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SOTG 847 - Venezuela and the Deadly Plague of Socialism

Student of the Gun Radio

Release Date: 05/04/2019

Training is NOT Supposed to be Convenient | SOTG 1251 show art Training is NOT Supposed to be Convenient | SOTG 1251

Student of the Gun Radio

Training is not supposed to be convenient, it is supposed to be a priority. Student of the Gun University just hosted another PFT Training Camp. During this show we will discuss the curriculum and many of the lessons that were learned. During our Tech Talk from EOTech Inc. Professor Paul will consider which is more important, buying a new gun or purchasing night vision? What do you think? Also, during our SOTG Homeroom, we will discuss how to get ready for a firearms training class. Additionally, Paul and Jarrad will highlight numerous travel classes that are coming up on the SOTGU calendar....

Rep. Rebecca Schmoe, Trump Assassination & Trauma Medicine | SOTG 1250 show art Rep. Rebecca Schmoe, Trump Assassination & Trauma Medicine | SOTG 1250

Student of the Gun Radio

First of all, yes, Professor Paul will discuss the attempted assassination of President Trump. As someone who has been a professional bodyguard, he has some insight into executive protection. We have KS House Rep. Rebecca Schmoe to discuss liberty and defending values as an elected representative of the people. We will also discuss how she came to be a strong gun rights advocate. Is the expensive hemostatic gauze really all that much better than standard medical gauze? We will consider that in detail during our SOTG Homeroom brought to you by Student of the Gun University. Thanks for being a...

Helmets, Sharks & Alex Bosco from SB Tactical | SOTG 1249 show art Helmets, Sharks & Alex Bosco from SB Tactical | SOTG 1249

Student of the Gun Radio

We have a special guest. Alex Bosco the founder of SB Tactical and the inventor of the original pistol brace will join us to discuss the recent court ruling as well as the future of braces and our industry in general. During our Tech Talk from EOTech Inc. we will talk about the “tech” of modern helmets. Josh Brooks from Hard Head Veterans helps us to understand what goes into modern ballistic helmets.   There were numerous shark attacks during the July 4th Holiday Weekend. During our SOTG Homeroom segment we will examine them and discuss what we can do to be better prepared for...

Dangerous Targets & Adam Kraut from SAF | SOTG 1248 show art Dangerous Targets & Adam Kraut from SAF | SOTG 1248

Student of the Gun Radio

This week we have a special guest, Adam Kraut, the Executive Director of the Second Amendment Foundation. Adam will discuss the importance of recent court decisions and the legal battles that American citizens are fighting against criminal government overreach.  During our SOTG Homeroom from Professor Paul will discuss a recent article published at Shooting News Weekly. There are some range props and materials used to build ranges that could prove to be hazardous to shooters and onlookers.  For this week’s Tech Talk from EOTech Inc. we will discuss the importance of electronic...

Arkansas Grocery Store Attack: Always Carry the Fundamental Four | SOTG 1247 show art Arkansas Grocery Store Attack: Always Carry the Fundamental Four | SOTG 1247

Student of the Gun Radio

A recent rampage killing sprees at a grocery store in Arkansas once more demonstrates the necessity for the Fundamental Four; lethal, sharp, bright, medical. Never leave your house without them. Have supreme confidence in your ability to use them. During our Tech Talk from EOTech Inc we will consider mounting and using a mini red dot optic on a handgun. Also, could you hit your target if the dot stopped working?  Also, during our Pro Tip of the Week from FrogLube we will consider firearms cleaning and maintenance from the perspective of bore cleaning. Tune in and listen louder. ...

Be Ready & Braces and Bump Stocks | SOTG 1246 show art Be Ready & Braces and Bump Stocks | SOTG 1246

Student of the Gun Radio

The saying goes, “Be ready so you don’t have to get ready.” The Government of Denmark just advised its people to get ready and prepare for a potential war with Russia. What is the advice that they are being given and how does that jive with reality? Two court rulings have come down in the last week highlighting the criminal overreach by Joe Biden’s “AFT”.  First the prohibition against the pistol brace was thrown out by a judge in Texas. Then the US Supreme Court ruled that the AFT overstepped its authority by classifying bump-stocks as “machine guns”. We have a Tech Talk...

Carry a Gun to the Grocery Store & Shark Attack | SOTG 1245 show art Carry a Gun to the Grocery Store & Shark Attack | SOTG 1245

Student of the Gun Radio

Do you carry your fundamental four everywhere, even to the grocery store? A woman was stabbed and her child murdered by a maniac wielding a knife in a grocery store parking lot in Ohio. What lessons can we learn?  Three people were attacked and maimed by sharks in Florida on the same day in the same area. Fortunately none died despite life-threatening injuries due to the efforts of the people on the scene. Are you carrying medical gear to the beach?  Also, during our Tech Talk from EOTech we consider the importance of understanding off set. We have a Frog Lube Pro Tip of the week for...

Tritium Sights & Marty from Talking Lead | SOTG 1244 show art Tritium Sights & Marty from Talking Lead | SOTG 1244

Student of the Gun Radio

Our buddy, Marty from Talking Lead, will join us for an after-action discussion of our recent time spent in Dallas, Texas at the NRA Annual Meeting & Exhibits. It’s always great to have our old friends on the show.  During our Tech Talk from EOTech Inc. we will consider Tritium sights, specifically “Police Trade-In Night Sights”. Are you getting a good deal when you buy trade-in cop guns with Tritium sights or are you being ripped off?  Also, do extra-heavy triggers prevent negligent discharges? During our SOTG Homeroom from , we will answer a question from a listener in...

State of the NRA w/ Isaac Demarest & Lubing your Shotguns | SOTG 1243 show art State of the NRA w/ Isaac Demarest & Lubing your Shotguns | SOTG 1243

Student of the Gun Radio

What is truly going on with the NRA leadership? We have Isaac Demarest, an NRA Board Member, with us today to discuss the changes taking place at the National Rifle Association.  During our Tech Talk from EOTech, Inc., Professor Paul will consider the importance of understanding offset. What is offset and how does it apply to a firearm with an optic? Also, we have a Froglube Pro Tip for you. Shotguns need lube too. How much and where should you put the lube?  Finally, during our SOTG Homeroom from SOTG University, we have a new friend, Tim Evancich, who will tell us about the...

NRA Dallas 2024 | SOTG 1242 show art NRA Dallas 2024 | SOTG 1242

Student of the Gun Radio

The team spent a glorious long weekend in Big D. We have live reports from the floor of the NRA Annual Meeting and Exhibits held in Dallas, Texas. Thanks to Kel Tec Firearms, we had a recording studio on the floor. Thank you to all of you who came out to our book signing events and said hello.  A number of special guests joined us, including Paul Glasco, author of “How to Make a Monster: And Why No One Cares”. Mr. Glaso explains factors that tie all of the recent rampage killers together. What facts has the mainstream media deliberately overlooked or flat out lied about?  Also...

More Episodes

What happens when the people become selfish and weak and support socialism; you end up with 2019 Venezuela. An MSNBC reporter accidentally explained to the world exactly why the 2nd Amendment to the US Constitution is so critically important.

Our SWAT Fuel Warrior of the Week has a question about training with your off hand. How much time, if any, should a shooter spend working with their non-dominant or off hand?

During this week’s Quiet Time Moment from SilencerShop.com, Professor Paul has a new reading assignment for you. You might be surprised by his selection.  Tune in and listen louder.

Topics Covered During This Episode:


  1. https://youtu.be/lTs6a0ORdQU
  2. https://youtu.be/AjT8UhDAVHI
  3. https://youtu.be/tLtP8Xg5ZDc
  4. https://youtu.be/DVLStumDzOE 

FEATURING: Free Beacon, Sanders Senate, Breitbart, Night Fision, SWAT Fuel, Silencer Shop, Madison Rising, Jarrad Markel, Paul G Markel, SOTG University

PARTNERS: BrownellsInc, Froglube, crossbreedholsters, centuryarms, SWATfuel, DuraCoatFirearmFinishes, SilencerShop

FIND US ON: iTunesUS, Stitcherradio, AppleTV, Roku, Amazon, GooglePlay, YouTube, Full30TV, InstagramEnglish, Facebook, twitterinc, tumblr


From freebeacon.com:

MSNBC reporter Kerry Sanders unwittingly made the American case for the Second Amendment during a report Tuesday on the political upheaval in Venezuela.

Anchor Andrea Mitchell introduced Sanders for his report by commenting on the surprising ability of Venezuelan dictator Nicolás Maduro to stay in power, despite the pressure on him to step down.

"Not only hanging on but he appears to still control the military," Sanders said. "You have to understand, in Venezuela gun ownership is not something that's open to everybody. So if the military have the guns, they have the power and as long as Nicolás Maduro controls the military, he controls the country."

(Click Here for Full Article)


From www.sanders.senate.gov:

Washington, it seems to us, is focusing on one gap -- between spending and revenue -- to the exclusion of others. That's unwise, because these other gaps also pose threats to America and its social structure. They, too, ought to be closed.

Take the jobs gap, which doesn't need much explanation. There are far fewer jobs than people seeking work, which is why unemployment is close to 10 percent or higher, if you count those who would like a job but have given up looking. According to economist Laura D'Andrea Tyson, writing last week in The New York Times, the U.S. economy would have to add about 12.3 million jobs to return to employment levels that existed before the 2008-2009 recession blindsided America.

A quarter of a million people enter the labor force each month. At the current pace of recovery -- which is to say slower than slow -- closing this gap could take 10 years or more. Talk about a lost decade.

(Click Here for Full Article)


From www.breitbart.com:

10 Famous People Who Praised Venezuela’s Descent Into Socialist Hell

Nearly two decades of socialism has left oil-rich Venezuela in an unparalleled crisis.

Recent figures show that a majority of Venezuelans go to bed hungry and 15 percent of people eat garbage to survive. The country desperately lacks basic resources, such as medicine and power.

Mass protests and riots are now breaking out across the country, as dictator Nicolas Maduro attempts to discard the Venezuelan constitution to tighten his grip on power.

However, Venezuela’s problems date back to 1999, with the election of socialist president Hugo Chávez, whose mass redistribution of wealth and financial mismanagement laid the groundwork for the country’s economic collapse.

(Click Here for Full Article)