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852 My Strength is My Story with Kristine Sperling, Makes 3 Organics

Create Your Now with Kristianne Wargo

Release Date: 05/11/2017

3426 This Is Not A Good Day To Start A New Addiction show art 3426 This Is Not A Good Day To Start A New Addiction

Create Your Now with Kristianne Wargo

Who thought habits were tough to break? Imagine, though, how quickly you create another habit, good or bad, when it comes to healthy living. This is not a good day to start a new addiction. When you make the commitment to change the way you live, it takes work.  Desire to be supported and encouraged by other like-minded women? Join us at .   You've probably experienced trying to lose weight, change the food you eat, exercise more frequently, or even go to bed early. And within those goals, you had to make some changes that weren't working for you before.  But just as you make...

3425 Align Your Attitude show art 3425 Align Your Attitude

Create Your Now with Kristianne Wargo

What you want out of your day starts with your attitude. Indeed, our attitude has the power to shape our experiences and influence how we navigate through life's ups and downs. It all begins with a choice: align your attitude. Choose to approach each day with positivity, resilience, and an open heart. Desire to be supported and encouraged by other like-minded women? Join us at .   "Your attitude determines your direction." ~ Kristianne Wargo Whether faced with challenges or opportunities, your attitude serves as the compass guiding your actions and responses. The motivational speaker,...

3424 Rediscover Your Radiance show art 3424 Rediscover Your Radiance

Create Your Now with Kristianne Wargo

No one wakes up thinking everything will go their way. However, you can wake up with hope, knowing today is a new day for new discoveries; rediscover your radiance. When you rise to a new day, there are new mercies. Desire to be supported and encouraged by other like-minded women? Join us at .   You don't have to relive tomorrow. You have today, because you choose to be present. You have today, because you have what it takes. You have today, so why not let your light shine? You get to utilize your skills, gifts, and talents in a manner that serves you and your family well. Zig Ziglar...

3423 Collaborate God's Way show art 3423 Collaborate God's Way

Create Your Now with Kristianne Wargo

Have you ever stopped to think what it would be like to collaborate God's way? "For we are God’s handiwork, created in Christ Jesus to do good works, which God prepared in advance for us to do." ~ Ephesians 2:10 (NIV) Imagine not fighting what was designed for you specifically by God.  Desire to be supported and encouraged by other like-minded women? Join us at .   Imagine being pushed to finish God's way. Imagine growing in a manner that serves those you love well and serves God, too. Imagine not feeling guilty for what you are doing, because you are trusting...

3422 Win The Right Way show art 3422 Win The Right Way

Create Your Now with Kristianne Wargo

What if you could do away with wanting (or maybe needing) to win all the time? And then replace it with wanting to out-serve your spouse? Win the right way! How would that change your marriage for the better? Desire to be supported and encouraged by other like-minded women? Join us at .   You are better together. But in order to get there, you must be together. So, get to work on your marriage. Win the right way. The K.I.S.S. ~ Win the right way! 1. Do what you know your spouse needs. Don't wait until you're asked. 2. Gift your presence. 3. Focus on being better together. "Be...

3421 When You Wish The Day Were Over show art 3421 When You Wish The Day Were Over

Create Your Now with Kristianne Wargo

How often have you been exhausted, wishing the postscript to your day had already arrived? Sometimes, you can't explain, but anyone who has been a parent understands when you wish the day were over. What if you could have that secret wish to remove the label of "parent"?  Desire to be supported and encouraged by other like-minded women? Join us at .   Yes, at some point, all of us parents have wished to change our names. If only... But what do you do when you hit this wall? Know that all days end with a smile. The K.I.S.S. ~All days end with a smile! You got it! The day has ended,...

3420 Do Whatever It Takes show art 3420 Do Whatever It Takes

Create Your Now with Kristianne Wargo

How many times do our days get stepped on with destructive words and mannerisms, crushing any sparkle of hope? Even though you cannot control what happens around you, respond in a manner and do whatever it takes. When you have breath every morning, you have the gift of life to impact the world you touch. Desire to be supported and encouraged by other like-minded women? Join us at .   That world might be your kiddos, your spouse, your colleagues, your neighbors, a stranger in the grocery store. But unfortunately, we get stuck in what should have happened. "If only" are not the way to...

3419 Is There Such A Thing As Guilt-Free Eating? show art 3419 Is There Such A Thing As Guilt-Free Eating?

Create Your Now with Kristianne Wargo

Are you tired of feeling guilty whenever you reach for a tasty treat or indulge in your favorite comfort food? Imagine enjoying food without all the guilt. Or is there such a thing as guilt-free eating? What if you could enjoy food while still maintaining a healthy lifestyle? Maybe guilt-free eating is the answer – the secret to savoring every bite without compromising your well-being. Desire to be supported and encouraged by other like-minded women? Join us at .   Gone are the days of restrictive diets and constant calorie counting. Guilt-free eating is all about finding balance,...

3418 Anchor Your Stepping Stones show art 3418 Anchor Your Stepping Stones

Create Your Now with Kristianne Wargo

Failure is not the end; it is merely a stepping stone on the path to success. Every stumble, setback, and moment of defeat can serve as a valuable lesson that propels you forward. Anchor your stepping stones. In life, setbacks and failures can often shake us to our core, leaving us feeling lost and unsure of our next steps. Desire to be supported and encouraged by other like-minded women? Join us at .   Yet, during these moments of adversity, you have a unique opportunity to discover your inner strength and resilience. You've probably experienced failure, and maybe all too recently,...

3417 Don't Let Life's Score Get You Down show art 3417 Don't Let Life's Score Get You Down

Create Your Now with Kristianne Wargo

So much of our lives are built by other people's observations of how we are supposed to live our lives. Many people impress upon us what we can and cannot do. Don't let life's score get you down. However, that's exactly what we do. We surf our reels and discover how much we lack and what we need more of. We scroll through our Facebook feeds only to wish we were in a different position in life. Desire to be supported and encouraged by other like-minded women? Join us at .   How unfair is life? Or is it? Maybe it's simply our perspective on how we choose to show up in our lives. What if...

More Episodes

Kristine Sperling with Makes 3 Organics shares her story of how listening to her heart opened up a new adventure. As a finance attorney turned entrepreneur, you will be amazed by her passion and talents to help others.

Kristine Sperling: A wife of 10 years, a mother to a beautiful daughter, and a financial attorney of 12 years turned entrepreneur. She decided to retire from her corporate life, and embark on a journey that would broaden her horizons. With her daughter's development of asthma, eczema, food and environmental allergies, she found herself learning how to clean up and detox the household to give hope for better health. And then the spark was ignited!

"We just decided to create our own to solve the problem for our family."
~ Kristine Sperling

YOUR GIFT from Kristine: Promo code - Kristianne20%

WEBSITE: Makes 3 Organics

Enjoy the multitude of topics discussed including personal care, a typical day for success, and how organic products impact your life. You'll be inspired to look at your home in a unique manner and maybe even begin your on detox journey with organics.

  • Family
  • Family Plan
  • God first
  • Personal Health
  • Priorities
  • A typical day
  • Meditation & Prayer
  • Customers
  • The story of Makes 3 Organics
  • Health of her daughter
  • Detoxification
  • Environmental Working Group (EWG)
  • What are the products you use to start your day?
  • Eczema
  • Personal Care
  • EWG Verified 
  • FDA & Medical Claims
  • Natural ???
  • Natural flavors
  • Legislative Initiative
  • Be informed
  • Chemicals
  • Balance
  • The Everyone's Shopping List
  • What is organic?
  • Petroleum By-Product
  • USDA Regulations
  • GMO
  • GMO in Agriculture
  • Weeds
  • GMO-free
  • Aspirational yet affordable
  • Triggers
  • Intentional Action
  • Narrow toxins
  • Chemical Body Burden
  • Inflammatory Response
  • Food Allergies
  • Peanut Allergies
  • How does Makes 3 Organics stand out?
  • A cottage business
  • Behind the name

YOUR GIFT from Kristine: Promo code - Kristianne20%

WEBSITE: Makes 3 Organics

"It's organic for everyone." ~Kristine Sperling


Quotes and statements within the interview:

"Creating a life that we enjoy living."

"We put God first. We put ourselves second, our marriage third, our daughter fourth."

"Flows like a waterfall down into creating that happy life we're seeking to have."

"Especially for women, it's a challenge to think this way."

"My eyes pop open at about 5:15 am."

"We walk into our morning feeling energized to really be responsive to the variety of customers we have."

"He gave us a prescription for an EpiPen and also told us to detox our lives."

"Even in the natural food stores, there are products that claim that they're natural, but there are chemicals in there that we didn't know what they were."

"That is one of the fun ways we create our products."

"We have to help Him, help us."

"Our products are made in harmony, I believe, with our bodies."

"It really gives all of the assurance, I believe, that we all deserve."

"It's actually a side effect of our products that we didn't anticipate."

"What does is mean to be natural? What does it mean to be organic?"

"There is no meaning behind the word natural."

"We believe the consumer in order to make informal decisions needs to know exactly what's in these products."

"I don't think all chemical are the enemy!"

"When you disclose the ingredients on the labels, consumers have the ability to choose for themselves."

"For now, I make choices."

"Some of those petroleum by-products absolutely are essential to how our society functions, but we do not need to put them on our skin."

"And that's why the whole industry of GMO crops really exploded in the late 90's."

"The whole point of the GMO-free movement is to really reduce the amount of herbicides that are sprayed on crops that we end up eating or end up in the environment."

"It takes 5 years of not being exposed to the chemicals."

"We may carry genetic markers, but they don't all have to be expressed."

"Is this a product that's going to work with my body or is this a product that might be working against my body?"

"The challenging thing about toxicity is that you can't always identify the specific combination that is triggering a response."

"We are one of the first companies to provide that third party verification."

"I couldn't be doing this without him (husband)."

"Tuning into that (your heart) needs practice for most people."

"Keep on moving forward everyday and you have to see through that dream."

"It's ok to use the naysayers as motivation to succeed."


What strategy would you give someone who has a dream and desires to take his/her first step?

  • Do it sooner than later.
  • Don't wait.
  • Listen to your heart.
  • Find that quiet time.
  • Tune out those who say you can't do it.

What has your story gifted you?

  • The gift of myself
  • Shed a lot of me that wasn't serving me.

"The story has given me the gift of myself."

Resources mentioned in the episode:


"One step at a time leads to miles of greatness!"

Ready to see if coaching and a mentorship is for you? It's time you TAKE A.I.M. ~ Action Ignites Motivation. This is FREE for you. Stop trying to do it by yourself. Invest in YOU! You are worth the time!!!


ANNOUNCEMENT: Ready to shine your light and tell your story. Please click on MY STRENGTH IS MY STORY. Here you can submit yourself to appear on the podcast or make recommendations as who you would like to hear. This is going to be a beautiful series!


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Contact me at [email protected]

Read more from Kristianne, a contributor to The Huffington Post, MindBodyGreen, Thrive Global, Addicted2Success, and She Owns It.







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2. Create Your Now ~ Your Best Selfie can be heard on iHeart Radio

3. Create Your Now Archive 1 is LIVE! You can subscribe and listen to all the previous episodes here. http://bit.ly/CYNarchive1

4. Create Your Now Archive 2 is LIVE! You can subscribe and listen to all the previous episodes here. http://bit.ly/CYNarchive2

5. NEW Website! Go check it out and tell me what you think. http://www.createyournow.com

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Music by Mandisa - Overcomer



Cover Art by Jenny Hamson