Rivers of the Mind
After being trapped in the darkness of the hard drive for an indescribably long time, John's tumultuous mind sends him into the streets, where cosmic forces beyond his comprehension are beginning to tear at the seams of reality.
info_outlineRivers of the Mind
Sapphire wanders into Ntia, where she has been remembered as a male river god, and speaks with some of the people who live there.
info_outlineRivers of the Mind
Dedjerba and John share a pot of tea, and discuss their travels while Sapphire heads out to see the city. John continues to try to figure out the nature of the alternate reality they are trapped in.
info_outlineRivers of the Mind
John and Sapphire journey along the river Ia with their new friend Dedjerba, arriving at the city Ntia.
info_outlineRivers of the Mind
Sapphire and John rest beside the river Ia, still unsure of the real nature of the world in which they are stranded.
info_outlineRivers of the Mind
A mysterious entity welcomes Meagan to the outer darkness, and introduces her to power beyond her comprehension.
info_outlineRivers of the Mind
John and Sapphire respond to their new situation in Oi, unsure whether or not it is safe or right to intervene in the city's affairs.
info_outlineRivers of the Mind
Sapphire and John enter Oi, and the prophet takes Sapphire to a temple built for foreign gods and foreign prophets.
info_outlineRivers of the Mind
John and Sapphire have an unexpected encounter while traveling along the vein of silver they discovered in the previous episode.
info_outlineRivers of the Mind
After killing Ryan, John and Sapphire find themselves stranded in a decomposing psychic hexateron.
info_outlineMeagan comes face to face with the tobacco spirits and struggles to learn their language.
Kyla Valenti: Meagan
Dominick Vilgiate: Jacob
Christopher Fox: Tobacco
Timothy Vilgiate: Eggplant, Pepper, The Great High Waters
Jareth Spirio: Colonel Imes
Written and edited by Timothy Vilgiate
Mandola, bowed glockenspiel, (some) bowed cymbals, bowed sheet metal by Timothy Vilgiate
First half recorded at UCCS Radio by Timothy Vilgiate, and by Christopher Fox from Kansas City. Second half recorded by Kyla Valenti in Michigan.
Ending Song: Titles and Cue Cards by A Bad Night For a Hero/C.j. Hackett
Season 2 artwork by Jesse Robertson
SOUND EFFECTS (From Freesound)
Car Window Down by digifishmusic
Metal Farm Gate in Wales by earwicker23
Creature Breath by Jacobalcook
Tobacco cough by FreqMan
01543 flying dragon by Robinhood 76
METAL Screech by metrostock99
Muffled Distant Explosion by Nenad Simic
Collision Reverb by Qubodup
Bowed_hihat4 and Bowed_hihat1 by carthach
Sweep-Cymbal by hannagreen
Ambiance Idling Car by 1san
car door slam by theshaggyfreak