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You've died! Now What?

A Voice in The Desert Podcast

Release Date: 11/19/2017

Navigating the challenges of modern day Christian discipleship show art Navigating the challenges of modern day Christian discipleship

A Voice in The Desert Podcast

Today, it is as important as ever to learn how to draw close to Christ, engage with him and learn from his teaching and example, amid new and complex challenges. Each generation of Christians must learn for themselves what discipleship means as they seek to resonate with their God. This investigation is of immediate personal interest to me and seeks to identify the spiritual principles that apply to operate a God-centered and Christ-focused discipleship in today's high temperature and complex society. The investigation is both challenging and important, one I trust will be rewarding to...

Analyzing The Parables of Jesus Christ show art Analyzing The Parables of Jesus Christ

A Voice in The Desert Podcast

Analyzing The Parables of Jesus Christ   Introduction to Parables in the Bible   Introduction to Parables in the Bible Many times we hear parables being told in churches and we wonder what a parable is. Parables are supposedly the message of Jesus Christ to his hearers. The parables are fundamental to Jesus's teaching. Hamilton identifies that in the synoptic gospels, parables make up about one-third of the recorded sayings of Jesus. Yet Juel's insightful study concerning parable scholarship reflects the general consensus that scholars have never reached a unified view concerning the...

Rest and Renewal: Embracing the Sabbath in a Busy World show art Rest and Renewal: Embracing the Sabbath in a Busy World

A Voice in The Desert Podcast

**Rest and Renewal: Embracing the Sabbath in a Busy World** In the fast-paced, demanding world we live in today, finding time for rest and rejuvenation can often seem like a luxury we simply cannot afford. We are constantly bombarded with work responsibilities, social obligations, and various distractions that pull our attention in multiple directions. Yet, amidst the chaos and busyness of life, there is a timeless concept that offers us a profound invitation to pause, reflect, and recharge – the Sabbath. **Understanding the Sabbath** In the Christian tradition, the Sabbath is a sacred...

La Separación de las Ovejas y las Cabras en el Juicio Final show art La Separación de las Ovejas y las Cabras en el Juicio Final

A Voice in The Desert Podcast

La parábola de la separación de las ovejas y las cabras, descrita en Mateo 25:31-46, es una de las enseñanzas más impactantes y cruciales de Jesucristo acerca del juicio final. En este relato, Jesús nos ofrece una visión clara y directa de cómo será el juicio de todas las naciones al final de los tiempos. La importancia de esta enseñanza radica no solo en su contenido, sino también en las profundas implicaciones que tiene para nuestra vida diaria y nuestra relación con Dios y con los demás. En Mateo 25:31-46, Jesús dice:  "Cuando el Hijo del Hombre venga en su gloria, y...

Overcoming Christian Spiritual Battles and Finding Inner Peace show art Overcoming Christian Spiritual Battles and Finding Inner Peace

A Voice in The Desert Podcast

Overcoming Christian Spiritual Battles and Finding Inner Peace   We face spiritual battles on a personal level in the form of evil thoughts. We reject feelings of vengeance, arrogance, anger, and meaningless talking, yet they still come. The thoughts are not the sin; they are sin when they begin to take root. Spiritual battles come from the traditions of men, according to the Bible. To address these evil thoughts, we need to know that the Word of Jesus is the foundation of our spiritual life. It is not good enough to just read the Bible. We need to learn from what we read, live it, and...

La Gran Comisión show art La Gran Comisión

A Voice in The Desert Podcast

Bienvenidos a Voz en el Desierto, el podcast que te acompaña en tu caminar espiritual y te brinda palabras de aliento y reflexión en medio de la aridez de la vida! Hoy nos sumergimos en un tema fundamental para la fe cristiana: la Gran Comisión. Esta enseñanza, dada por Jesús a sus discípulos, nos invita a salir de nuestra zona de confort y llevar el mensaje del Evangelio a todas las naciones. Acompáñenme en este viaje de descubrimiento y reflexión sobre qué significa realmente la Gran Comisión y cómo podemos vivirla en nuestra vida diaria.   La Gran Comisión se encuentra en...

La reedificación del templo de Jerusalén y su significado cristiano profético show art La reedificación del templo de Jerusalén y su significado cristiano profético

A Voice in The Desert Podcast

La reedificación del templo de Jerusalén y su significado profético.

The Concept of Armageddon: A Study of the Ultimate Victory of God's Righteousness show art The Concept of Armageddon: A Study of the Ultimate Victory of God's Righteousness

A Voice in The Desert Podcast

The concept of Armageddon is related to military struggles, to the place of the great battle and wickedness, and is mentioned in the book of Revelation. This passage has its final fulfillment not in physical terms, but in the spiritual era when the true believers stand in their positions. This publication deals with the concept of Armageddon and is summarized in three headings, which indicate where, how, and when Armageddon takes place and what its consequences will be. The three aspects are deeply intertwined with each other. It is the site, the manner, and the period in which this event...

“God doesn’t love us all; He loves us each.” show art “God doesn’t love us all; He loves us each.”

A Voice in The Desert Podcast

There’s a doctrine around called the Universal Fatherhood of God and the Universal Brotherhood of Man: It says this—that God is the Father of all, and we’re all brothers. That sounds good, that sounds so sweet, but there’s one thing wrong with it. It’s not so. He is the Creator of all of us. And in the broadest sense, with a stretch of the word, you could call Him the Father, but not in the spiritual sense. Not all people are children of God; only those who are born into His family. Jesus said in John 8:44 when He was speaking to the Pharisees, “You are of your father, the devil,...

The Rise of a One-World Government and Its Consequences for the Christian Community show art The Rise of a One-World Government and Its Consequences for the Christian Community

A Voice in The Desert Podcast

The Rise of a One-World Government and Its Consequences for the Christian Community   From a careful study of what the Bible says about the end times events, we have found six broad categories directly related to this topic. Each of these is significant in its own context, for the Christian community at least: (1) a one-world government is eventually to be established; (2) after a great war, there will be a need to heal and rebuild; (3) all the world's leaders will agree that the greater good will be served by all humanity becoming part of a one-world political system; (4) at first, the...

More Episodes

You’ve died! Now What?


Is there an after life?

What happens when I die?

What Does The Bible Say Happens after we die?

Does the Bible tell us what happens right after death?


At a Given Time

The Bible speaks a lot about life and death and God gives us two choices as it says, “I call heaven and earth to witness against you today, that I have set before you life and death, blessing and curse. Therefore choose life, that you and your offspring may live” (Deut 30:19), so we must be “loving the LORD your God, obeying his voice and holding fast to him, for he is your life and length of days, that you may dwell in the land that the LORD swore to your fathers, to Abraham, to Isaac, and to Jacob, to give them” (Deut 30:20). We can either repent and trust in Christ or face God’s judgment after we die or at Christ’s return. Either way, those who reject Christ die with the wrath of God on them (John 3:36). The author of Hebrews wrote, “it is appointed for man to die once, and after that comes judgment” (Heb 9:27), so we know that a judgment comes after a person dies, but if we have trusted in Christ, our sins were judged at the cross and our sins have been taken away because it was “For our sake he made him to be sin who knew no sin, so that in him we might become the righteousness of God” (2nd Cor 5:21). Everyone of us has an appointment with death and none of us know when that day will come, so today is the day of salvation if you have not yet placed your faith in Christ (2nd Cor 6:2) today is the perfect day to do so.