well known is why God would bless a man whose character, at first, was so clearly out of sorts with godliness. Today we'll learn about the path the Lord used to bring Jacob to a place of faith, trust and obedience. Join us in this face-paced look at Genesis 28, which also will skim Genesis 25, 26, & 27! DISCUSSION AND STUDY QUESTIONS: Genesis 28 1. When was there a time in your life where you consciously made a life decision in light of your standing as a member of God’s people? What was the...
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Genesis 19 is one of the most well-known and most unsettling passages in the entire Bible. Yet this is a key chapter with a key message that we need to understand. So, today in our study of God's Word, we'll look at God's judgment upon Sodom and Gomorrah and how it is a message of warning for judgment on sin, but also a message of hope and salvation. Please join us as we continue our journey together through God's Word. DISCUSSION AND STUDY QUESTIONS: 1. Genesis 19 records God’s judgment on Sodom and Gomorrah. In Genesis 18:20ff, how does the Lord describe the sins of...
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Circumcision is an uncomfortable Bible topic that we truly need to know and understand...perhaps not the specifics but we do need to understand the profound reason for it. When we don't understand the spiritual principles that are interwoven into this ancient ritual, we'll miss how it truly demonstrates a parent's faith in God's covenant, even as they gave their son a constant reminder to be in covenant with God himself. Join us! DISCUSSION AND STUDY QUESTIONS: 1. Read through Genesis 17 and circle every occurrence of the word “you.” What does this tell us about whose faith is...
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As we continue to understand more about the message of God; we see that Abraham was called by God to establish a new nation that was to be unlike the world. Today, we see that this New Nation is also to have a relationship with God, that is unlike the world. Join us as we look at this important, but challenging topic! DISCUSSION AND STUDY QUESTIONS: 1. Genesis 14 is a key chapter because of what it tells us about Melchizedek. However, Melchizedek does not arrive on the scene until verse 17. What events led up to his introduction? 2. Who were the two kings mentioned in...
info_outlineLife doesn't always go the way we want; and today as we begin to look at Joseph's life, we'll see that indeed, things didn't start out the way Joseph would have wanted either; but God had sovereign plans for Joseph's life and He was going to use Joseph to save His people. We may not always understand why God is doing what He does; but we know He has good and wise reasons. Join us!
Genesis 37 1. Joseph grew up without his birth mom because Rachel died in Genesis 35. He had multiple stepmoms, 10 older brothers, and a dad who seemed to be disconnected from the dynamics of his own family. What kind of environment was this for growing up in? What was Joseph’s relationship like with all these people?
2. The study explained Joseph’s robe signified his dignity over his brothers. What kind of animosity did this favoritism produce between Joseph and his brothers? How did the Lord use this division to bring about His will? Has God ever used something seemingly insignificant in your life to change the path you were on?
3. What were the dreams Joseph had and what did they signify? What reaction did this produce between Joseph and his brothers?
4. Although Joseph could have handled his family situation with more delicacy, he was not wrong in telling his brothers about these dreams. Has there been a time when you learned a spiritual principle, but when you told others, they reacted poorly? What can we learn from this?
5. Joseph’s brothers sinned against Joseph, yet we know from Genesis 50:20, that this was part of God’s plan. What does this tell us about God’s sovereign will? Why does God sometimes use sin and sinners to accomplish His purposes?
6. In verse 21, Reuben convinced his brothers not to kill Joseph. How did that decision change history for the children of Israel?
7. Even though Joseph was going through such hardship, he was exactly in God’s will. Does God promise us a life of ease if we are faithful to Him? How is Joseph’s life a reminder for us to trust the Lord no matter what He brings into our lives?
8. The study summarized Joseph’s life from Genesis 37 to 44. How did Joseph respond amid life’s troubles? Where did this strength come from?
9. No doubt, when Joseph was facing the challenges of Genesis 37-44, his life had not worked out the way he had hoped. Ultimately, why did God allow him to go through these sufferings (see also Genesis 45:7, 50:20)? What kind of hope does this give us when we face difficulties in our own life?
10. Thirteen chapters are dedicated to the life of Joseph, with a total content exceeding the content of Abraham’s life by 25 percent. One reason for this might be to help us see the similarities between the life of Joseph and Jesus. How are both of their lives similar? Or to use theological terms, how is Joseph's life a “type” of Jesus? (A type is a theological term referring to something in the Old Testament that foreshadows Jesus).
Check out our Bible Study Guide on the Key Chapters of Genesis! Available on Amazon!
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Special thanks to Joseph McDade for providing our theme music.