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NL-Day217 Jeremiah 30-31; Proverbs 3:1-18; 1 Corinthians 10:1-11:1

Daily Bible Reading Phil Fields

Release Date: 08/05/2022

189: Buckling the Belt: Lesson 3 following the Spirit's lead show art 189: Buckling the Belt: Lesson 3 following the Spirit's lead

Daily Bible Reading Phil Fields

Recorded July 7, 2023 Buckling the Belt of Truth, lesson 3 THEME:  following the SPIRIT’s lead I will not read all the verse numbers, nor will I always cite which translation I am quoting from. If I don’t say which translation, it is either NLT or GNT. The complete information is found in the episode notes. One of the mistakes I made in trying to find victory over my evil desires was thinking that the spiritual reality of my death and resurrection with Christ was going to be the key that would give me total victory over sin. It doesn’t work that way. But the reality I find is that...

NL-Day190 2 Kings 7-8; Psalm 126; John 12:1-26 show art NL-Day190 2 Kings 7-8; Psalm 126; John 12:1-26

Daily Bible Reading Phil Fields

2KINGS 7-8:Yesterday we heard two more chapters containing fascinating miracles performed by Elisha. The story about Gahazi getting the gifts from Naaman, and the vision about the chariots of fire both have interesting spiritual significance to ponder. We come back to the story from chapter 7 where the Aramean army is surrounding Samaria. The famine is severe. The king has sent an executioner to kill Elisha. And then: 2Kings 6:32 NLT Elisha was sitting in his house with the elders of Israel when the king sent a messenger to summon him. But before the messenger arrived, Elisha said to the...

NL-Day189 2 Kings 5-6; Psalm 125; John 11:21-57 show art NL-Day189 2 Kings 5-6; Psalm 125; John 11:21-57

Daily Bible Reading Phil Fields

2KINGS 5-6:Yesterday we heard of the many miracles done by Elisha, supplying water for three armies on their way to Moab for war, helping the widow of a prophet, blessing the woman from Shunem, purifying Jericho's water, and miraculously transforming food. PSALM 125:The first verse of this psalm is one that our family has sung for years. Gale and I learned this song from a cassette tape that came from a Canadian church called St. Margaret’s, a place we have never been to. At that time (around 1977) we were teachers in Papua New Guinea and our David was two. Those who trust in the Lord are...

NL-Day188 2 Kings 3-4; Psalm 124; John 11:1-26 show art NL-Day188 2 Kings 3-4; Psalm 124; John 11:1-26

Daily Bible Reading Phil Fields

2KINGS 3-4:Yesterday we heard of the final amazing prophecies of Elijah, and then how he took leave of the prophets and particularly, his successor Elisha. Elisha quickly showed that he was Elijah's successor. PSALM 124:I keep being amazed how people (and particularly those in America) don’t seem to learn anything from the amazing things that are happening in our times. The last verse of this psalm expresses the lesson that I think we should have learned by now. JOHN 11a:Reminding us of what we heard in John 10: Our Shepherd calls us by name. He knows us thoroughly, just like He and the...

NL-Day187 2 Kings 1-2; Psalm 123; John 10:11-42 show art NL-Day187 2 Kings 1-2; Psalm 123; John 10:11-42

Daily Bible Reading Phil Fields

2KINGS 1-2:Yesterday we heard stories which show that King Ahab indeed “sold himself to evil,” including the story of Naboth's vineyard. And also we heard of Ahab's friendship with King Jehoshaphat of Judah. Finally we heard how the prophecies against Ahab were fulfilled. PSALM 123:This psalm has an important similarity with Ps. 121 which said, Ps. 121:1 NLT I look up to the mountains— does my help come from there?2 My help comes from the LORD,who made heaven and earth! Today’s psalm tells us how to ‘look’. JOHN 10b:In John 9, with the formerly blind man standing there, Jesus said,...

NL-Day186 1 Kings 21-22; Psalm 122; John 10:1-21 show art NL-Day186 1 Kings 21-22; Psalm 122; John 10:1-21

Daily Bible Reading Phil Fields

1KINGS 21-22:What a cruel surprise it must have been for Elijah to bring about such an irrefutable display of God's power before the people, but then to have to flee for his life because of Queen Jezebel! Note that God deigned to speak twice to King Ahab. And the reason was: God wanted it known to Ahab and to us that He is not a territorial God. God also gave amazing, symbolic revelations of Himself in the story of His appearing to Elijah at Mount Sinai. Finally, in yesterday’s reading, Elijah's successor, Elisha, was introduced. PSALM 122:Consider how exciting it would have been to make a...

NL-Day185 1 Kings 19-20; Psalm 121; John 9 show art NL-Day185 1 Kings 19-20; Psalm 121; John 9

Daily Bible Reading Phil Fields

1KINGS 19-20:The story we read yesterday in this book is one of the most dramatic in all of Scripture: The time the prophet Elijah confronted King Ahab. Remember that in the New Testament James used this story to encourage us that we are no different than Elijah and that we should pray fervently like him. PSALM 121:This is another psalm that is frequently sung, even today. Often this whole psalm is set to music. As Olsen says, this psalm lifts the fog from our eyes. Re-reading JOHN 9:Remember that in John 8 there was a tense standoff between Jesus and the religious leaders. The people took up...

NL-Day184 1 Kings 17-18; Psalm 120; John 9 show art NL-Day184 1 Kings 17-18; Psalm 120; John 9

Daily Bible Reading Phil Fields

1KINGS 17-18:We've arrived at the narrative of the different kings of Judah (which now includes the smaller tribe of Benjamin) and the kings of Israel (consisting of the 10 other tribes, sometimes called the Northern Kingdom). The kings on Israel’s side changed more rapidly and were 100% bad, while there was a mixed record among the kings of Judah. It will help your understanding to observe the section headings (which I normally do not read), and to try to remember which kingdom is being talked about. Note in yesterday's reading how prophecy was fulfilled again and again. And although Baasha...

NL-Day183 1 Kings 15-16; Psalm 119:161-176; John 8:28-59 show art NL-Day183 1 Kings 15-16; Psalm 119:161-176; John 8:28-59

Daily Bible Reading Phil Fields

1KINGS 15-16:I think yesterday's story of the ‘man of God from Judah’ and the ‘old prophet from Bethel’ to be one of the most fascinating in the Bible. Prophets who lie will certainly be judged harshly by God! And we will see in 2nd Kings that the prophecy of the unnamed man of God from Judah was completely fulfilled. Also in yesterday’s reading, we heard Ahijah's prophecy against Jeroboam. We also heard of the end of the reign of Rehoboam, Solomon's son. And do you think that Shishak took the ark of the covenant to Egypt? PSALM 119:161-176:This our last reading in this Psalm. I...

NL-Day182 1 Kings 13-14; Psalm 119:145-160; John 8:1-30 show art NL-Day182 1 Kings 13-14; Psalm 119:145-160; John 8:1-30

Daily Bible Reading Phil Fields

1KINGS 13-14:Solomon was the wisest of men. So how could he make such stupid choices?! Part of the answer is the corruption caused when one has too much power. And there is something truly sticky about sexual sin. The Lord’s judgment is evident in what happened with the division of the country, and what happened in the northern kingdom. Note also how the people Judah followed all the bad parts of Solomon’s example, which again will lead to judgment. PSALM 119:145-160:I like the last three verses of yesterday’s reading: Ps. 119:142 Your righteousness will last forever,and your law is...

More Episodes

Yesterday we heard more of Jeremiah’s struggle against false prophets. And now so many centuries later, in our day, the false message is what people desire to hear, even though the truth is actually better for us and much better for our preparation. 

There is an often quoted verse from yesterday’s reading. I think it is good to bear in mind that this was NOT spoken to the Jews left behind in Israel's land, but was part of the letter to the exiles in Babylon. 

Jer. 29:11 NLT For I know the plans I have for you,” says the LORD. “They are plans for good and not for disaster, to give you a future and a hope. 12 In those days when you pray, I will listen.

I think it is great to pray to the Lord and ask that He would treat you the same way as the exiles in Babylon. I don’t think it is good to rip this verse out of context and claim it as applying directly to you. However, regarding our future and hope, and how God listens to us when we pray, there are many other verses, especially in the New Testament, that we can claim.

In yesterday’s reading we heard that following the path of wisdom is the way of common sense, and that leads one to avoid reckless sin of all kinds. It is best to follow the example of godly people. Lady Wisdom appears again in today’s chapter in verses 13-18. Look for the pronouns ‘her’ and ‘she’ in most translations. 

In chapter 8, we heard that Christians who have ‘superior wisdom’ sometimes need to give up their ‘rights’ for the sake of not causing their brothers and sisters to fall or be tempted. (Often not really ‘rights’, but privileges we get too possessive about.) And that led Paul in chapter 9 to talk of the rights he and Barnabas had given up for the Gospel.

NLT Translation notes:
Jer. 31:17 There is hope for your future,” says the LORD.
“Your children will come [back] again to their own land.
Prov. 3:13 Joyful is the person who finds wisdom,
the one who gains understanding.
14 For [she,] wisdom[,] is more profitable than silver,
and her wages are better than gold.
15 Wisdom is more precious than rubies;
nothing you desire can compare with [Lady Wisdom//her].
18 Wisdom is a tree of life to those who embrace her;
happy are those who hold [on to] her tightly.
1Cor. 10:4 and all of them drank the same spiritual water. For they drank from the spiritual rock that traveled with them, and [by that, I mean that] that rock was Christ.
20 No, not at all. I am saying that these sacrifices are [actually] offered to demons, not to God. And I don’t want you to participate with demons.
24 Don’t [just] be concerned for your own good but for the good of others.
28 (But suppose someone tells you, “This meat was offered to an idol.” [Then] Don’t eat it, out of consideration for the conscience of the one who told you.
29 It might not be a matter of conscience for you, but it is for the other person.) [So now, someone is sure to ask, “[:/For] why should my freedom be limited by what someone else thinks?
30 If I can thank God for the food and enjoy it, why should I be condemned for eating it?[”]


Unless otherwise indicated, all Scripture quotations are taken from the Holy Bible, New Living Translation, copyright © 1996, 2004, 2015 by Tyndale House Foundation. Used by permission of Tyndale House Publishers, Carol Stream, Illinois 60188. All rights reserved.