Miss USA the Terrible Terrible Equalist - Polecat Cast 113
Release Date: 05/17/2017
honeybadgerradio's podcast
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Today's show we will be responding to some highlights from a video from the conservative commentator Brittany Sellner. Her video is entitled "Men Or Women: Who Is To Blame For The Gender Divide?" Where she attempts to bring a butt ton of nuance to an important but pretty simple question
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As always in the great society of woketopia, the law of the land is “rules for thee, but not for the woke elite.” And stalking and harassment are bad, M’kay? Unless, of course, a certain woke writer is mad at you. This week, HBR Talk will discuss how woke crybully media personalities use victim narratives to get out of accountability for their social aggression.
info_outlineMiss USA! Marvel cancels BLM book! Tanzanian Gem Mining? All this and more on the Polecat Cast!
Show notes:
A Woman Gets Yelled At For Saying She’s an Equalist… for the 129th Time
Polecat Cast – May 16th, 2017
Dear Honey Badgers… dear fans listening to our show… how many times have you heard this story before? A woman is asked if she considers herself a feminist and responds with some variation of “no, I’m an equalist/egalitarian.” Following this, legions of online slacktivists - without any capacity for self-reflection - criticize said woman for saying feminists are anti-men.
Yeah? So you’ve heard about this before? Let’s talk about it again for the 129th time. Kara McCullough, from D.C. was crowned the new Miss U.S.A. last Sunday. Now, to all the gentlemen in the audience… tell me if this doesn’t sound like your dream woman: 25, naturally curly black hair, nuclear scientist, a great body AND is capable of individual thought by saying she’s not a feminist?
I mean… SIGN ME UP. However, naturally… because she decided to make her thoughts on feminism known (plus her thoughts on why healthcare is, in her view, a privilege), every newspaper in America had to write about this terrible slight against her gender.
If you type in Kara McCullough’s name into Google you’ll find titles like the following:
SALON – Miss USA Kara McCullough thinks unemployed shouldn’t have health care
PEOPLE – Miss USA Kara McCullough sparks controversy for her stance on health care
CNN – Miss USA: Health care ‘a privilege,’ not a right
(Linda Stasi) NY Daily News – Brainiac Miss USA Kara McCullough says some really idiotic things
You get the point. Naturally, following all of this, Kara did a complete reversal on her health care stance the following day, saying that health care is actually a right. She seems to have stood firm on her equalist position. However, that hasn’t stopped the professionally offended from reminding her that if it weren’t for feminism, she wouldn’t be where she is right now.
Fellow Honey Badgers, should we remind these SJWs that if it weren’t for republicans, the slaves would have never been emancipated in America and that they should show some god damned respect?
The Crew is Through
By Mike J.
It seems that not even social justice warriors want to buy Marvel's "Black Panther & The Crew", which is set to cancelled after only two issues. The comic, which features popular black superheros such as Luke Cage, Storm, and Black Panther, tells a story set in a future Harlem where the police force has been replaced by private security contractor controlled robots that seem to mostly target blacks.
The aforementioned superheroes take the fight to the corrupt system while learning about prominent figures in the Civil Rights Movement. But as with other social justice themed comics, there just doesn't seem to market for them right now. Ta-Nehisi Coates, the comics creator, states the comic will finish it's current six issue run before ending for good with poor sales being cited as the reason.
This shouldn't come as a shock to anyone who has been following Marvel comics for the past few years. These stories with painfully forced diversity and social justice narratives just aren't profitable, a message echoed by Marvel’s Senior Vice President of sales, David Gabriel. Hopefully the rest of Marvel comics can figure this out as well, at least if they want to retain what remains of their core audience.
Sources: https://heatst.com/culture-wars/marvel-exec-claims-forced-diversity-female-led-comics-responsible-for-slump/ https://heatst.com/entertainment/marvel-cancels-ta-nehisi-coates-black-lives-matter-comic-due-to-poor-sales/
Woman acted as a man to get work - until she was accused of rape
by L Kemlo
A recent piece on BBC Magazine tells an amazing story of a Tanzanian women who made a fortune “acting like a man” until she was accused of rape.
Pili (“Pee-ly”) Hussein was one of 38 children (her father had six wives). She ran away from an abusive husband at 31 and went looking for work in a small mining town. Pili wanted in on the money being made mining for a rare, violet-blue gemstone called tanzanite. Unfortunately, women were not allowed in the mining site.
Pili transformed herself into “Uncle Hussein”. She told the BBC, "I acted like a gorilla, I could fight, my language was bad, I could carry a big knife like a Maasai. Nobody knew I was a woman because everything I was doing I was doing like a man."
After a year she struck it rich, uncovering two clusters of the gemstone. She bought new homes for her family, and eventually started her own mining company. One day a local woman reported she had been raped by miners. "When the police came, the men who did the rape said: 'This is the man who did it,' and I was taken to the police station," Pili says. At the police station she revealed her secret, asking the police to find a woman to physically examine her, to prove that she couldn't be responsible.
Her fellow miners were hard to convince, as was a future husband when most in the town were accustomed to regarding her as a man. "They didn't even believe the police when they said that I was a woman," she said. However, Pili did eventually succeed in finding a husband and started a family.
Today Pili owns a mining company with over 70 employees. The three female emloyees work as cooks, not miners, as Pili explains, “Some [women] wash the stones, some are brokers, some are cooking," she says, "but they're not going down in to the mines, it's not easy to get women to do what I did."
Source: http://www.bbc.com/news/magazine-39705424
Mass Effectively Shelved
By Mike J.
After a controversial debut and a very rocky first few weeks, "Mass Effect: Andromeda" can't seem to catch a break. Even after the initial round of patches, gamers still regularly report bugs and glitches, some even insisting that the game plays worse once patched.
All this negative press mixed with lackluster review scores and a low amount of physical copies sold has given EA much to think about in terms of the future of the series as well as the future of Andromeda's primary developers; BioWare Montreal. Despite EA management voicing support for the series and the studio behind it, Mass Effect as a series has been put on hold for the foreseeable future. This coupled with BioWare's new IP being pushed back until April of 2018 and the shift of BioWare employees over to EA Motive, presumably to work on the new Star Wars Battlefront title, spells out an uncertain future for the company.
With no major DLC or season pass planned for the game, those who remain at BioWare Montreal continue to work on future patches and multiplayer content for Andromeda or the as of yet named new IP planned for next year.
http://windowsreport.com/mass-effect-andromeda-patch-1-05-issues/https://www.reddit.com/r/MECoOp/comments/69j3yw/patch_105_combo_damage_table/http://www.eurogamer.net/articles/2017-03-27-mass-effect-andromeda-physical-launch-sales-down-on-me3 https://gamerant.com/mass-effect-andromeda-dlc-cancel/https://www.gamespot.com/articles/mass-effect-reportedly-on-hiatus-changes-made-at-b/1100-6449945/