Student of the Gun Radio
Inspired by the Kris Paronto interview with Shawn Ryan, Professor Paul read the book “13 Hours” by Michael Zuckoff. As usual, Paul read the book with a pen and highlighters close at hand. We began the discussion on Wednesday’s public hour and now we will continue addressing this topic in depth. Paul took four pages of notes regarding lessons that can be learned from the attacks on 9/11/12. What is the job of a bodyguard? What did General Patton say about a “good plan”? Why do sheep fear the sheepdog more so than the wolf? We will answer all these questions and more. Don’t miss this...
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For our weekly SOTG Homeroom, we will consider two separate situations where being dangerous on demand was critically important and saved the lives of two citizens; one in Chicago and one in Buenos Aires, Argentina. During our Tech Talk segment from EOTech Inc. Professor Paul and Zach will discuss and consider the best options for mounting a mini red dot, such as the EFLX, to a handgun. Did you need more of a reason to support the deportation of foreign invaders? Over the weekend, people who entered the United States illegally attacked police officers in Phoenix and one stole a police car. ...
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All of you NRA members that are mad at the organization and what changes, now is the time. Your ballot will be in your favorite NRA magazine this week. There ARE reform candidates and we will tell you how to find them. Professor Paul had quite a trip since the last show. He traveled to the SHOT Show and has a report from the show for all of us. Was there anything new and useful this year? We have a Tech Talk from EOTech Inc. as well as our afteraction from the latest Martial Application of the Pistol P201 class held at Pro Gun Vegas. Be sure to listen louder. FEATURING: Elect a New NRA,...
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All of us at Student of the Gun are pleased to announce that we are now offering our Home Study / Distance Learning programs for the Pistol and Rifle courses at stand alone products. Now, anyone with internet access can enroll and take part in professional firearms education. During our Tech Talk from EOTech Inc. we will consider the brand new 3-9x super compact rifle scope in the VUDU line from EOTech. How might this new optic benefit you? Also, Paul and Zach will chat about the Tiktok issue. Donald Trump is once again the President of the United States. What does this mean for us and...
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Following the orders of his masters, Joe Biden has continued on his path to do everything he can to damage the United States before he is ejected from the people’s house on January 20th. Rather than put terrorists in custody on trial, they are instead releasing them into the wild with a promise to behave. During our SOTG Homeroom from, we relate another wild animal encounter. This time it was a coyote in a supermarket. What advice did the Bambi Police have for us after this encounter? Also, for our weekly Tech Talk from EOTech Inc. Professor Paul will consider a question. Do the...
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Didn’t we spend 20 years on a war to eliminate terrorism in the world? A homegrown ISIS supporter, an American Johnny Jihad, murdered 14 and injured 34 on New Year’s Day in New Orleans. Are you prepared to deal with the reality of terrorism in the USA? During our Tech Talk from EOTech Inc. we have reason to celebrate. Our friends at EOTech are celebrating their 30th Anniversary this year. We have an SOTG Homeroom for you from, Professor Paul will address a Mindset issue. Is there more to being an armed citizen than carrying a gun? During a recent article, Paul considered the...
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The second Christian school in two weeks has been the scene of an attack with a lone gunman shooting innocent children. What do we know about the Wisconsin attack? What can be done to protect our children inside of their schools? Does anyone have a plan that doesn’t include disarming innocent people? FRAC, the Firearms Regulatory Accountability Coalition, is an organization dedicated to keeping an eye on the criminals in the AFT as well as fighting back against government attacks on the gun industry. We have Travis White from FRAC on as a special guest. Also, during our Tech Talk from EOTech...
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Did you hear about the man who attacked a Christian school in California? You might ask yourself why that is and why the national media has chosen to largely ignore the story. What can we and should we do to protect our children from killers? We have a Tech Talk from EOTech Inc for you. Do you really need a 3x magnifier? If you do need one, how much training and practice have you put in to learn how to use it? Professor Paul and Zach will discuss some Markel family Christmas traditions. Also, what’s the deal with pistol silencers? Does subsonic ammo actually cause pistols to “jam”? We...
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Student of the Gun University just conducted another Martial Application of the Rifle class at the Pro Gun Vegas facility in Boulder City, Nevada. We will give you some after-action and lessons learned from the event. Despite the efforts of US Customs, counterfeit optics are making their way into the USA. During our Tech Talk from EOTech Inc, Professor Paul will discuss how to spot a counterfeit optic. Are you prepared for all emergencies? During our SOTG Homeroom, we will consider how important it is to carry the fundamental four. Would you be ready to deal with an airplane dropping out...
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Thanks to nearly four years of criminal behavior from the Biden/Harris regime, tens of thousands or violent foreign invaders were allowed into the nation and shuffled all over the country. Three of these criminal monsters recently were arrested in SLC, Utah for aggravated assault. Are you prepared to deal with such threats? During our Tech Talk from EOTech Inc. Professor Paul will consider the benefits of the Holographic Weapon Sight and how it can aid the shooter in awkward or unconventional shooting situations. Also, we will answer some questions from the audience. Additionally,...
The U.S. House of Representatives passed a major gun control bill. If signed into law, firearms ownership will no longer be a right, but instead a privilege of the state.
Our SWAT Fuel Warrior of the Week has a question about firearms training. Is there an LP (linear progression) program for shooting? That is a great question. Listen louder for the answer.
During our Quiet Time Moment from, the Professor has another reminder and suggestion for required reading. This book should be read by every man and woman who believes in a Constitutional Republic.
Topics Covered During This Episode:
- Warrior of the Week
- Go to and use Promo Code “SOTG”
- TOPIC: Charity Hambrick- Is there a marksmanship LP? How much should you go to the gun range?
- Use the Code SOTG829 to get 50% OFF the One Box Workout
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- Huge thanks to our Partners:
Silencer Shop | Brownells | Century Arms | Crossbreed | Duracoat | Froglube | SWAT Fuel - Quiet Time
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- TOPIC: 5000 Year Leap: Principles of Freedom 101
- House Democrats: No ICE Alert if Illegal Fails Gun Background Check
- House votes to approve first major gun control bill in 25 years
- “Shall Not Be Infringed” Bill of Rights: Amendment 2, 4, 5, 14
FEATURING: Breitbart, CBS News, SWAT Fuel, Silencer Shop, Madison Rising, Jarrad Markel, Paul G. Markel, SOTG University
PARTNERS: Brownells Inc, Froglube, Crossbreed Holsters, Century Arms, SWAT Fuel, DuraCoat Firearm Finishes, Silencer Shop
FIND US ON: United Gun Group, iHeart Radio, Apple TV, Roku, Amazon, iTunes, Stitcher Radio, Google Play, YouTube, Full 30, Instagram, Facebook, Twitter, tumblr
During the hearings for universal background checks, House Democrats rejected a Republican proposal to alert U.S. Immigration and Customs Enforcement (ICE) if an illegal alien is discovered via a background check for a firearm.
Fox News reported that the universal background check bill, H.R. 8, passed the House Judiciary Committee on a 23–15 party-line vote. Rep. Greg Steube (R-FL) had proposed an amendment to H.R. 8, which would have required a notification be sent to law enforcement “when an individual attempting to purchase a firearm fails a federal background check.”
Steube commented of the Democrats’ refusal to incorporate his amendment, “In rejecting this amendment, the Democrats have shown their true colors.” He continued, “It is clear they are not interested in preventing gun violence or stopping the illegal purchase of firearms, but rather they are only interested in limiting the rights of law-abiding citizens to advance their own political agenda.”
The Democratic-controlled House on Wednesday approved a measure requiring federal background checks for all firearms sales and transfers, the first major gun control legislation considered by Congress in nearly 25 years. Democrats called the 240-190 vote a major step to end the gun lobby's grip on Washington and begin to address an epidemic of gun violence, including 17 people who were killed at a Florida high school last year.
The bill is the first of two that Democrats are bringing to the House floor this week as part of an effort to tighten gun laws following eight years of Republican control. The other bill would extend the review period for background checks from three to 10 days.