Yarnspinners Tales's Podcast
This podcast talks about why hand spinners have such a hard time spinning cotton, and ways to help that process.
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I have collected fiber to spin over the years, and am just now getting around to some of the older purchases. This podcast talks about some of that spinning.
info_outlineYarnspinners Tales's Podcast
After I spin a skein of yarn, It needs to be washed. Sometimes, I put this off until I have many to wash. I also talk about using the flow chart for how fibers burn, to determine what fiber content you have to spin.
info_outlineYarnspinners Tales's Podcast
The week's summary for Sept 5-11th of my spinning projects as well as a few homestead projects.
info_outlineYarnspinners Tales's Podcast
What? Black and white wool on one sheep?
info_outlineYarnspinners Tales's Podcast
Back in January 2021, I was doing the New Year thing, thinking about podcasting again, and putting a discussion about the New Year in that podcast. Somehow, the podcast never happened, and this bit of writing I did, was never published. Is it still relevant? I think so, but in a softer way, in that we are really not totally motionless anymore by the Pandemic. I started the musing with the question 'why during 2020 and especially forced to stay at home, did I not burst into a shower of creative work?' I had to look at what I have needed in the past to be...
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Just a brief note to fill those of you that haven't heard of my Mom's illness. I have to stop the podcast for awhile, as I spend time with her.
info_outlineYarnspinners Tales's Podcast
A new to me spinning wheel, 3D printed, is the topic of this podcast. There's also a brief discussion of the different between Scotch and Double Drive on spinning wheels.
info_outlineYarnspinners Tales's Podcast
In a house full of fiber to spin, sometimes some shows up in the strangest of places.
info_outlineYarnspinners Tales's Podcast
Podcasting for me is on the back burner at this time. I plan to return with the Tour de Fleece in July 2021.
info_outlineWhen I find that a podcast has no specific topic, but many different stories, I call them a spin-in. I also likened this to writing you a letter, dear listener! But mostly it feels like when we gather together with our spinning wheels and spin and talk. One never really knows what the conversations will be.
I catch you up on my recent projects, spinning and otherwise, tell you about a few things I read online, rant a bit about books and bookcases, and end with the promise of lots of spinning to come as I participate in this years TdF on Ravelry.
I took time to update the episode list last month, so if you want to find a specific topic in a podcast, check out that list. It will show the date the podcast was released. Use that date to find the podcast in the archives on this website.