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NL-Day341 Amos 5-6; Isaiah 47; 3 John 1

Daily Bible Reading Phil Fields

Release Date: 12/07/2022

NL-Day181 1 Kings 11-12; Psalm 119:129-144; John 7:25-53 show art NL-Day181 1 Kings 11-12; Psalm 119:129-144; John 7:25-53

Daily Bible Reading Phil Fields

1KINGS 11-12:Yesterday we heard interesting glimpses of Solomon's international relations and commerce. Notably, the queen of Sheba came to listen to Solomon's wisdom and to ask questions of him. PSALM 119:129-144:How precious the Word of God is to us! A favorite verse from yesterday’s portion is verse 127: “I love your commands more than gold, more than the finest gold. JOHN 7b:We left the story in John 7 yesterday with Jesus already having some hot exchanges with the people at the Festival of Shelters. Today we will hear Jesus shouting to the crowds at the festival, “Anyone who is...

NL-Day180 1 Kings 9-10; Psalm 119:113-128; John 7:1-24 show art NL-Day180 1 Kings 9-10; Psalm 119:113-128; John 7:1-24

Daily Bible Reading Phil Fields

1KINGS 9-10:The temple was completed! And yesterday we heard Solomon’s very wise prayer asking God to fulfill his promises and help the people of Israel. In his prayer, he recognized that the people of Israel would not be able to remain faithful to the Lord, but that they would sin and then need to repent. Solomon asked God to forgive and to hear the people in situations of sin and desperation because of the Lord's punishment upon them. PSALM 119:113-128:Yesterday we read one of the frequently memorized verses from this psalm: Ps. 119:105 Your word is a lamp to guide my feetand a light for...

NL-Day179 1 Kings 8; Psalm 119:97-112; John 6:25-71 show art NL-Day179 1 Kings 8; Psalm 119:97-112; John 6:25-71

Daily Bible Reading Phil Fields

1KINGS 8:Yesterday we heard lots and lots of details about the building of the temple. A man from Tyre, Huram, must have been an efficient and artistic technician in working with bronze casting. He corresponds to the two craftsmen who designed and constructed the first tabernacle. PSALM 119:97-112:Again we are focussing on what God’s Word means to us. A favorite verse from yesterday’s portion is verse 89: Ps. 119:89 “Your word, O Lord, will last forever; it is eternal in heaven.” JOHN 6b:There is an important play on words between Jesus and the crowd in Capernaum which does not come...

NL-Day178 1 Kings 6-7; Psalm 119:81-96; John 6:1-40 show art NL-Day178 1 Kings 6-7; Psalm 119:81-96; John 6:1-40

Daily Bible Reading Phil Fields

1KINGS 6-7:Yesterday we heard of the incredible size and wealth of Solomon's dominion. His wisdom in organization is evident. During his reign, Israel was prosperous as never before or afterward. Solomon contracted with King Hiram of Sidon to get the materials needed for the construction of the temple. PSALM 119.81-96:God is telling us how important His Word is! Here are two favorite verses from yesterday’s reading: Ps. 119:72 The law that you gave means more to me than all the money in the world.78 May the proud be ashamed for falsely accusing me; as for me, I will meditate on your...

NL-Day177 1 Kings 4-5; Psalm 119:65-80; John 5:24-47 show art NL-Day177 1 Kings 4-5; Psalm 119:65-80; John 5:24-47

Daily Bible Reading Phil Fields

1KINGS 4-5:Yesterday we heard David's final instructions to Solomon. They contained a few messy details, and Solomon managed to finish all of those issues. David noted Solomon's wisdom as he gave him those instructions, and later Solomon (at his finest hour) asked God for wisdom to rule the nation of Israel well, and God gave it to him. PSALM 119:65-80:God is telling us how important His Word is! I highlight this verse (62) from yesterday’s portion, “In the middle of the night I wake up to praise you for your righteous judgments.” JOHN 5b:Yesterday we heard of Jesus healing a man who had...

NL-Day176 1 Kings 2-3; Psalm 119:49-64; John 5:1-30 show art NL-Day176 1 Kings 2-3; Psalm 119:49-64; John 5:1-30

Daily Bible Reading Phil Fields

1KINGS 2-3:Yesterday we heard of Adonijah’s almost successful bid to become the next king. The prophet Nathan’s intervention saved the day. PSALM 119:49-64:God is telling us how important His Word is! In yesterday’s reading I find NLT’s rendering of this verse interesting: Ps. 119:45 I will walk in freedom,for I have devoted myself to your commandments. Note that following God’s commandments does not violate freedom. JOHN 5a:In John 4:36, about the spiritual harvest, Jesus said, “The harvesters are paid good wages, and the fruit they harvest is people brought to eternal life. What...

NL-Day175 1 Kings 1; Psalm 119:33-48; John 4:25-54 show art NL-Day175 1 Kings 1; Psalm 119:33-48; John 4:25-54

Daily Bible Reading Phil Fields

1KINGS 1:Like 1 & 2 Samuel, 1 & 2 Kings and 1 & 2 Chronicles were originally each one book instead of two. The books of Kings and Chronicles have many similarities. One difference is that the books of Kings seem a bit more secular in their outlook, whereas Chronicles seems to have been written by a priest. Henrietta Mears says that both sets have these things in common: 1. They begin with King David and end with the king of Babylon. 2. They open with the building of the Temple and end with the burning of the Temple. 3. They open with David’s first successor to the throne,...

NL-Day174 2 Samuel 24; Psalm 119:17-32; John 4:1-26 show art NL-Day174 2 Samuel 24; Psalm 119:17-32; John 4:1-26

Daily Bible Reading Phil Fields

2SAMUEL 24:Yesterday we heard David’s final words and the listing of the 38 mighty warriors who loyally helped David in his victories. Note that Uriah the Hittite was so poignantly included at the end of the list. And this 24th chapter seems like a postscript. PSALM 119:17-32:Yesterday’s reading included two of the most famous verses from this psalm: 9 NLT How can a young person stay pure?By obeying your word.11 I have hidden your word in my heart,that I might not sin against you. JOHN 4:Yesterday in John 3 we heard the words of John the Baptist at what I consider his finest hour. That was...

NL-Day173 2 Samuel 23; Psalm 119:1-16; John 3 show art NL-Day173 2 Samuel 23; Psalm 119:1-16; John 3

Daily Bible Reading Phil Fields

2SAMUEL 23:Yesterday we read David’s long poem of praise for God giving him victory and deliverance from his enemies. PSALM 119a:This psalm is famous for being the longest chapter in the Bible, and it is an acrostic psalm with a difference. In this psalm, every line of each stanza starts with the same letter of the alphabet, instead of every line with a different letter. The psalm has 22 stanzas, one for each letter of the Hebrew alphabet. And this psalm has a clear theme: God’s Word— or a synonym for it, is mentioned in almost every verse. Re-reading JOHN 3:One of the features of John's...

NL-Day172 2 Samuel 22; John 3 show art NL-Day172 2 Samuel 22; John 3

Daily Bible Reading Phil Fields

2SAMUEL 22:We near the end of David’s story. God gave him victory over Sheba and the house of Saul. The killing of seven of the descendants of Saul seems harsh and past the ‘statute of limitations’ to us. But God arranged that revenge in response to untold injustices that were wreaked by Saul against the Gibeonites. Note: God takes notice of covenants made and wants us to do what we promise in His name. David’s song of praise in chapter 22 closely follows Psalm 18. Because of this long poetic section today, we skip a day reading from the Psalms. JOHN 3:John’s Gospel is unique in...

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AMOS 5-6:
One device that Amos used in yesterday’s reading was rhetorical questions. He asked a whole series of them like this one:

3:4 GNT Does a lion roar in the forest unless he has found a victim?

All of his rhetorical questions expect the unspoken answer, No. And they all led up to this one:

Amo. 3:8 NLT The lion has roared—
so who isn’t frightened?
The Sovereign LORD has spoken—
so who can refuse to proclaim his message?

And, surprisingly, the message the Lord proclaimed next was an invitation to Israel’s enemies to come and witness Israel’s destruction. After the unforgettable denunciation against Israel’s wealthy women— whom he calls ‘cows’, he lists some of the previous acts of judgment against Israel— things like drought. And after each one are the words, “but you still would not return to me.” Chapter 4 ended with these awesome words:

Amo. 4:12 GNT “So then, people of Israel, I am going to punish you. And because I am going to do this, get ready to face my judgment!”
13 God is the one who made the mountains
and created the winds.
He makes his thoughts known to people;
he changes day into night.
He walks on the heights of the earth.
This is his name: the Lord God Almighty!

God continued speaking in Isaiah 46 about how He alone reveals his plans to mankind through prophecy. The section about Babylon’s idols being led off on a heavy ox cart was dripping with irony:

Is. 46:1 GNT “This is the end for Babylon's gods!
Bel and Nebo once were worshiped,
but now they are loaded on donkeys,
a burden for the backs of tired animals.
2 NLT Both the idols and their owners are bowed down.
The gods cannot protect the people,
and the people cannot protect the gods.
They go off into captivity together.

Thomas Constable points out that 3rd John is the shortest letter in the New Testament and it is also the most personal. Certainly 2nd Timothy, for instance, was an intensely personal letter, but at the end, Paul greeted everyone— showing that he knew his letter would be read to the church or churches. In 3rd John, the recipient seems to be Gaius alone, and this letter follows a pattern like a normal secular letter of the time— not including a ‘grace and peace’ salutation that Paul seems to have made standard for Christian letters. The time of the writing and the themes of this letter are like John’s two other letters.

GNT Translation notes:
3Jn. 1:3 I was so happy when some [fellow believers//Christians] arrived and told me how faithful you are to the truth—just as you always live in the truth.
5 My dear friend, you are so faithful in the work you do for other [brothers and sisters in Christ//Christians], even when they are strangers.
8 We [believers//Christians], then, must help these people, so that we may share in their work for the truth.
10 When I come, then, I will bring up everything he has done: the terrible things he says about us and the lies he tells! But that is not enough for him; he will not receive the [travelling brothers who minister in the name of Christ//Christians] when they come, and even stops those who want to receive them and tries to drive them out of the church!



Unless otherwise indicated, all Scripture quotations are taken from the Holy Bible, New Living Translation, copyright © 1996, 2004, 2015 by Tyndale House Foundation. Used by permission of Tyndale House Publishers, Carol Stream, Illinois 60188. All rights reserved.