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How to Take a Righteous Photograph

David Boles: Human Meme

Release Date: 01/03/2017

Prometheus and His Myth: Fire, Knowledge, and the Price of Defiance show art Prometheus and His Myth: Fire, Knowledge, and the Price of Defiance

David Boles: Human Meme

The myth of Prometheus, the fire giver, is a rich and layered tale that has traversed cultures, ideas, and interpretations for centuries. At its core, the story is one of defiance, suffering, and enlightenment. Prometheus is a Titan in Greek mythology, whose name means "forethought," and he is best known for his daring theft of fire from the gods to give to humanity—a gift that symbolizes knowledge, technology, and civilization. But beneath this act of rebellion lies a story of suffering and sacrifice, a warning about the boundaries between human ambition and divine will, and a reflection...

Factitious Disorder: Navigating Complexities of Illness and Identity show art Factitious Disorder: Navigating Complexities of Illness and Identity

David Boles: Human Meme

Factitious Disorder, often complex and deeply misunderstood, involves individuals deliberately fabricating, exaggerating, or inducing physical or psychological symptoms to assume the role of a sick person. This disorder is distinct from mere malingering, where an individual feigns illness for personal gain such as financial compensation or avoidance of responsibilities. In Factitious Disorder, the primary motivation is to acquire the identity of a patient, receiving attention and care in a medical setting.

Jean-Paul Sartre's Insights on Anti-Semitism: Understanding Prejudice and Shaping Our Future show art Jean-Paul Sartre's Insights on Anti-Semitism: Understanding Prejudice and Shaping Our Future

David Boles: Human Meme

Sartre's reflections on prejudice reveal not just the mechanics of anti-Semitism but the broader patterns of hate and bad faith argumentation that persist through time. We’ll explore how these dynamics might evolve over the next 50 to 100 years, anticipating new forms of prejudice that could arise as our world changes. From technophobia and xenophobia to potential discrimination against genetically modified humans or off-world colonists, the targets of hate may shift, but the underlying tactics and impacts remain.

Confronting Denialism: Debunking Moon Landing Myths and Historical Revisionism show art Confronting Denialism: Debunking Moon Landing Myths and Historical Revisionism

David Boles: Human Meme

The roots of the moon landing conspiracy theories trace back to a fundamental distrust in government. This sentiment was particularly inflamed during the 1960s and 70s, amidst the chilling winds of the Cold War and the fiery protests against the Vietnam War. The United States was a nation divided, its citizens wrestling with political disillusionment. In such an environment, the narrative that the moon landing could be a grand deception orchestrated by the U.S. government to assert dominance in the space race against the Soviet Union found fertile ground.

I Sing To Be Lonely, I Share to Be Free show art I Sing To Be Lonely, I Share to Be Free

David Boles: Human Meme

The thick, humid air of Mississippi hung heavy on Alana's shoulders, mirroring the weight of her sorrows. The cicadas' chorus, a constant reminder of the stifling heat, seemed to echo the loneliness that had settled deep within her. In her small, clapboard house, she often sought escape in the worn-out grooves of her grandfather's vinyl records. The raw, soulful voices of Bessie Smith, Mahalia Jackson, and Robert Johnson poured from the old turntable, weaving tales of heartache, resilience, and spiritual redemption.

Boles Brits: History and the Mystique of Blue and Lilac British Shorthair Cats show art Boles Brits: History and the Mystique of Blue and Lilac British Shorthair Cats

David Boles: Human Meme

The British Shorthair is a breed steeped in history, defined by a calm dignity that’s as much a part of its character as its iconic round face and plush coat. From its humble origins as a Roman ratter to its modern status as a beloved family companion, this cat has evolved through centuries of selective breeding, weathering wars and fashion trends to emerge as a timeless symbol of British resilience.

Fixed Delusions: Unveiling the Impact of Persistent Beliefs in Modern Culture show art Fixed Delusions: Unveiling the Impact of Persistent Beliefs in Modern Culture

David Boles: Human Meme

Fixed delusions are a type of psychological disorder where a person holds unshakeable beliefs in something that is clearly untrue or illogical. These aren't just occasional misunderstandings or mistaken beliefs; these are convictions that remain firm even when confronted with conflicting evidence. Unlike broader delusions often associated with psychotic disorders such as schizophrenia, fixed delusions can occur in individuals who might otherwise appear completely functional in everyday life.

Future of Space: From Inflationary Universe to Mars Colonies and Beyond show art Future of Space: From Inflationary Universe to Mars Colonies and Beyond

David Boles: Human Meme

The Inflationary Universe Theory proposes that the universe underwent an exponential expansion in the first fraction of a second after the Big Bang. This rapid inflation stretched space-time itself, smoothing out any irregularities and setting the stage for the universe as we know it today. This theory was first put forward by physicist Alan Guth in 1980, and it has since become a cornerstone of modern cosmology.

Mysteries in the Mist: The Cultural and Environmental Significance of Cryptids show art Mysteries in the Mist: The Cultural and Environmental Significance of Cryptids

David Boles: Human Meme

What exactly are cryptids? The term itself comes from the Greek 'krypto' meaning hidden. So, cryptids are the hidden animals, not yet cataloged by conventional science. These are creatures reported to exist based on anecdotal evidence, eyewitness accounts, and sometimes even grainy photographs, but they remain unconfirmed by modern science. They range from the Loch Ness Monster in Scotland to Bigfoot in the forests of North America, from the Yeti of the Himalayas to the Chupacabra of Latin America.

Unveiling the Genius Criminal Mind: From Historical Atrocities to Modern-Day Solutions show art Unveiling the Genius Criminal Mind: From Historical Atrocities to Modern-Day Solutions

David Boles: Human Meme

The genius criminal mind, a phenomenon that marries extraordinary intelligence with malevolent intent, has long captivated our collective imagination and incited deep-seated fears. From historical tyrants orchestrating mass atrocities to modern-day masterminds manipulating complex systems for personal gain, the intersection of brilliance and criminality raises immediate questions about human nature, morality, and the potential for intervention.

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