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167 Michelle Norris: From Healing & Growth To Paleo f(x)

Wellness + Wisdom with Josh Trent

Release Date: 02/06/2018

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More Episodes

As women, when we try to mimic masculine energy, we mimic it incorrectly. When we think that we have to be a man to have power and control, we actually lose our power. We actually have a lot more power when we're being authentic and real. We're not men and we shouldn't try to operate as men. We're women and we should try to operate as the women that we are. – Michelle Norris

How can you let go of negative thoughts in order to find inner strength and make an impact on this world? 



What can you do to become more comfortable with either your masculine or feminine energy in the workplace?

One Wellness Force Radio episode 167, CEO, Founder, and Owner of Paleo f(x) as well as a trained chef, Paleo f(x), shares how she was able to let go of negative thoughts and controlling actions to allow others the gift of helping create something incredible for Paleo f(x).

Listen and learn how you can overcome the negative effects of TV media, make an impact on the wellness community, and let go of the anxious thoughts that are holding you back from healing and growing.


Imagine being part of the largest gathering of Paleo/ancestral health/Keto/functional medicine/strength & conditioning experts in the world … gathered to help YOU up-level your life and connect with your tribe! Paleo f(x)™ is the Who’s Who gathering of the ancestral health movement. Our tribe gathers to learn and grow together! We bring the latest, most cutting-edge science and strategy together to help you create your very best!

Paleo f(x) 2018 features:

  • Kickass Keynotes
  • Paleo For Beginners
  • Masterminds With The Masters
  • Hands-On Workshops
  • Health Expo Playground
  • Paleo f(x) Fitscore
  • Hero Selfies & Book Signings

The very best version of YOU is waiting to awaken in Austin, Texas from April 27-29, 2018!


  • Why Michelle decided to become a trained chef and specifically focus on Italian cuisine.
  • How Michelle stays grounded throughout stressful or difficult moments.
  • Her interest in plant medicines and using them as a way to heal.
  • The personal war she faced with herself on the inside.
  • How she operates in masculine energy while still listening to her feminine side.
  • #MeToo and trying to find the solution for it.
  • How Michelle works with her male partners without trying to make them feel emasculated.
  • The moment she realized that her position as the CEO of Paleo f(x) had changed her compared to how she was in her other leadership roles.
  • Why some people are more comfortable dealing with men rather than women.
  • How she's grown after taking some time to look back at her past actions and thoughts.
  • Inner work she's done to let go of the past and stop listening to her harmful inner voice.
  • The importance of self-love and self-care so that you can be at your best for other people.
  • The moment she lost her daughter and how both she and her husband were able to work on processing her death.
  • Why we allow ourselves to be held down by objects and how we can let them go to become more minimalist.
  • How you can change your relationship with the media and the constant headlines you're being fed.
  • If attention is the new currency, what will that look like in 2018? What tricks and tips can you take and use to feel more uplifted after watching the news?
  • What fuels her and her husband, Keith, to help make an impact in this world.
  • Items you can purchase to help make an impact on what products big brands are going to sell.
  • Her advice for people who want to become a larger part of the health and wellness industry.


Paleo f(x)™ 2018 event tickets

“I really don't want control. I want people to respect me because I inspire them; not because I'm the CEO of Paleo f(x). I want to come from a place of operating with love, kindness, and mutual respect. I used to operate from a place of control, but now I operate from a place of vision of what I want for the future of Paleo f(x); whatever that will look like.” – Michelle Norris

“People have to feel comfortable with you in your leadership position. If they don't, then you have to be okay with that because as long as they're communicating with someone in your organization, it's okay.” – Michelle Norris

“I deal with the constant televised media and information by not consuming it. Instead, I talk to people who I can connect with. If you can surround yourself with the people who will give you what you need, then you don't need television. Nobody needs it and it's very detrimental to life.” – Michelle Norris

“You have this voice inside of you that can either tell you really great or horrible things. My inner voice told me that I wasn't good enough and that I should feel awful because of my actions. Then I realized that this voice wasn't serving me or anybody else. If I learn from what I've done in the past and I change what I've done, then I have to forgive myself and let it go. It doesn't matter if someone else doesn't forgive me because that's their deal.” – Michelle Norris

“It doesn't serve me or anyone else to sit around and feel bad about myself and think about the guilt of my past actions. I can't change who I was. The only thing I can change is the future and I'm now at a point where I'm really learning and practicing self-love. Self-love and self-care are real and everyone should focus on them every single day.” – Michelle Norris



Michelle Norris is a former corporate warrior, trained chef and multipotentialite whose personal health issues and struggles with traditional medical orthodoxy inspired her to upend the way the world tackles health, wellness, and prosperity.

She soon became one of Paleo’s most outspoken evangelists, then co-founded in 2012 and is now CEO of Paleo f(x)™, the largest Paleo event in the world. She’s a passionate speaker, motivator and guiding light to those seeking deliverance from a broken healthcare system and disabled economic system.

Having left the corporate grind far behind, she is now a serial entrepreneur in the health and wellness space, and a tireless firebrand for advancing the Paleo movement; a cultural reawakening of self-empowerment for the 21st century.






—> Click here to leave a voicemail directly to Josh Trent to be read live on the air.


You read all the way to the bottom? That's what I call love!

Write to me and let me know what you'd like to have to get more wellness in your life.