Barbell Baddiez Podcast
In this episode we share our experience working at hooters!
info_outline Episode 29: Lacking Motivation?Barbell Baddiez Podcast
In this episode we discuss how motivation comes and goes, and some tips to help with that!
info_outline Episode 29: Lacking Motivation?Barbell Baddiez Podcast
In this episode we discuss how motivation comes and goes, and some tips to help with that!
info_outline Episode 28: MMC- D.C, Body Image Issues & My Competition SeasonBarbell Baddiez Podcast
In this episode we discuss my trip to D.C, body image issues and my comp season!
info_outline Episode 27: MMC- Mexico & Am I The A-Hole?Barbell Baddiez Podcast
In this episode we talk about my trip to Mexico and am I the a-hole #gymversion!
info_outline Episode 26: Macronutrients | Protein Part 2Barbell Baddiez Podcast
In this episode, we talk all things protein part dos!
info_outline Episode 25: Macronutrients | Protein Part 1Barbell Baddiez Podcast
In this episode, we talk all things protein!
info_outline Episode 24: Thoughts on Cardio & When Events Get You Off PlanBarbell Baddiez Podcast
In this episode, we will talk about my thoughts on cardio & what I do when I am off plan due to family events/ vacations.
info_outline Episode 23: The Stages of ChangeBarbell Baddiez Podcast
For today's episode we are going to talk about something I have been learning in this weeks lesson for my personal training certification, and that is the stages of change!
info_outline Episode 22: Do You Need Support To Achieve Your Fitness Goals?Barbell Baddiez Podcast
In this episode we talk about the different kinds of support needed to achieve your fitness goals :)
info_outlineEver wonder it's like dating a bodybuilder? In this episode, we will be diving into our relationship and speak about what it is like dating a bodybuilder. We discuss/answer 10 questions listed below submitted from our listeners.
1. What were your first thoughts/ feelings when Marisa said she wanted to start bodybuilding?
2. Is there a strict diet you have to follow? If so, does that make going out to dinner difficult?
3. What does your fridge look like if you have a strict diet and he doesn't?
4. First of all, I LOVE that you’re doing an episode about bodybuilding & dating. I dated a pro bodybuilder & it was my most challenging relationship. Now that I’m a bodybuilder myself, trying to date is even more challenging. I’d love to hear y’all talk about how to still show up in a relationship when you or your partner is in prep
5. Does it affect your dating life with each other? You can’t go out to eat/no drinking?
6. Does it bother you that Marisa spends so much time in the gym?
7. Do you think someone needs to be secure with themselves dating a bodybuilder? Specifically if your partner is on stage with a small bikini?
8. How did you feel about Marisa's physique changing?
9. What was Marisa like on prep?
10. What advice do you have on how partners can support their bodybuilding partners? Do you like that Marisa is going to continue bodybuilding?
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