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Steve Rudzinski Ep 93 Marta On The Move

Marta On The Move Podcast- Hosted by Marta Napoleone Mazzoni

Release Date: 09/17/2017

#164 The Power of Investing in Yourself show art #164 The Power of Investing in Yourself

Marta On The Move Podcast- Hosted by Marta Napoleone Mazzoni

Talking today about how we invest in ourselves and why it is the best decision we can make. I share ways you can work on investing in yourself for free and tips for identifying how you can be more mindful towards what you want to invest in.   The subject of investing in yourself was one I was clueless about until a few years ago a friend of mine sent me a podcast on the topic. It began a huge shift on the road to becoming the most authentic version of myself, and developing who I wanted to be, and what goals I valued most to reach on my way to a more mindful and awakened life....

#163 The Things I am Learning. show art #163 The Things I am Learning.

Marta On The Move Podcast- Hosted by Marta Napoleone Mazzoni

This episode is a love letter to myself from the past three years of the things I have learned and am learning along the way.  It's been a wild ride, y'all. This is for everyone out there on their own journey of growing up and personal development.  Enjoy, or not... :)   Ways to work with me currently~ Six week sessions. Meetings Mondays at 12pm. ~ Request to hire me for your next event. Yoga, meditation, corporate wellness, mc and host.  

#162 Rebirth of a Podcast ~  A Tentative Step Back to the Microphone. show art #162 Rebirth of a Podcast ~ A Tentative Step Back to the Microphone.

Marta On The Move Podcast- Hosted by Marta Napoleone Mazzoni

After a two year Hiatus away from podcasting. I felt called to pick it up again. This episode is what in improv we would call a "pancake" episode. I recorded it for me, and will continue to record all of these for me as a record of my journey.  I chat about what I have been up to these past two years. It has been a doozy for sure and I continue to grow and learn. It's so fun!  A big shift in my podcast over the years has been the rise of personal development and what "moves" me is what I record on.  The theme of this show may resonate with you, or it may not. I believe the...

#161 Improv Comedy Classes an Avenue to More Playfulness, Creativity, and Better Communication. show art #161 Improv Comedy Classes an Avenue to More Playfulness, Creativity, and Better Communication.

Marta On The Move Podcast- Hosted by Marta Napoleone Mazzoni

Welcome back all! Today I am going to be exploring more into my new found passion of Improv comedy classes and why I am here to tell all of you, to try one out in your own hometown. On episode 158 I delved into some deep content about facing your I directly referenced Phil and I pushing past our awkwardness and joining Improv classes. It turns out I wasn't quite done with the subject, and in fact will probably record another podcast about how to make meaningful relationships as you age, which Improv will be involved in that discussion as well. What can I say... When I am into something... I...

#160 A Rest and Reset. My Experience with 150 Days of No Alcohol, Caffeine, or Sugar. show art #160 A Rest and Reset. My Experience with 150 Days of No Alcohol, Caffeine, or Sugar.

Marta On The Move Podcast- Hosted by Marta Napoleone Mazzoni

Every year my husband and I do a sort of reset after the holidays. We aren't people who drink a ton. We stick with nicer wines and maybe a Negroni or two when out. Our diets are pretty good, and I usually only consume matcha or decaf espresso in limited amounts. However, the holidays build and build upon these vices, and since we have been eating cleaner every year, when we have more than we should, our bodies feel it more. Sleep gets affected, memories of a story the night before are hazy, brain fog, bloating, and anxiety increases so slowly you don't realize how badly you feel. How much your...

Free 15 Minute Meditation to Help Ground While Traveling show art Free 15 Minute Meditation to Help Ground While Traveling

Marta On The Move Podcast- Hosted by Marta Napoleone Mazzoni

Use this meditation anywhere to quickly come back to your breath, check in with your body, and become more grounded while traveling. For more meditations or private sessions visit or email

#159 Working with Feelings of Self Doubt and Inadequacy? Ditch Comparing Yourself to Others. show art #159 Working with Feelings of Self Doubt and Inadequacy? Ditch Comparing Yourself to Others.

Marta On The Move Podcast- Hosted by Marta Napoleone Mazzoni

This is a subject I have avoided writing or speaking about. I think this avoidance was unconscious, but I am now highly aware of it. I am aware of it because at many a time in my life I have suffered from self doubt, imposter syndrome (I didn't even know that existed until two years ago), and confidence issues. This month is particularly bad for me. I could not understand why I would awaken to dread and sadness. I felt on many days no motivation at all. I know I am still healing from grief, but it was more than that. Something was nagging at me, and I realized it was my own self doubt. I have...

#158 Facing Fears and Finding Joy in Life Through Discomfort show art #158 Facing Fears and Finding Joy in Life Through Discomfort

Marta On The Move Podcast- Hosted by Marta Napoleone Mazzoni

Fear– An unpleasant often strong emotion caused by anticipation or awareness of danger. We are not immune to fear. It comes to us like waves and is usually unwelcome. There are global fears such as the war in Ukraine, global warming, food shortages, death. Death of a loved one, or our own amount of time on this spinning globe. I will touch on some of that later, but today I want to tackle some fears that we ourselves can have control over to allow us to stretch outside our comfort zones, try new things, and find peace and joy in our lives. Fear stems from uncertainty and doubt. How do we...

#158 What's in Your Toolbox? Simple Tips to Help Reduce Anxiety and Stress. show art #158 What's in Your Toolbox? Simple Tips to Help Reduce Anxiety and Stress.

Marta On The Move Podcast- Hosted by Marta Napoleone Mazzoni

We all have a toolbox in our home. A toolbox is a collection of items that is there when we need it in case we have something to fix. All handy, and all in one place. It probably contains at least one of the following items- Hammer, wrench, nails, measuring tape, screw driver, etc. We create these boxes for fixing things in our home, but have you ever thought to create your own personal toolbox to use as a coping mechanism? I sure as hell didn't. Not until I heard someone talk about their own list of things that they held inside of their boxes. When life got hard, when they felt down and out,...

#157 Five Books That Got Me Through My First 6 Months of Loss. show art #157 Five Books That Got Me Through My First 6 Months of Loss.

Marta On The Move Podcast- Hosted by Marta Napoleone Mazzoni

I had someone ask me recently what the fives books that really helped me with this last year of losing my sister. I figured this would be a good opportunity to put them in one place in the hopes that the people who need them, will find them. If you know someone who is grieving and don't know how to help them, one of these or another read delivered to their house is a wonderful way to show them they are on your mind. Friends and family sent me books during this time, and I feel that more than flowers, or candy (Aside from hand written notes because I loved those) recieving the gift of a book in...

More Episodes

#93 Steve Rudzinski

We are officially into the Halloween season my friends, and you know what that means.  The lead up to Halloween on my podcast is one of my favorite times of the year. I love featuring everything spooky, scary, and downright fearful these two months, and I have some great episodes coming up, starting with this one.

Steve Rudzinski is a director of horror films in Pittsburgh. Well, not just director. Steve also writes, acts, produces, and edits a good bit of his work as well.  He has been creating films since he was 16, and hasn't stopped since.

I originally heard of Steve when I went to see a showing of Captain Z & the Terror of the Leviathon.  Being a huge horror film nerd myself, I was loving all of the special effects that were put on screen for what must have been a low budget flick.

I brought Steve on the show to chat about behind the scenes of creating your very own horror movie, or any movie in fact. The process, casting, production, and budgets all get brought up through the conversation.  Plus, of course we talk our favorite horror films, that is just a given.  Steve's new horror movie CarousHELL is out now, and we chat about how that came to be, and some cool special effect experiences he has had on set.

The second half of the podcast I dive into asking Steve about his other job as being Marvel's official Spiderman. This guy gets to done the Spideysuit, and fly around the country to perform for events.  I had to know how he landed that gig, and how flexible he was. lol

This episode is sponsored by Levity, Pittsburgh's premier sensory deprivation experience. Get $5 off with code "Marta"

Be sure to check out the two events I have coming up! One on Friday the 13th for True Spooky Stories of Pittsburgh a live podcast with homemade sound effects at Carnegie Coffee Shop.

Sponsored by Carnegie Coffee Shop and Energy Swing Windows

Early Bird tickets are now up for "Marta Match- A throwback of The Match Game" at City Theatre on January 5th! YOU could be chosen as a contestant to win big prizes.

Join me as I invite personalities of Pittsburgh on stage with me that include- Rick Sebak, Kellee Maize, Maggie Carr, Day Bracey, and many more. Magic by Lee Terbosic. Music by Deep Violet.

Free beer samplings by Helicon Brewery.

Part of the proceeds benefit Big Brothers and Sisters of Pittsburgh

Sponsored by- Gaucho Parilla Argentina, Levity, Aldo's Food Service, Helicon Brewery, Specialty Food Service, The Church Recording Studio, and Harris Grill.
