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3.4 Electoral reform with Dr Alan Renwick

Real Democracy Now! a podcast

Release Date: 10/26/2017

The Paris Citizens' Assembly show art The Paris Citizens' Assembly

Real Democracy Now! a podcast

In this episode, I talk with Anouch Toranian, the Deputy Mayor of Paris, Yves Dejaeghere, the Executive Director of the Federation for Innovation in Democracy, Europe and Claudia Chwalisz, leader of innovation in citizen engagement with the OECD about the design and establishment of the Paris Citizens' Assembly.

3.8 New Zealand's Electoral System with Therese Arseneau show art 3.8 New Zealand's Electoral System with Therese Arseneau

Real Democracy Now! a podcast

I'm speaking with Therese Arseneau about the introduction of a mixed-member proportional (MMP) electoral system. Therese talks about the background to the referendum which led to the introduction of MMP in New Zealand [1:20], how voters view the impact of MMP [13:20], the reality of MMP and coalition governments [21:20], the impact of MMP on women's representation [28:10], its wider impact [34:00] and Maori representation generally and the impact of MMP [39:30].

3.7 Electoral systems in Australia with Antony Green show art 3.7 Electoral systems in Australia with Antony Green

Real Democracy Now! a podcast

In this episode, I’m talking with Antony Green about the Australian electoral system and Vote Compass, a tool which allows voters to explore how their views align with the major parties.

3.6 Reforming democracy, democratic legitimacy and majority bonuses with Dr Camille Bedock show art 3.6 Reforming democracy, democratic legitimacy and majority bonuses with Dr Camille Bedock

Real Democracy Now! a podcast

In this episode, I’m talking with Dr Camille Bedock about her book Reforming Democracy: Institutional engineering in Western Europe, 1990 - 2010 and also about her more recent research with Sophie Panel on citizen conceptions of how democratic their democracy is and with Nicolas Sauger on how electoral systems with majority bonuses affect electoral competition.

3.5 Electoral Integrity with Pippa Norris show art 3.5 Electoral Integrity with Pippa Norris

Real Democracy Now! a podcast

In this episode, I am speaking with Professor Pippa Norris about her work on electoral integrity. 

Bonus Ep10 Deliberation Culture Context - John Dryzek show art Bonus Ep10 Deliberation Culture Context - John Dryzek

Real Democracy Now! a podcast

In this episode, I’m speaking with Professor John Dryzek about his ARC Laureate Fellowship, his reflections on the Conference generally, how we might establish global deliberative processes and directions for future research in this area.

Bonus Ep9 Deliberation Culture Context - Quinlan Bowman show art Bonus Ep9 Deliberation Culture Context - Quinlan Bowman

Real Democracy Now! a podcast

In this episode, I’m speaking with Dr Quinlan Bowman about his reflections on the Conference Deliberation, Culture and Context.

Bonus Ep8 Deliberation Culture Context - John Parkinson show art Bonus Ep8 Deliberation Culture Context - John Parkinson

Real Democracy Now! a podcast

In this episode, I’m speaking with Professor John Parkinson, who is currently a Professor of Social and Political Philosophy in the Faculty of Arts and Social Sciences at Maastricht University, The Netherlands.

Bonus Ep7 Deliberation Culture Context - Ian O'Flynn show art Bonus Ep7 Deliberation Culture Context - Ian O'Flynn

Real Democracy Now! a podcast

In this bonus episode I’m speaking with Dr Ian O'Flynn about his work on deliberation in divided societies. 

Bonus Ep6 Deliberation Culture Context - Stephanie Lawson show art Bonus Ep6 Deliberation Culture Context - Stephanie Lawson

Real Democracy Now! a podcast

In bonus episode 6 I’m speaking with Professor Stephanie Lawson, Professor of Politics and International Relations at the Macquarie University about her paper ‘Consensus Politics and Democracy in the Pacific Islands: A Critique’ which she presented at the Deliberation, Culture and Context conference.

More Episodes
Welcome to episode four of season three of Real Democracy Now! a podcast. This episode is also the 43rd episode of the podcast and the first one since the first birthday of the podcast last week. To help celebrate the podcast’s birthday I’d appreciate it if you could share either your favourite episode of the podcast or the podcast generally with someone you think would find it interesting. 
Today's episode is about electoral reform with Dr Alan Renwick, Deputy Director of the Constitution Unit at UCL in London. Alan’s expertise lies mainly in the areas of electoral systems, referendums, and other modes of engaging the public in decision-making processes, such as citizens’ assemblies. His research is comparative: besides the UK, his recent projects have included all European democracies as well as New Zealand, Japan, and Canada. In addition to numerous journal articles, chapters and reports he is the author of two books about electoral reform: A Citizens’ Guide to Electoral Reform and The Politics of Electoral Reform: Changing the Rules of Democracy.
Thanks for joining me today. In the next episode I’ll be talking with Professor Pippa Norris about electoral integrity. 
I am currently putting together interviews about electoral systems around the world and so far I’ve interviewed people about India, South and Southern Africa, Australia, Asia and the South Pacific and New Zealand. 
I would also like to interview someone about electoral systems in Latin America but have not been successful in finding the right person to do this. If you know someone who you could fill this gap please introduce them to me via email at nivek.thompson@uts.edu.au