Celtic Myth Podshow
This is a huge show all about that magical seal-people of Celtic myth, the Sekies. You'll hear five fantastic pieces of music, two old stories, and one lovely modern story from the Faerytale Apothecary. It also includes some fascinating Selkie folklore from Morgan Daimler's New Dictionary of Fairies.
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The Saga of Branwen reaches its conclusion The Saga of Branwen reaches its conclusion in the company of the Head of Bran on the mystical island of Gwales. This time out of time is known as the Assembly of the Wondrous Head. This episode is the 12th and final episode of the Second Branch of the Mabinogi. Full Show-notes, with sources and credits, can be found on our main Website at Running Order: Intro 0:38 News and Views 1:05 Recap 2:47 Story 4:22 These Hollow Hills (Once More) - 15:20 We hope you enjoy it! Gary & Ruthie x x...
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Sorrow upon sorrow as the seven lonely knights return to Anglesey with their dying King...
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Efnissien comes to an important decision and war breaks out amongst the celebrants in the Great House. The war between the Irish and the Welsh takes on a drastic turn as the Irish use the mystic Cauldron of Regeneration to bolster their numbers.
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Matholwch offers to build Brân the Blessed a house large enough to house him and offers him loyalty in exchange for peace. As a Client King of Brân's, Brân would become the King of the Two Islands.
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King Brân gets some very disturbing news about Branwen and gathers the Host of Prydein to avenge the insults done to his sister. A long and bloody war ensues but will Branwen be rescued?
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Matholwch and Branwen set up home in Ireland and a son is born to them. After a while, the King hears whispers from his people and Branwen suffers a terrible fate.
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Matholwch accepts the honour price that Bran offers him but Bran soon realises that the Irish King is still not truly happy. The Welsh King comes up with an honour price higher than any ever paid before to ease the heart of the Irish King.
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Nissien and Efnissien arrive home from Rome and Efnissien discovers that the marriage between Branwen and the Irish King Matholwch has been arranged without his knowledge or presence. He feels he has suffered a great insult and exacts a most horrific revenge.
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Is Matholwch going to be the right husband for Branwen? Will Bran and Matholwch agree on a policy of mutual aid should either the Kingdom of Erin or the Island of the Mighty be invaded? And if they do, will Branwen be happy and what exactly will be the Price of Peace.
info_outlineHallowe'en traditions though the years
In this Hallowe'en or Samhain Holiday Special we bring you two fascinating accounts of Samhain traditions: one modern and one Victorian, and an amazing story by a talented story-teller, Chris Joliffe - and we hope to be hearing more from Chris in the future - and 5 of the best pieces of music we reckon you'll hear for this year's Samhain! This one's a corker!
Full Show-notes, with all credits, can be found on our main Website at http://celticmythpodshow.com/halloween2011
Running Order:
- Intro 0:41
- News & Views 1:32
- The Cauldron Born by Damh the Bard 2:40
- Samhain: Lowering the Veil by Jennifer Emick 9:58
- Realm of the Free by Cindy Spear & Colin Mold 22:33
- Visions and Beliefs in the West of Ireland by Lady Gregory 28:06
- She is Crone by Kellianna 43:40
- Forget Me Not by Chris Joliffe 47:58
- The Cheshire Souling Song by Kate & Corwen 41:10
- Competition Winner 57:05
- Samhain Story by Chris Joliffe 58:26
- The Shores of Wales by Kray Van Kirk 1:09:09
- Outtakes 1:16:53
We hope you enjoy it!
Gary & Ruthie x x x
Released: 19 Nov 2011, 1h 19m
It's always great to hear from you! Email [email protected], or leave us a message using Speakpipe
The Cauldron Born
by Damh the Bard
We can do no better than start our show with Damh singing us in with his song about the Goddess that stirs the cauldron of Awen or inspiration. She is central to the story of Taliesin - possibly the greatest bard - and Damh's song reminds us that in search for inspiration we are all "the Cauldron Born".
You can find out more about Damh on his website at Pagan Music or on our Contributor Page.
Samhain: the Lowering of the Veil
by Jennifer Emick
Often controversial, Jennifer Emick has kindly written a fascinating piece about Samhain traditions for us. Jennifer Emick is an artist, writer, and religious educator. She has promoted religious understanding in the internet community for over a decade. She is the About.com Guide to Alternative Religions, the most popular source for Celtic spiritual symbolism on the internet. Ms. Emick lives in the San Francisco Bay area.
She is also the Author of The Everything Celtic Wisdom Book which you can find on Amazon which looks at Irish, Scottish, and Welsh traditions. See her Contributor Page for more details.
Realm of the Free
by Cindy Spear & Colin Mold
Cindy has written another amazing poem that has been set to music by Colin Mold called "The Realm of the Free". To find out more about Cindy Spear go to her website or visit her Contributor Page.

Colin is a talented musician who not only plays the band Karnataka in the UK, performs as a session musician and has two solo albums to his name.
His latest project is a forth-coming album, Girl On the Castle Steps, on which will you will also hear this track as well as another one with lyrics written by Cindy called Green and Gold.
Find out more about Colin on his website or on his Contributor Page.
Visions and Beliefs in the West of Ireland
By Lady Augusta Gregory
Isabella Augusta, Lady Gregory (15 March 1852 – 22 May 1932), born Isabella Augusta Persse, was an Irish dramatist and folklorist. With William Butler Yeats and Edward Martyn, she co-founded the Irish Literary Theatre and the Abbey Theatre, and wrote numerous short works for both companies. Lady Gregory produced a number of books of retellings of stories taken from Irish mythology. Born into a class that identified closely with British rule, her conversion to cultural nationalism, as evidenced by her writings, was emblematic of many of the political struggles to occur in Ireland during her lifetime. Lady Gregory is mainly remembered for her work behind the Irish Literary Revival. [Wiki]
She said:
"The Sidhe cannot make themselves visible to all. They are shape-changers; they can grow small or grow large, they can take what shape they choose; they appear as men or women wearing clothes of many colours, of today or of some old forgotten fashion, or they are seen as bird or beast, or as a barrel or a flock of wool. ..... There are two races among the Sidhe. One is tall and handsome, gay, and given to jesting and to playing pranks, leading us astray in the fields, giving gold that turns to withered leaves or to dust. These ride on horses through the night-time in large companies and troops, or ride in coaches, laughing and decked with flowers and fine clothes. The people of the other race are small, malicious, wide-bellied, carrying before them a bag. When a man or woman is about to die, a woman of the Sidhe will sometimes cry for a warning, keening and making lamentation. At the hour of death fighting may be heard in the air or about the house-that is, when the man in danger has friends among the shadows, who are fighting on his behalf. ....
This is the news I have been given of the people of the Sidhe by many who have seen them and some who have known their power.
The full text can be found on Sacred Texts at Sacred Texts.
She is Crone
by Kellianna
Kellianna is an American pagan artist internationally performing song and chant inspired by myth, magic, sacred places and ancient times. With guitar and vocals she brings to life the stories and sagas of the Gods and Goddesses. With frame drum and chant she honors the Earth and the Ancestors via primal drumming and powerful vocals.
This track, the incredibly powerful summoning of the Crone, is from her latest album "Elemental" - well worth checking out. You can find out more about this enchantress on her website or on our Contributor Page.
Samhain Story & Forget Me Not
by Chris Joliffe
Astoundingly, Chris is an undiscovered talent - that is, until now! This amazing bard has given us permission to use some of his amazing stories and poems in the show and we're sure that you'll love them just as much as we do.
In this show, you can hears his short poem Forget Me Not and his mythically-rich story, Samhain Story. We hope to bring you much more of Chris in the future and in the meantime check out his Contributor Page to find out a little more about him.
The Cheshire Souling Song
by Kate Fkletcher & Corwen Broch
You can find out more about Kate & Corwen on their website at Ancient Music.co.uk or on their Contributor Page.
The Shores of Wales
by Kray Van Kirk
About this track, The Shores of Wales, he says: "Every time I play this, someone comes up to me almost frantic to hear what finally happened in the story. I don't think there's a real answer- the beach is empty, the horse is alone, and William rides still. I do like the Faerie King, though- although he is careless of William's fate and casually cruel, he also lays his own soul on the line when challenged."
Find out more about Kray on his website or his Contributor Page.
Competition Winner
We announce the winner of our competition set in the Chatterbox Show SP24 and wish you all the best of the season and a very Happy New Year!
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Special Thanks
Psicodreamics for Spirit of Nature and Earth Prayer from the album Ancient Wisdom. See his website for further details of check out his Contributor Page.
Green Druid for the enthralling lay, Celta. See his Contributor Page for more details.
Adragante, for his track Chanson a la Marie from his album, Harmonie Cosmique. Check out his Contributor Page for more details.
Grégoire Lourme, for 1DSENS - Musee virtuel - Evasion from his album Shorts Works. See his Contributor Page for more details.
For our Theme Music:
The Skylark and Haghole, the brilliant Culann's Hounds. See their Contributor page for details.
Extra Special Thanks for Unrestricted Access to Wonderful Music
(in Alphabetic order)
Anne Roos Extra Special thanks go for permission to use any of her masterful music to Anne Roos. You can find out more about Anne on her website or on her Contributor page.
Caera Extra Special thanks go for permission to any of her evocative harping and Gaelic singing to Caera. You can find out more about Caera on her website or on her Contributor Page.
Celia Extra Special Thanks go for permission to use any of her wonderful music to Celia Farran. You can find out more about Celia on her website or on her Contributor Page.
Damh the Bard Extra Special thanks go to Damh the Bard for his permission to use any of his music on the Show. You can find out more about Damh (Dave) on his website or on his Contributor page.
The Dolmen Extra Special thanks also go to The Dolmen, for their permission to use any of their fantastic Celtic Folk/Rock music on the Show. You can find out more about The Dolmen on their website or on our Contributor page.
Keltoria Extra Special thanks go for permission to use any of their inspired music to Keltoria. You can find out more about Keltoria on their website or on their Contributor page.
Kevin Skinner Extra Special thanks go for permission to use any of his superb music to Kevin Skinner. You can find out more about Kevin on his website or on his Contributor page.
Phil Thornton Extra Special Thanks go for permission to use any of his astounding ambient music to the Sonic Sorcerer himself, Phil Thornton. You can find out more about Phil on his website or on his Contributor Page.
S.J. Tucker Extra Special thanks go to Sooj for her permission to use any of her superb music. You can find out more about Sooj on her website or on her Contributor page.
Spiral Dance Extra Special thanks go for permission to use Adrienne and the band to use any of their music in the show. You can find out more about Spiral Dance on their website or on their Contributor page.
We'd like to wish you 'Hwyl fawr!', which is Welsh for Goodbye and have fun, or more literally Wishing a Good Mood on you!