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119 Dr. Michael Ruscio: The Orthorexia Connection

Wellness + Wisdom with Josh Trent

Release Date: 07/05/2017

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More Episodes

Have you noticed that an over-obsession with health research and chasing the symptom rabbit down all the black holes online can create an unhealthy lifestyle?

There is a term for an obsession with excessive elimination diets, and being overly concerned with avoiding foods you believe to be harmful:

It's called orthorexia. 

Being obsessed with your health sounds like a great thing on the surface when you're dealing with disease or physical distress, but the truth is that we as humans tend to have a fundamental flaw:

Thinking that more analysis and more testing will lead to better wellness results.

But paradoxically, the more that most people tend to stress about "finding the one answer" that will ease the pain, the more is actually becomes what is blocking them from hearing the messages the body is trying to say that will yield relief.



The Orthorexia Connection With Dr. Michael Ruscio

On this podcast with Dr. Michael Ruscio, we're discover the underlying issues that cause this need for perfection, and how to focus in on the few lab tests and strategies that will have the most impact on our well-being.

You'll learn why Dr. Ruscio spends over 30% of his time with new patients simply "calming them down" from their over-researched and frenetic clicking online, to then teach them how to tune back into their body's own voice and intelligence.

It's through using this emotional intelligence, and learning how to trust, that we can know deep down that we will find the answers we're looking for.

The Allure Of Information

With the plethora of health information available today, it's more important than ever to develop skills and knowledge to filter through the noise.

Not only does the mass of information make it challenging to discover our health needs, but it can lead to overwhelm and keep us from taking action.

As alternative medicine grows, more lab and supplement companies stand to make incredible profits from our desire to find vibrant healthWhile some provide amazing products and services, many make fictitious claims or provide information that is improperly used by their consumers.

To take control of our wellness destiny we must learn to seek out valid information, listen to our bodies, and find out what makes sense for our lives.

Listen To Episode 119 As Dr. Ruscio Uncovers:

  • His journey from orthopedic surgery into alternative medicine.
  • How he remedied a health crisis that doctors could not solve.
  • How to sort through the increasing amount of health information online.
  • The problems with self-diagnosing based on your symptoms.
  • How to take control of your health, get to the root of issues, and avoid analysis paralysis.
  • How living an overly restrictive lifestyle can be counterproductive to your wellness. 
  • Tips to avoid orthorexia, and the allure of information on the internet.
  • The fraudulent activities in lab and supplement companies.
  • Why you shouldn't hastily change your diet or supplement intake based off test results.
  • The importance of understanding that correlation does not equal causation.
  • How to get in touch with your inner voice, and listen to your body's needs.
  • How to maintain balance with an addictive personality.
  • The importance of building good gut health from an early age.

Top 3 Takeaways From The Show

  • If you improve your lifestyle and diet and can't seem to get adequate results, you may want to seek out a clinician or trusted wellness source to guide you through the process.
  • Over-testing and analyzing can cripple us underneath information, making it hard to process, sort through, and prioritize. We must develop our body's intuition and find out what health measures will have meaningful impact.
  • We must realize when to step back, relax, and stop measuring every aspect of our health.  The frenetic search for health can keep us from the well-being we desire.

Power Quotes From Dr. Mike Ruscio


  • "We must use scientific literature the right way to improve our results, rather than distract us and make the results convoluted." - Dr. Michael Ruscio
  • "It's not about doing lots of testing, but rather the few tests, and the few interventions that have been shown to have the most impact." - Dr. Michael Ruscio
  • "If you do too much testing you cripple yourself underneath information. It becomes hard to process, sort through, and prioritize." - Dr. Michael Ruscio
  • "It's a fundamental flaw, thinking that more testing and more analysis will produce better results." - Dr. Michael Ruscio
  • "A serious problem lies in citing animal and cell cultured data, and using that to justify a treatment or a test." - Dr. Michael Ruscio
  • "Figure out what things you must do to create the best environment for your unique body." - Dr. Michael Ruscio
  • "Be careful when doing testing and examining complicated readouts; it can pull you into empty measures. " - Dr. Michael Ruscio
  • "He who is the best, can do the most with the least." - Dr. Michael Ruscio
  • "Don't let health run your life, instead, use it as a tool to feel more vital."  - Dr. Michael Ruscio

Dr. Ruscio Radio - Listen to Dr. Ruscio's podcast

Dr. Ruscio Radio Podcast ArtworkCutting edge information in health, nutrition and functional medicine distilled into practical advice you can use to improve your health.

Listen To Dr. Ruscio Radio

About Dr. Mike Ruscio

Meet Dr. Michael Ruscio. A doctor, researcher, author, and health enthusiast. He practices functional medicine with an emphasis on natural and nutritional solutions. He gives smart, busy people who are suffering from symptoms of chronic illness simple steps to get better, and get on with life.

After years of an active life as a healthy athlete, Dr. Ruscio suddenly found he was tired, depressed, and his digestion was off. He couldn’t sleep at night. His hair was thinning and he had no libido. He needed multiple naps to get through a day and experienced brain fog from eating almost anything. He was feeling depressed and woke up at 3 a.m. with insomnia only remedied by chocolate. He went to a few doctors and disappointingly, all labs tests came back normal. He was told there was nothing wrong with, but knew something was very wrong.

He read everything he could on the internet and proceeded to waste a ton of money on herbs, vitamins and supplements in attempts at treating his symptoms. He eventually found functional medicine and figured out that a gut infection was at the root of all my problems. He learned how to heal the gut, rebalance hormones, and get back his health.

Resources Mentioned by Mike & Josh

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