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Peace found beyond the Chaos in Awakening: Chris Waychoff

Bring On The Woo

Release Date: 03/14/2022

Former Catholic discovering Christ Conciousness w/the Gift of Sight: Marie Christine show art Former Catholic discovering Christ Conciousness w/the Gift of Sight: Marie Christine

Bring On The Woo

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Bring On The Woo

The spiritual movement has been long in coming into the modern day. What is coined as the 'New Age' is making it way into the mainstream reality/conciousness & today, we have the incredible Anita Dalton, the owner & founder of the Center for the New Age in Sedona, Arizona here, to share herjourney of helping to bring hat advanced conciouness into the world. Originlly from the East Coast, Anita said that she had always been deeply spiritual, first finding herself in Catholic Churches in prayer& meditation constantly. It then evolved, after she discovered sales & desired to do her best, which...

The Bridge between communing with Animals & the departed: Susan Allen show art The Bridge between communing with Animals & the departed: Susan Allen

Bring On The Woo

She still cites animal communication as her main driving passion, yet it would eventually lead her into mediumship and supporting those living with the passing of their loved ones. It was through a fateful day of working with a woman needing advice about her cats, that the woman’s father came through in the form of an image, in a picture, that now Susan’s mediumship came forth. In a pleasant synchronicity for Bringonthewoo, as the individual Susan worked with quite a bit to understand her gift was Tim Braun, another amazing Medium out of California who we have had the pleasure of...

Finding the Meaning of Life through Suicide with Maria Teresa show art Finding the Meaning of Life through Suicide with Maria Teresa

Bring On The Woo

There can be an extraordinarily powerful moment in life where we choose to step into our authentic power & self or choose to expire. In toay's story, we have Maria Teresa who shares her experience of a failed suicide attempt & how that has now become one of the greatest blessings of her existence. She was able to see beyond the suffering & abuse of her childhood after that point, with the voice of god coming to her & telling her to now wade through the depths & the mire to help others. Maria is now an incredible Shaman that can help those struggling with suicide, as she's been on that path &...

Mysteries of the Universe & Life found in the Body with Julie Farhbach show art Mysteries of the Universe & Life found in the Body with Julie Farhbach

Bring On The Woo

An often underrated tool to the spiritual path is our own physical body. Generally considered to be the hinderence to our path to enlightenment, more & more we can find that it actually can be our keywhen engaged with in a healthy & aware manner. Today, we have Julie Farbach who tells us her story of going from the traditional corperate job in LA that was putting her under immense pressure & stress to the point of suppressing her light & ability to function. After 10 years of this rat race, she found herself seeking healing to just feel like herself again, that would open the door to her...

An Ancient Art Form Brought to Life in Spiritual Practice & Healing with Robert Abrams show art An Ancient Art Form Brought to Life in Spiritual Practice & Healing with Robert Abrams

Bring On The Woo

It is often neglected to be remembered that pain is an incredile teacher while we are in the thick of it. Pain, of course s rough, though a salient sensation. It is teaching us that there is something more happening that needs to be addressed. Such is the case with Robert Abrams on his awakening path where debilitating gastro-intestinal problmes lead him down a path to discover Medical Chi Gong after years of developing pain & mistreatment/diagnosis by western doctors. He took this experience to guide him in not only understanding his own deficiencies & traumas that were still being manifested...

An Ancient Art Form Practiced in Movement & Stillness: Katie Auditori show art An Ancient Art Form Practiced in Movement & Stillness: Katie Auditori

Bring On The Woo

There is an allure to ancient mystery schools within the west, yet in the east, they still exist & thrive. Today we are diving into the depths of the Ancient Indian practice of the path of Yog, which includes many fascets such as yoga & the healing art form of Auyrveda. Katie Auditori is our guide & goes into her story of growing up a good Catholic girl yet always sought global & social science studiesas she knew there was much more going in on in life & the world than just her limited perspective at school. She was a frequent meditator, starting there & then dove into a yogic practice that...

Angels to Aliens, from AZ to Chile with Channeler Adrian Fisher show art Angels to Aliens, from AZ to Chile with Channeler Adrian Fisher

Bring On The Woo

The avenues of the Spiritual path are varied & encompase a variety of fields to help deliver truth & awarenes. Today we have Adrian Fisher with us, an incredible channel that draws down informaiton from the heavens to bring knowlendge to individuals about their personal lives & endenvours as well as for the human concious collect to evolve into its next phase. Unlike most, Adian's awakening took him from Zero to Sixty into the spiritual path from having been an extraordinarily succesful, international businessman to the powerful intuitive he is today. Listen in for his unique...

From Addiction to the Shaman: Sarah Walter show art From Addiction to the Shaman: Sarah Walter

Bring On The Woo

Pain and suffering are common denominators in life, that we often will go to great lengths to avoid by over consuming distractions like drugs, alchol, sex or food. In the story today, we have Sarah Walter expressing her awakening experience that occurred in one night, with the voice of God irrevocably changing her life after years of alchol and drug abuse. One night to change everything! From that moment, Sarah quit cold turkey, discovered yoga and took fitness to a whole new level as well as pursued the path of the shaman. He tale is beautifuly woven with tragedy, come backs, aliens, physical...

Andrew Newman: Crossing the Globe & Cultures to Spark Healing w/Creativity show art Andrew Newman: Crossing the Globe & Cultures to Spark Healing w/Creativity

Bring On The Woo

The realm of the creative & the mystic overlap dramatically in terms of the incredible things we can see or create. Today we have Andrew Newman with us, a prolific author specializing in children's concious stories that dives into his story of discovering his abilites as a fabulously creative being, something he never realized until later in his life. Growing up in South Africa in the jewelry & jem stone industry, much of Andrew's abilites were hidden from him until he eventually moved away to carve out his own path in the world: an adventure that would take him to multiple continents,...

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The story that we’re diving into today, is one that I deeply cherish, as it’s a great example of the awakening process in action that occurred recently. One of the things about working with practitioners that gets to be rather interesting, is that oftentimes they’ve been down their path for quite a while, so some of the nuances to what it looks like to become more conscious and aware of the reality around them, get lost with time or in overarching major significant details. Today we have Chris Waychoff with us and his journey is incredibly exciting as he had already 

been involved in the spiritual realm, in the way of wanting to support practitioners, yet hadn’t gone through that same process himself. Yet when it hit, it changed everything about his life.

Chris is an accountant, working with numbers, being very logically oriented yet had some interesting experiences in childhood with seeing the ghost of his grandmother but admitted that empathy and sensitivity to the world around him was not something that boys ‘did’, having grown up in the 60s and 70s. Walking more of a traditional path, Chris found himself in the very left brain career that he had had. It wasn’t until he wanted to collaborate with Christy Strauch on a project in encouraging individuals to have more ritual in their life, did his own life get turned on its head. After having started mysticsforhire.com and connecting with psychics, mystics and healers, including myself, did Chris get invited to go to a conference with Polly Wirum and Tony Redhouse, both of whom have been featured on Bring on the Woo, that Chris had an awakening experience that would enhance and enrich his life by simply becoming more aware of himself.

After completing a ceremony with Tony, at the end of the retreat with Polly, Chris’s sense of heart centeredness, empathy and sensitivity to the world around him became clear and amplified, almost to the point of overwhelm. With guidance from myself and other incredible practitioners, he has now found that it is much easier to feel those energies, on his own terms, while respecting others' space as well. A very common mistake when first learning how to manage your own energy is to intentionally or unintentionally overlap with someone else’s field. He now is able to use grounding tools and shielding practices to help him feel more comfortable and confident in the world yet also embracing his abilities. A great example of this is that Chris has always been aware to some degree that he’s needed to meet clients in person to be able to discern whether or not they’re a fit to work together. Yet now can even identify it more strongly as his ability to read their energy and find compatibility between them and him.

Some of the big takeaways from his story are accepting and trusting the process even if it can feel overwhelming because on the other side of tuning in to the sensitivities is the worlds where peace can be found amidst the chaos.

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Note: The statements and opinions in this podcast are those solely of the individual being interviewed, and not to be taken as medical advice. This podcast is for informational and entertainment purposes only.