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Simply Real Life

Welcome to the Simply Real Life podcast, with Sarah Adler, founder of Simply Real Health (@simplyrealhealth). Here to help you value yourself, pour into your health and elevate your daily life. This podcast is for those of you who want the real-talk on how to live a more intuitive and intentional life. A life that's healthy from the inside out. And one that feels more effortless, aligned, simple and alive. We cover it all: Wellness and health. Food. Mindset. Beauty. Motherhood. Relationships. Daily habits and rituals. Entrepreneurship. Creativity and growth. And tiny tricks to feeling your best (and the energetics behind it all). With personal stories and unfiltered conversations, while we answer all of your burning questions each week. All in the way of simplicity. And keeping it real. So that you can create your own version of your healthiest life.

info_outline Birth Plans, The Birth Portal & How I’m Prepping For Birth 06/26/2024
info_outline My Summer Intentions (and How To Create Your Own) 06/19/2024
info_outline The Cheat Code for How to Never Be Confused About Food Again 06/12/2024
info_outline Advice I'd Give To My Younger Self 06/05/2024
info_outline On Feeling Fear and Doing It Anyway 05/29/2024
info_outline Life Update: What I'm Loving, Learning & Thinking About Lately 05/02/2024
info_outline The Most Underrated Tip for a Better Relationship to Food 04/10/2024
info_outline How to Get Healthier in One Week 04/03/2024
info_outline Pregnancy Q & A: Hyperemesis, Work, Life, Marriage & Motherhood (From My Bed) 03/24/2024
info_outline The Biggest Life Update: Surprise! 03/06/2024
info_outline Beautiful Skin, Non-Toxic Living, Motherhood & Business with Bethany McDaniel, founder of Primally Pure 02/28/2024
info_outline Favorite Ways to Stay High Vibe 02/21/2024
info_outline How to Create Deeper & More Meaningful Friendships, with Katie Den Ouden 02/14/2024
info_outline To Snack? Or Not To Snack? 02/07/2024
info_outline Why The Power Of Your Thoughts Can Change Your Life 01/31/2024
info_outline 4 Tiny Things That Impact Your Health The Most 01/24/2024
info_outline When Your Kids Refuse Dinner 01/17/2024
info_outline My Own Winter Intentions This Season 01/10/2024
info_outline My Favorite New Year Intention Setting Process 01/03/2024
info_outline My End of Year Reflection Process 12/13/2023
info_outline 6 of My Favorite Daily Productivity Tricks 12/06/2023
info_outline What is Human Design? (And How To Use It To Live More Intuitively) 11/29/2023
info_outline How To Create A More Intentional Holiday Season 11/22/2023
info_outline (Motherhood): On Going From 1 to 2 Kids, My Thoughts and Reflections (Part 2) 11/15/2023
info_outline (Motherhood): On Life With One Baby, My Thoughts & Reflections (Part 1) 11/08/2023
info_outline 5 Wellness Trends I Don't Love 11/01/2023
info_outline How to Change Kids’ Eating Habits (When You Haven’t Started Them Early) 10/25/2023
info_outline Thoughts on Aging 10/18/2023
info_outline 4 Tools & Resources That Have Changed My Life 10/11/2023
info_outline How To Have A More Positive Mindset & Outlook On Life 10/04/2023