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Beth Caldwell- Author- Episode 89 Marta On The Move

Marta On The Move Podcast- Hosted by Marta Napoleone Mazzoni

Release Date: 07/16/2017

#175 Steve Valentine Actor and Magician show art #175 Steve Valentine Actor and Magician

Marta On The Move Podcast- Hosted by Marta Napoleone Mazzoni

Join me in welcoming the extremely talented Steve Valentine to the show. My first interview in two years! I recently went to his show at Liberty Magic Lies and Other Deceptions and was so moved by his storytelling, his magic, and his general way of connecting through his talents and compassion. It aligned so perfectly with the direction Marta on the Move has been heading which is having deeper conversations about how we create, how we play, what keeps us connecting as we travel as humans through life, and how we keep moving. We talk about everything from how he found magic, cool Magic Castle...

#174 CELEBRATION! Opening of My Retreat Registration and Details show art #174 CELEBRATION! Opening of My Retreat Registration and Details

Marta On The Move Podcast- Hosted by Marta Napoleone Mazzoni

We are here! Today is the day I officially open the registration for my , Italy next June 7th-14th. Feel free to apply to the retreat   I have had such an amazing time sharing stories, and going live, and hopefully, you all have gotten something out of it too, and that it inspired you to explore more, whether externally or internally. :)   To push past your comfort zone.   To be more than your limiting beliefs.   To believe in yourself.   To try something new.   This is day Eight of my Travel Celebration Lives and I am so proud to complete them.   I also...

#173 Travel Countdown Traveling Inward to Find More Space and Letting Go of Control. show art #173 Travel Countdown Traveling Inward to Find More Space and Letting Go of Control.

Marta On The Move Podcast- Hosted by Marta Napoleone Mazzoni

Today I chat about how you can travel without ever leaving your home, and the benefit of it.   I also explore the topic of releasing those nagging limiting beliefs and the things we cannot control in our lives and embracing what we can control.   I also mention my pop up workshop- happening tomorrow evening at 9pm. Link in comments. This is day Seven of my Travel Celebration Lives for the kickoff of my women’s retreat next June. A pillar of healing in my work is helping individual's rediscover joy, peace, and their authentic selves is Explorative Travel and what better way to...

#172 Day Six Travel Countdown Traveling Sober and Celebrating Your Wins. show art #172 Day Six Travel Countdown Traveling Sober and Celebrating Your Wins.

Marta On The Move Podcast- Hosted by Marta Napoleone Mazzoni

Day Six Live Challenge! What are you celebrating today?   Today is all about celebration!   I am celebrating a year and a half of sobriety and I want you to post in the comments what you are celebrating today!   Celebrating our wins.   Our small successes.   Our showing up and just being alive!   This is day six of my Travel Celebration Lives for the kickoff of my women’s retreat next June. A pillar of healing in my work is helping individual's rediscover joy, peace, and their authentic selves is Explorative Travel and what better way to gain...

#171 Day Five Travel Celebration. How to Travel Solo. Why Your Limiting Beliefs Are Holding You Back show art #171 Day Five Travel Celebration. How to Travel Solo. Why Your Limiting Beliefs Are Holding You Back

Marta On The Move Podcast- Hosted by Marta Napoleone Mazzoni

Day Five! This episode is all about traveling solo and the limiting beliefs that might be holding you back.   I share some of my stories of my limiting beliefs and call you to question and contemplate your own fears surrounding it.   I also share retreat details, and a new free masterclass that is coming down the line called  on August 12th!   A pillar of healing in my work is Explorative Travel and what better way to gain excitement for my next year's Women's Retreat is to have seven days of TRAVEL STORIES.   Share with me a story from your past travels and...

#170 Day Four Travel Lead Up Celebration and the Joy of Travel With Others show art #170 Day Four Travel Lead Up Celebration and the Joy of Travel With Others

Marta On The Move Podcast- Hosted by Marta Napoleone Mazzoni

Day Four for the Travel Celebration Lead Up! I share a story that is near and dear to my heart and talk about why sharing your memories is just as important as rolling solo. Letting people in. Connecting with one another and opening the heart to lead a full life as we travel as humans together.   I also talk about how when you are grieving how travel can help you heal.   I share retreat details, and a new free masterclass that is coming down the line called  on August 12th!   A pillar of healing in my work is Explorative Travel and what better way to gain excitement...

#169 Day Three of Celebration Countdown- The Fear of Missing Out While Traveling show art #169 Day Three of Celebration Countdown- The Fear of Missing Out While Traveling

Marta On The Move Podcast- Hosted by Marta Napoleone Mazzoni

Day Three delves into FOMO that we feel and how when we push against that natural flow we don't bring our best selves to any trip or experience in life.   I share stories of inspiration that are so moving   And I also share retreat details, and a new free masterclass that is coming down the line called on August 12th!   A pillar of healing in my work is Explorative Travel and what better way to gain excitement for my next year's Women's Retreat is to have seven days of TRAVEL STORIES   I will be sharing personal travel stories from my past that have changed me, or have...

#168 Day Two Travel Celebration Countdown. Moving With Discomfort and other Travel Stories show art #168 Day Two Travel Celebration Countdown. Moving With Discomfort and other Travel Stories

Marta On The Move Podcast- Hosted by Marta Napoleone Mazzoni

Day Two for this Seven Day countdown.   A pillar of healing in my work is Explorative Travel and what better way to gain excitement for my next year's Women's Retreat is to have seven days of TRAVEL STORIES   I will be sharing personal travel stories from my past that have changed me, or have stayed with me in some way AND I want to share some of yours everyday until next Monday! Schedule- Mon, Tues, Weds- 1:30 Thursday- 5:30am Friday 9pm. Saturday 1:30pm Sunday 1:30pm Monday 1:30pm! Share with me a story from your past travels and answer these questions. Doesn’t matter if...

#167 Celebration Travel Kickoff and My Story of Explorative Travel show art #167 Celebration Travel Kickoff and My Story of Explorative Travel

Marta On The Move Podcast- Hosted by Marta Napoleone Mazzoni

This is the celebration lead up to my opening registration for next year’s retreat next Monday, plus some surprises. A pillar of healing in my work is Explorative Travel and what better way to gain excitement for my next year's Women's Retreat is to have seven days of TRAVEL STORIES I will be sharing personal travel stories from my past that have changed me, or have stayed with me in some way AND I want to share some of yours everyday until next Monday! Schedule- Mon, Tues, Weds- 1:30 Thursday- 5:30am Friday 9pm. Saturday 1:30pm Sunday 1:30pm Monday 1:30pm! Share with me a story from...

#166 How to Move and How to Be Still. Finding the Balance. show art #166 How to Move and How to Be Still. Finding the Balance.

Marta On The Move Podcast- Hosted by Marta Napoleone Mazzoni

How do we move again after being still? How do we slow down when we are going too fast? Sharing some of my tips here today and my story with balancing the two.   Have a story of picking back up and moving again? Share it in the comments or send it to me at [email protected] Ways to work with me currently~ Book an with me 

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#88 Beth Caldwell

 We all get pushed and pulled in different directions in our lives.  Usually we do it to ourselves.  We have thousands of thoughts going through our brains every day.  How do you focus, and better yet find your drive, and passion in life.  I myself have so many ideas going through my head at one time, and I find myself sometimes getting a bit frazzled about balancing my work life, home life, and podcast life ;)  So that being said, I met a women at a party one evening, and she intrigued me in her positive nature, and general excitement about life.

Here I bring in Beth Caldwell successful author of 7 books, and her most recent, From Frantic to Focused. -How to Shift Your Life from Out-of-Control to Streamlined and Successful.  Beth is a Pittsburgh resident who has had many hardships through her life, but came back swinging in full force, and proved that it doesn't matter how old you are to find your true passion, and get your life back on track.  Beth is a public speaker , life coach, teacher, mentor, and writes about tools that people can use in business, and personal life.

We had a wonderful conversation, and a lot of what she said hit home for me personally.  Sometimes we are just too afraid to ask for what we want., take the time we need, or just say NO.  Pick up your copy of her book today, and you won't regret it!  I am very excited to see what her, and I accomplish together in the future.  Getting two positive, and motivated women in a room is a dangerously, exciting prospect for events in the future, and a building block to motivate other women to take charge.

This episode is sponsored by Levity!  Pittsburgh's premier sensory deprivation experience.  All listeners get $5 off their floats with code "Marta"

Marta On The Move is now on Patreon!  Become a Patron of MOTM Here

