TOS057: Basics of Faith V - Basics of the Paschal Mystery
Release Date: 02/21/2019
Truth of the Spirit
This 5-part series from Truth of the Spirit describes the Trials of Jesus after He was arrested until his final condemnation by Pilate and the people as given to Blessed Anne Catherine Emmerich in visions and recorded in the journal of Clement Brentano, edited by Very Rev. C.E. Schmöger, CSSR, published in 1914. It is narrated by Patti Brunner of Truth of the Spirit. Excerpts are taken from Anne Catherine Emmerich’ “The Lowly Life and Bitter Passion of Our Lord Jesus Christ and His Blessed Mother, Volume IV”. As with all private revelation we invite your discernment. ...
info_outlineTruth of the Spirit
This 5-part series from Truth of the Spirit describes the Trials of Jesus after He was arrested to his final condemnation by Pilate and the people as given to Blessed Anne Catherine Emmerich in visions and recorded in the journal of Clement Brentano, edited by Very Rev. C.E. Schmöger, CSSR, published in 1914. It is narrated by Patti Brunner of Truth of the Spirit. Excerpts are taken from Anne Catherine Emmerich’ “The Lowly Life and Bitter Passion of Our Lord Jesus Christ and His Blessed Mother, Volume IV”. As with all private revelation we invite your discernment. ...
info_outlineTruth of the Spirit
This 5-part series from Truth of the Spirit describes the Trials of Jesus after He was arrested until his final condemnation by Pilate and the people as given to Blessed Anne Catherine Emmerich in visions and recorded in the journal of Clement Brentano, edited by Very Rev. C.E. Schmöger, CSSR, published in 1914. It is narrated by Patti Brunner of Truth of the Spirit. Excerpts are taken from Anne Catherine Emmerich’ “The Lowly Life and Bitter Passion of Our Lord Jesus Christ and His Blessed Mother, Volume IV”. As with all private revelation we invite your discernment. ...
info_outlineTruth of the Spirit
This 5-part series from Truth of the Spirit describes the Trials of Jesus after He was arrested until his final condemnation by Pilate and the people as given to Blessed Anne Catherine Emmerich in visions and recorded in the journal of Clement Brentano, edited by Very Rev. C.E. Schmöger, CSSR, published in 1914. It is narrated by Patti Brunner of Truth of the Spirit. Excerpts are taken from Anne Catherine Emmerich’ “The Lowly Life and Bitter Passion of Our Lord Jesus Christ and His Blessed Mother, Volume IV”. As with all private revelation we invite your discernment. ...
info_outlineTruth of the Spirit
This 5-part series from Truth of the Spirit describes the Trials of Jesus after He was arrested until his final condemnation by Pilate and the people as given to Blessed Anne Catherine Emmerich in visions and recorded in the journal of Clement Brentano, edited by Very Rev. C.E. Schmöger, CSSR, published in 1914. It is narrated by Patti Brunner of Truth of the Spirit. Excerpts are taken from Blessed Anne Catherine Emmerich’s “The Lowly Life and Bitter Passion of Our Lord Jesus Christ and His Blessed Mother, Volume IV”. As with all private revelation we invite your...
info_outlineTruth of the Spirit
Day 40. Truth of the Spirit with Patti Brunner presents Daily Meditations for Lent. We include personal revelation for your discernment to grow in closeness to the Lord through truth, repentance, and the word of God moving into fullness within your heart during this liturgical season of Lent. Holy Week Playlist Holy Week Playlist - YouTube Videos in Holy Week Playlist: Episode 152 Visions of Anne Catherine Emmerich-Last Supper Eucharist, Episode 213 Judas the Betrayer-Anne Catherine Emmerich, Episode 057 Basics...
info_outlineTruth of the Spirit
Day 39. Truth of the Spirit with Patti Brunner presents Daily Meditations for Lent. We include personal revelation for your discernment to grow in closeness to the Lord through truth, repentance, and the word of God moving into fullness within your heart during this liturgical season of Lent. Audio Playlist: Daily Lent Meditations with Patti Brunner Video Playlist:
info_outlineTruth of the Spirit
Day 38. Truth of the Spirit with Patti Brunner presents Daily Meditations for Lent. We include personal revelation for your discernment to grow in closeness to the Lord through truth, repentance, and the word of God moving into fullness within your heart during this liturgical season of Lent. Audio Playlist: Daily Lent Meditations with Patti Brunner Video Playlist:
info_outlineTruth of the Spirit
Day 37. Truth of the Spirit with Patti Brunner presents Daily Meditations for Lent. We include personal revelation for your discernment to grow in closeness to the Lord through truth, repentance, and the word of God moving into fullness within your heart during this liturgical season of Lent. Audio Playlist: Daily Lent Meditations with Patti Brunner Video Playlist:
info_outlineTruth of the Spirit
Day 36. Truth of the Spirit with Patti Brunner presents Daily Meditations for Lent. We include personal revelation for your discernment to grow in closeness to the Lord through truth, repentance, and the word of God moving into fullness within your heart during this liturgical season of Lent. Audio Playlist: Video Playlist ?list=PLgixdsnYKWlQitpPkrvfhYNdxG8wkh4l8 Daily Lent Meditations with Patti Brunner Video Playlist:
What does the Paschal Mystery mean for us? Each person’s life is intimately affected. Join Patti Brunner and Truth of the Spirit to explore Basics of Faith with the Basics of the Paschal Mystery. Each of the Gospel writers agree: Christ has died, Christ is risen, Christ will come again. Baptism is the incorporation into the life of the risen Christ. The suffering servant, Christ, can relate to all suffering by mankind. The kingdom on earth as it is in heaven is shown to us with the glorification of Christ’s body at the resurrection from the dead. Salvation is the gift of the paschal mystery. Salvation is free. It is freely given. It is a gift purchased by the blood of the innocent and blameless Lamb of God, sacrificed to reunite God and Man. The Eucharist, the fruit of salvation, is the reuniting of God and man intimately and completely. It is the completion of the resurrection, the sign of the reunification of God and man and the tangible presence of the almighty God among us and within us. Catechism # 1394 says, “Since Christ died for us out of love, when we celebrate the memorial of his death at the moment of sacrifice we ask that love may be granted to us by the coming of the Holy Spirit.”