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086 Mark Divine: Creating The Unbeatable Mind

Wellness + Wisdom with Josh Trent

Release Date: 11/28/2016

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Wellness + Wisdom with Josh Trent

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More Episodes
What does a 20 year Navy Seal Veteran, successful entrepreneur, coach, author, and sought after professional speaker do to cultivate an unbeatable mind?
On episode 086 for Wellness Force Radio we’re learning and growing from the founder of SEALFIT, and the Unbeatable Mind Academy, Commander Mark Divine. Get ready to be inspired from a truly legendary man who just happens to run his business right in Josh's hometown, Encinitas, California.
"The nature of the mammalian mind is to constantly scan for threats and be poised to react to them. Is it any wonder that our minds feel a constant tug toward negativity?" - Mark Divine, from his book "Unbeatable Mind" 

Unbeatable Reeve WOD Challenge


Be part of the team effort involved in supporting the Christopher and Dana Reeve foundation.

There are 5.4 million Americans living with some form of paralysis. You can make a difference for these individuals by signing up for the Reeve WOD challenge today.

Over $30,000 in prizes will be available to top fundraisers and top teams, and you can participate as an individual, or get your gym involved as a team.

This event is powered by www.SEALFIT.com, Unbeatable Mind, and your generosity in contributions to the Christopher & Dana Reeve Foundation.


Creating The Unbeatable Mind

Listen the the podcast above as Mark uncovers the steps on how to create an Unbeatable Mind:
  • How to live life with your heart and your sword
  • How to change your self narrative
  • How to feed the courage wolf and starve the fear wolf
  • Quieting the monkey mind
  • How to create your personal ethos, including what your passion, purpose, and principles show about the direction and targets that are ahead, as well as learn about his five mountains of mastery
  • Why the physical mountain leads to all others
  • How to avoid "Weapons of Mass Distractions” mentioned before on WFR by Dr. Gay & Katie Hendricks
  • How his Kokoro and 20X physical challenges help to purify the mind
  • How Gratitude can rewire your nueroplasticity in the brain 
  • Why Mark's Box Breathing training is one of his top tools for self-mastery
"The grueling intensity of this event brought me peace. It gave me a place to go within myself that I can be calm. This was unexpected. There are no obstacles that could EVER stand in my way again: physical, mental, emotional, intuitional. I'm able to handle ANYTHING! I'm forever changed & grateful. HOOYAH 32! CMDR Divine, Thank you for being my mentor, my coach, my leader, my friend.” - Danielle Gordon, Health & Wellness Professional, Kokoro 32 Graduate

Mark's Five Mountains of Self-Mastery

  • Physical
  • Mental
  • Emotional (men tend to ignore this mountain)
  • Intuitional
  • Spiritual


"The warrior is committed to two things: one is self-mastery and the other is  service. We can't go serve if we don't work on ourselves every day towards mastery." - Mark Divine on Wellness Force Radio 


7 Authentic Answers From Mark Divine

Listen to the podcast to hear Mark's authentic answers:

  1. How has your personal mediation practice changed as your business and life responsibilities have grown?
  2. What is one thing we can do every morning to create an Unbeatable Mind?
  3. What makes you laugh out laugh, what cracks you up?
  4. What do you think holds coaches, trainers, and health practitioners back from using more Emotional intelligence and mental training in their practices?
  5. You recently interviewed Daniel Schmachtenberger from Neurohacker Collective on the Unbeatable Mind Podcast. What do you think is the most powerful mindset for Americans to have as we step into the next 5 years of exponential growth in technology?
  6. With your decades of training and cultivating mental toughness, does anything out there or any existential issue cause you fear, and how do you dance with that?
  7. What is wellness to you, how do you define wellness?

About Mark Divine

Mark Divine is a highly sought after speaker, coach, and multiple published author of many best-selling books, including 8 Weeks To SEALFIT, The Way of The SEAL, Kokoro Yoga, and Unbeatable Mind, which is soon to have its fourth edition.
He is the creator and developer of cutting edge training programs for warriors athletes and professionals. These innovative programs include the integrated functional fitness program SEALFIT, the life acceleration program Unbeatable Mind, and the integrated yoga system, Warrior Yoga.
SEALFIT has helped thousands transform their lives, both online and on-site in Encinitas, California Mark is a highly sought after speaker, coach, author and makes frequent media appearances to discuss SEALFIT and Unbeatable Mind.
The mission at SEALFIT is to develop mental toughness and promote spiritual growth in their clients – changing their lives and the lives of those they touch in the process.

Unbeatable Mind Podcast With Mark Divine

Retired Navy SEAL Commander Mark Divine and his SEALFIT Coaching team take on guests with subject matters that follow along with Mark’s 5 mountain training path of developing your Mental, Physical, Emotional, Intuitive, and Kokoro (Heart) self. Recently listed as the #1 Health Podcast and #30 overall in iTunes.

Links From Today's Show


Wellness Force Radio Episode 086

Listen as Josh tells the story of how he first came across Mark’s work in 2013 at the UCSD CALIT2 Center for an early screening of the quantified self and digital health technology film "Personal Gold”  which eventually inspired him to launch this podcast and explore the powerful intersection between between behavior change, wellness, and technology. In the film, Mark was a key advisor on leadership to one of the first guests on Wellness Force Radio back in 2015, olympians Sky Christopherson and Tamara Jenkins.

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Aloha! Josh here. Listen, I deeply value your thoughts, now let your voice be heard. I live to serve the Wellness Force even better based on your words, feedback, and requests. (including how these episodes can allow you to break bad habits)


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