SOTG 847 - Venezuela and the Deadly Plague of Socialism
Release Date: 05/04/2019
Student of the Gun Radio
During our SOTG Homeroom we have a positive story. Rather than become yet another in the ranks of long forgotten victims of crime, a 14-year-old Kentucky Teen defended his family's home when two armed home invaders broke in. Also, for our Tech Talk this week from EOTech Inc, Professor Paul will discuss a fast way to get on paper when you need to zero a 1:1 optic such as the XPS sight. What exactly is a “fantasy gunfight” and is that a positive thing or a negative? We will consider training, specifically scenario-based training and how that benefits those who carry a firearm for...
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An important court decision and a victory for Americans versus an overreaching government bureaucracy was just handed down. Franklin Armory and FRAC were plaintiffs. We have Jay from Franklin Armory and Travis from FRAC as our special guests to discuss that decision and much more. During our Tech Talk from EOTech Inc, Professor Paul will consider the importance of tactics versus marksmanship. When it comes to fighting for your life, which is more important? Additionally, we have an SOTG Homeroom for you from SOTGU. Are you carrying a compact revolver? Have you considered carrying one? Paul...
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Student of the Gun University has a Beyond the Boo Boo Traumatic Medicine and Team Tactic class coming up in east Texas. During our SOTG Homeroom, we will once more address the importance of being properly trained to save a life. During our Tech Talk from EOTech Inc. we will examine something a bit different. Today we consider the “sharp” part of the Fundamental Four. Oh, Canada! We have two different stories from the Great White North. We have life imitating art and then a socialist politician trying to threaten President Trump. Professor Paul has a message for our friends up north. ...
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Inspired by the Kris Paronto interview with Shawn Ryan, Professor Paul read the book “13 Hours” by Michael Zuckoff. As usual, Paul read the book with a pen and highlighters close at hand. We began the discussion on Wednesday’s public hour and now we will continue addressing this topic in depth. Paul took four pages of notes regarding lessons that can be learned from the attacks on 9/11/12. What is the job of a bodyguard? What did General Patton say about a “good plan”? Why do sheep fear the sheepdog more so than the wolf? We will answer all these questions and more. Don’t miss this...
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For our weekly SOTG Homeroom, we will consider two separate situations where being dangerous on demand was critically important and saved the lives of two citizens; one in Chicago and one in Buenos Aires, Argentina. During our Tech Talk segment from EOTech Inc. Professor Paul and Zach will discuss and consider the best options for mounting a mini red dot, such as the EFLX, to a handgun. Did you need more of a reason to support the deportation of foreign invaders? Over the weekend, people who entered the United States illegally attacked police officers in Phoenix and one stole a police car. ...
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All of you NRA members that are mad at the organization and what changes, now is the time. Your ballot will be in your favorite NRA magazine this week. There ARE reform candidates and we will tell you how to find them. Professor Paul had quite a trip since the last show. He traveled to the SHOT Show and has a report from the show for all of us. Was there anything new and useful this year? We have a Tech Talk from EOTech Inc. as well as our afteraction from the latest Martial Application of the Pistol P201 class held at Pro Gun Vegas. Be sure to listen louder. FEATURING: Elect a New NRA,...
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All of us at Student of the Gun are pleased to announce that we are now offering our Home Study / Distance Learning programs for the Pistol and Rifle courses at stand alone products. Now, anyone with internet access can enroll and take part in professional firearms education. During our Tech Talk from EOTech Inc. we will consider the brand new 3-9x super compact rifle scope in the VUDU line from EOTech. How might this new optic benefit you? Also, Paul and Zach will chat about the Tiktok issue. Donald Trump is once again the President of the United States. What does this mean for us and...
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Following the orders of his masters, Joe Biden has continued on his path to do everything he can to damage the United States before he is ejected from the people’s house on January 20th. Rather than put terrorists in custody on trial, they are instead releasing them into the wild with a promise to behave. During our SOTG Homeroom from, we relate another wild animal encounter. This time it was a coyote in a supermarket. What advice did the Bambi Police have for us after this encounter? Also, for our weekly Tech Talk from EOTech Inc. Professor Paul will consider a question. Do the...
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Didn’t we spend 20 years on a war to eliminate terrorism in the world? A homegrown ISIS supporter, an American Johnny Jihad, murdered 14 and injured 34 on New Year’s Day in New Orleans. Are you prepared to deal with the reality of terrorism in the USA? During our Tech Talk from EOTech Inc. we have reason to celebrate. Our friends at EOTech are celebrating their 30th Anniversary this year. We have an SOTG Homeroom for you from, Professor Paul will address a Mindset issue. Is there more to being an armed citizen than carrying a gun? During a recent article, Paul considered the...
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The second Christian school in two weeks has been the scene of an attack with a lone gunman shooting innocent children. What do we know about the Wisconsin attack? What can be done to protect our children inside of their schools? Does anyone have a plan that doesn’t include disarming innocent people? FRAC, the Firearms Regulatory Accountability Coalition, is an organization dedicated to keeping an eye on the criminals in the AFT as well as fighting back against government attacks on the gun industry. We have Travis White from FRAC on as a special guest. Also, during our Tech Talk from EOTech...
info_outlineWhat happens when the people become selfish and weak and support socialism; you end up with 2019 Venezuela. An MSNBC reporter accidentally explained to the world exactly why the 2nd Amendment to the US Constitution is so critically important.
Our SWAT Fuel Warrior of the Week has a question about training with your off hand. How much time, if any, should a shooter spend working with their non-dominant or off hand?
During this week’s Quiet Time Moment from, Professor Paul has a new reading assignment for you. You might be surprised by his selection. Tune in and listen louder.
Topics Covered During This Episode:
- We forgot to mention this but, The Shipping Ogre’s birthday was yesterday, and we’ve got a great sale going right now!
- Warrior of the Week
- Go to and use Promo Code “SOTG”
- TOPIC: Offhand training: what percentage of time would you suggest training on your off side, if any, and do you have any suggestions on making mag changes smoother on the off side? - Jasmine Gibson
- Get a Free Bottle of 9mm+P | Question Post in The Liberty Mastermind
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- Accur8 Sights from SOTG & Night Fision “Absolute Accuracy, Day or Night”
- Video on Sights/Tritium:
- Promo code Paul will get you 10% off and 10% donated to the GoFundMe
- Huge thanks to our Partners:
Silencer Shop | Brownells | Century Arms | Crossbreed | Duracoat | Froglube | SWAT Fuel - Quiet Time
- TOPIC: Recommended Reading
- Venezuela Today proves our point: Socialism is a Deadly Plague
- Bernie Sanders praised Venezuela
- Liberal Fascists praised Chavez
FEATURING: Free Beacon, Sanders Senate, Breitbart, Night Fision, SWAT Fuel, Silencer Shop, Madison Rising, Jarrad Markel, Paul G Markel, SOTG University
PARTNERS: BrownellsInc, Froglube, crossbreedholsters, centuryarms, SWATfuel, DuraCoatFirearmFinishes, SilencerShop
FIND US ON: iTunesUS, Stitcherradio, AppleTV, Roku, Amazon, GooglePlay, YouTube, Full30TV, InstagramEnglish, Facebook, twitterinc, tumblr
MSNBC reporter Kerry Sanders unwittingly made the American case for the Second Amendment during a report Tuesday on the political upheaval in Venezuela.
Anchor Andrea Mitchell introduced Sanders for his report by commenting on the surprising ability of Venezuelan dictator Nicolás Maduro to stay in power, despite the pressure on him to step down.
"Not only hanging on but he appears to still control the military," Sanders said. "You have to understand, in Venezuela gun ownership is not something that's open to everybody. So if the military have the guns, they have the power and as long as Nicolás Maduro controls the military, he controls the country."
Washington, it seems to us, is focusing on one gap -- between spending and revenue -- to the exclusion of others. That's unwise, because these other gaps also pose threats to America and its social structure. They, too, ought to be closed.
Take the jobs gap, which doesn't need much explanation. There are far fewer jobs than people seeking work, which is why unemployment is close to 10 percent or higher, if you count those who would like a job but have given up looking. According to economist Laura D'Andrea Tyson, writing last week in The New York Times, the U.S. economy would have to add about 12.3 million jobs to return to employment levels that existed before the 2008-2009 recession blindsided America.
A quarter of a million people enter the labor force each month. At the current pace of recovery -- which is to say slower than slow -- closing this gap could take 10 years or more. Talk about a lost decade.
10 Famous People Who Praised Venezuela’s Descent Into Socialist Hell
Nearly two decades of socialism has left oil-rich Venezuela in an unparalleled crisis.
Recent figures show that a majority of Venezuelans go to bed hungry and 15 percent of people eat garbage to survive. The country desperately lacks basic resources, such as medicine and power.
Mass protests and riots are now breaking out across the country, as dictator Nicolas Maduro attempts to discard the Venezuelan constitution to tighten his grip on power.
However, Venezuela’s problems date back to 1999, with the election of socialist president Hugo Chávez, whose mass redistribution of wealth and financial mismanagement laid the groundwork for the country’s economic collapse.