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1/20 Genesis 49* - A Blueprint for a Nation

Key Chapters of the Bible

Release Date: 01/20/2025

2/8 Exodus 32* - Worshipping A False God show art 2/8 Exodus 32* - Worshipping A False God

Key Chapters of the Bible

It's common for us to hear people say things like, "Well, MY God isn't like that!" and what they mean is that they don't like the God of the Bible, and have tried to imagine God being more the way they'd like. That's dangerous and today we'll see it's also not new. So, join us in our study of Exodus 32 as we continue to dig into the powerful and relevant truths of God's Word. DISCUSSION AND STUDY QUESTIONS: 1.    If a person hears the Bible’s teaching about God, and says something like, “Oh, my god isn’t like that!” How might that be an indication that that person is...

2/7 Exodus 30* - Ransomed by God! show art 2/7 Exodus 30* - Ransomed by God!

Key Chapters of the Bible

Being "ransomed by the Lord" is a key truth we need to know and understand. Likewise, we need to understand why we need to be gathering with God's people in prayer. For that matter, we need to have a handle on everything in Exodus 30, so join us in another study in the Key Chapters of the Bible!   DISCUSSION AND STUDY QUESTIONS: 1.    Quick review… what was the dimensions of the Tabernacle? How many rooms did it have? What were the rooms called?  2.    If you walked into the Tabernacle, you’d see three pieces of furniture. To the left was the golden lamp that...

2/6 Exodus 29 - Consecration to the Lord show art 2/6 Exodus 29 - Consecration to the Lord

Key Chapters of the Bible

Exodus 29 may not make it to many people's list of "Favorite Chapters" and yet it's a key chapter because it covers the important biblical principle of consecration to the Lord. It also brings us several offerings that we see throughout the rest of God's Word. So, join us  in another study as we go through God's Word one key chapter at a time.   DISCUSSION AND STUDY QUESTIONS: 1.    In the podcast, what definition (or principle) was given for the idea “consecration” in the book of Exodus? How does the definition of “consecration” help us understand what it means...

2/5 Exodus 27 & 28* - Our Attitude Before God show art 2/5 Exodus 27 & 28* - Our Attitude Before God

Key Chapters of the Bible

As we've been studying the Tabernacle, we're seeing just how amazing this was and how it pointed to our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ. Today, in our study of Exodus 27 & 28, we'll even see how these details show us the kind of attitude we should have when we approach our Lord. So, join us in another rich study in God's Word! DISCUSSION AND STUDY QUESTIONS: 1.    What was the size of the Tabernacle complex that is given in verses 11 & 12? This is smaller than a football field. Are you surprised by this? 2.    According to verse 1, what was the first thing you’d come...

2/4 Exodus 26 - A Place and A People that Honor the Lord show art 2/4 Exodus 26 - A Place and A People that Honor the Lord

Key Chapters of the Bible

As we continue in our study of the Tabernacle, today in Exodus 26, we find that the details of this passage are not that daunting, in fact, they're even inspiring as we see that the Lord seeks our simple worship and fellowship; rather than some grand, complex form of worship. Join us as we talk about a place and a people that honor the Lord.  DISCUSSION AND STUDY QUESTIONS: 1.    What were the dimensions of the Tabernacle? What are some things that the podcast compared these dimensions too? What does this tell us about what should be the focus of worship? If we need a beautiful...

2/3 Exodus 25* - The Ark in the Tabernacle show art 2/3 Exodus 25* - The Ark in the Tabernacle

Key Chapters of the Bible

Thanks to the movie, The Raiders of the Lost Ark, most people have heard of the Ark of the Covenant, and yet do we understand its central role in Old Testament worship? Today, we'll unpack Exodus 25 teachings on the tabernacle and the ark, the showbread and the lampstand. Join us for this important study on these important topics!   DISCUSSION AND STUDY QUESTIONS: 1.    Verse 9 contains the first time the term “tabernacle” is used. When not being used of the official tabernacle, how also could this word be used? What did the podcast explain is the idea behind the term...

2/2 Exodus 24* - Entering Covenant with the Lord show art 2/2 Exodus 24* - Entering Covenant with the Lord

Key Chapters of the Bible

Sometimes crucial passages seem more like walking on the moon, than familiar territory. Exodus 24 is one of those chapters. We might be tempted to breeze through this passage... and yet, today we're going to see that it actually is incredibly important to our understanding of the crucial principle of what it means to be sprinkled with the blood of the covenant... which ultimately will help us understand how Christ's blood sprinkles us today.  DISCUSSION AND STUDY QUESTIONS: 1.    The podcast explained that this section of scripture in Exodus 19 to 24 is a key aspect of...

2/1 Exodus 20* - The 2/1 Exodus 20* - The "Why" Behind the Ten Commandments

Key Chapters of the Bible

The Ten Commandments are pretty well known, but what is less known is why God has given them and today, in our study in Exodus 20, we're going to look at this extremely important passage, in its overall context to understand why God gave the Ten Commandments and how they still point to our purpose as His people today. Join us!  DISCUSSION AND STUDY QUESTIONS: 1.    The podcast opened with an explanation of how the 10 Commandments came to the Jews in a form of a covenant that is laid out in Exodus 19 to 24. What was the agreement that the Jews were making with God in this larger...

1/31 Exodus 16 - Complaining About God's Blessings show art 1/31 Exodus 16 - Complaining About God's Blessings

Key Chapters of the Bible

God has all kinds of reasons for why He gives us what He does but we may not always understand what He's given us or why. Today, we're going to look at Exodus 16, when the Lord gives His people quail, manna and the Sabbath and yet they still complained! Today, we'll look into these blessings of God how to rejoice in all that God gives to us. Join us! DISCUSSION AND STUDY QUESTIONS: 1.    As we turn to Exodus 16, the events of this passage took place in the Valley of Sin. What this “sin” like in “Sin City” or did the term “sin” speak to something else?  2.  ...

1/30 Exodus 14 - When There's No Way Forward show art 1/30 Exodus 14 - When There's No Way Forward

Key Chapters of the Bible

Most people come to a place in life where they don't know the way forward. Today's study in Exodus 14 will give some insights about how to proceed. Today we're going to study the account of the Red Sea Crossing. This is one of the most famous records in the Bible, and for good reason. Not only is this miracle awesome in its power, but it's inspirational in its meaning. Join us! DISCUSSION AND STUDY QUESTIONS: 1.    Think about the past several chapters we have studied. What events have led up to Exodus 14? What do you think the emotional state would have been for these people? How...

More Episodes

Genesis 49 is one of those Key Chapters that we might normally overlook; and yet this passage actually gives us several critical prophecies regarding the future of Israel, the nature of the kingdom and her King. So rather than being a chapter we should overlook, instead, this is one that we should dive into. Join us! 


Genesis 49 1.    The study opens with how the book of Genesis is ultimately about the “genesis” of this new nation, dedicated to God. As we close out our study in the book of Genesis, we have seen the Lord use very imperfect people. What does this show us about how God can use imperfect people today? How has God used you, even in your imperfections, to further His kingdom?
2.    In verse 2, the Lord refers to Jacob as “Israel.” The name “Israel” means “contends/struggles with God.” God gave Jacob this name back in Genesis 32. What is the significance of Jacob referring to himself as “Israel” in this passage?
3.    Although Reuben had moments of strength and dignity, he also had episodes of serious weakness. According to the study, what were some long-term consequences of his moral failures? Along those lines, according to 1st Chronicles 5:1, who was Reuben’s birthright given to? Why? 
4.    Simeon and Levi also suffered long-term consequences for their sins committed back in Genesis 34 when they defended their sister’s honor by killing all the men of Shechem. Later on, what were the land allocations for the tribes of Simeon and Levi? What did this suggest as to why their sin would cause them to lose their land promise among the sons of Israel?
5.    Why was it so surprising that Judah would receive such a prophecy in Genesis 49:8-12? How was this prophecy later fulfilled in passages such as Judges 1:2 and later in the kings, and ultimately in the life of Jesus?
6.    The prophecy about Judah in Genesis 49:8-12 is the last of the three great prophecies of the Messiah. The other two are Genesis 3:15 and 22:18. What did these other prophecies foretell about the Messiah? 
7.    The study concluded by saying that these prophecies in Genesis 49 form a blueprint for the nation of Israel. From reading these prophecies, how would you characterize what this nation was to look like? 
8.    The nation prophesied in this passage would one day come to an earthly end and give way to the nation of the Messiah. In what ways will the Messianic kingdom be different from the kingdom that Jacob outlines here? 
9.    Genesis 49 is a concluding chapter to the Book of Genesis. In many ways, it is the climax and Genesis 50 is like an epilogue. In your own words, how would describe the events that have led from Genesis 1 to Genesis 49?

Check out our Bible Study Guide on the Key Chapters of Genesis! Available on Amazon!

To see our dedicated podcast website with access to all our episodes and other resources, visit us at: www.keychapters.org.

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Spotify: https://open.spotify.com/show/6OqbnDRrfuyHRmkpUSyoHv

Itunes: https://podcasts.apple.com/us/podcast/366-key-chapters-in-the-bible/id1493571819

YouTube: Key Chapters of the Bible on YouTube.

As always, we are grateful to be included in the "Top 100 Bible Podcasts to Follow" from Feedspot.com.

Also for regularly being awarded "Podcast of the Day" from PlayerFM.

Special thanks to Joseph McDade for providing our theme music.