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Why The Power Of Your Thoughts Can Change Your Life

Simply Real Life

Release Date: 01/31/2024

Birth Plans, The Birth Portal & How I’m Prepping For Birth show art Birth Plans, The Birth Portal & How I’m Prepping For Birth

Simply Real Life

Ep. 55 Show Notes: This week's episode is a response to all your questions asking about my birth plan, my past birth experiences, and how I'm preparing myself, mind, body, and spirit for our next one which is coming up fast!  I'm sharing what I'm doing differently this time around based on what I've learned from my past birthing experiences as well as what I'm "planning" on doing again but we all know what they say about the best laid plans :). Come join me for a little convo about my past experiences and what I'm doing now with the hope that it may help give you some ideas, whether...

My Summer Intentions (and How To Create Your Own) show art My Summer Intentions (and How To Create Your Own)

Simply Real Life

Ep. 54 Show Notes: Back by popular demand, I'm sharing another episode on my intentions for the summer season and how you can do the same. This is, by far, my favorite time of the year and I really want to make sure I'm soaking it all up in exactly the way that I want, by design and not by default.  If you set your own intentions for how you want to feel this summer, let us know! Head over to the Simply Real Life IG account and share what you're focusing on in this season.  ***** This episode is brought to you by  my all time favorite brand for truly clean, non-toxic...

The Cheat Code for How to Never Be Confused About Food Again show art The Cheat Code for How to Never Be Confused About Food Again

Simply Real Life

Ep. 53 Show Notes: In today's episode, I'm sharing the one thing that I wish I would have done so many years ago that would've helped me through all the confusion of what to eat in order to feel the way I wanted to feel in my ilfe. I chased so many wrong things, went down wrong paths, and followed societal norms which were not it at all!  Take a listen to the simple change I made and how you can, too, to help you feel more energy, more vitality, more vibrancy, and ultimately more YOU!  As always, thanks for listening!   ***** This episode is brought to you by  my all...

Advice I'd Give To My Younger Self show art Advice I'd Give To My Younger Self

Simply Real Life

Ep. 52 Show Notes: This week, I'm answering the question, "What advice would you give to your younger self?" and I've got plenty of answers. I've learned so much over the years and in today's episode, I give you all of the things I wish I would've known, learned, or done early on in adulthood.  ***** This episode is brought to you by  my all time favorite brand for truly clean, non-toxic skincare & beauty products that actually work! Use the code “simplyrealhealth” at checkout for an extra 10% off your order. This episode is brought to you by : our BRAND...

On Feeling Fear and Doing It Anyway show art On Feeling Fear and Doing It Anyway

Simply Real Life

Ep. 51 Show Notes: I'm back with an episode that is near and dear to my heart---- and where I've been finding myself, yet again...in the midst of yet another season of upleveling. And growth.  And why feeling the sensation of fear can be the biggest catalyst to accomplishing our dreams and  living in more alignment in our lives (and why fear it's often a good sign, vs something to avoid!) ***** This episode is brought to you by  my all time favorite brand for truly clean, non-toxic skincare & beauty products that actually work! Use the code...

Life Update: What I'm Loving, Learning & Thinking About Lately show art Life Update: What I'm Loving, Learning & Thinking About Lately

Simply Real Life

Ep. 50 Show Notes: I'm back with another life update episode, sharing with you all what I'm loving, reflecting on, and experimenting with these days.  Join me in a little heart-to-heart conversation and as always, thank you for sharing these episodes with your friends, messaging me with your feedback or more questions, and for leaving your reviews. It means so much!  ***** This episode is brought to you by  my all time favorite brand for truly clean, non-toxic skincare & beauty products that actually work! Use the code “simplyrealhealth” at checkout for an...

The Most Underrated Tip for a Better Relationship to Food show art The Most Underrated Tip for a Better Relationship to Food

Simply Real Life

Ep. 49 Show Notes:  In this episode, I'm sharing what could be the most needle-moving tip for you to have a healthier relationship with your food. I promise it's worth considering because doing this changed my life forever and can't imagine what my life would look like now if I hadn't. <shudder> Take a listen then head over to Instagram to continue the conversation!   COMING UP! Join me for 5 days to a healthier life (so you can get your time, energy & vibrance back). Learn daily tips & tricks to elevating your everyday life & health in simple ways each day....

How to Get Healthier in One Week show art How to Get Healthier in One Week

Simply Real Life

Ep. 48 - Show Notes: This week I'm sharing my thoughts on how to get healthier in just one week and I'm not talking about quick fixes or flash diets (of course, I'm not. ;)). I'm sharing what's worked for me that has never failed me and won't fail you, either.  ***** COMING UP APRIL 15th! Join me for 5 days to a healthier life challenge (so you can get your time, energy & vibrance back). Learn daily tips & tricks to elevating your everyday life & health in simple ways each day. Join the party here, it’s free and we’re doing as a whole SRH community!  ...

Pregnancy Q & A: Hyperemesis, Work, Life, Marriage & Motherhood (From My Bed) show art Pregnancy Q & A: Hyperemesis, Work, Life, Marriage & Motherhood (From My Bed)

Simply Real Life

Ep. 47 Show Notes: In this episode, I'm answering some of the most burning questions I received over the past couple of weeks after sharing about my 3rd pregnancy. In it, I share all about this (2nd) experience with hyperemesis gravidarum (HG) in pregnancy, on deciding to go from 2 to 3 kids, how old I am (!), and all about how this time went down as a mother, wife, business owner and woman who usually loves being so active, feeling good, and plugged into my life.  And what this season looks like when none of those things were possible. It's real, it's raw & it's truthful. It's an...

The Biggest Life Update: Surprise! show art The Biggest Life Update: Surprise!

Simply Real Life

Ep. 46  SHOW NOTES: I'm sharing a pretty big life update in today's episode and when you hear my news, you'll know why I'm taking a little break in the podcast after this week. Don't worry, it won't be too long!  Can you guess what I'm about to tell you? If you guessed correctly, come hang out with me in this episode's IG post so we can talk all about it in the comments. :)  This episode is brought to you by  my all time favorite brand for truly clean, non-toxic skincare & beauty products that actually work! Use the code “simplyrealhealth” at checkout for...

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Ep. 41 Show Notes:

In this episode, I answer a request to talk about my thoughts and how they create my reality as well as how I started practicing this in my life. 

This, by far, has been one of the most important things I've done for myself, personally and professionally, and Simply Real Health would never have existed if I hadn't started to work on my mindset. 

I hope this awareness around your thoughts helps you take steps to change your life like it did mine!

This episode is brought to you by @primallypure, my all time favorite brand for truly clean, non-toxic skincare & beauty products that actually work! Use the code "simplyrealhealth" at checkout for an extra 10% off your order.

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Have a Q or topic you’d love answered on the podcast? Send a message to us @simplyrealhealth on Instagram or email us [email protected].  

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Free guide: 18 Things to Stop Doing Now To Get Your Energy, Time & Vibrancy Back: https://simplyrealhealth.com/18-things/