Bring On The Woo
Join us for the awakenings, weird & transformations found in the Woo! Every week we talk to a variety of practitioners to explore mysticism, spirituality and the mysteries.
Former Catholic discovering Christ Conciousness w/the Gift of Sight: Marie Christine
Former Catholic discovering Christ Conciousness w/the Gift of Sight: Marie Christine
Spiritual crisis is extaordinarily common for those being diverted to a more spiritual path that generally leads us away from religion, seeking something greater. Such is the case with our guest today, Christine Maire, a spiritual counselor based out of Hawai'i, who was a devout Catholic growing up and found one day that the religion she was brought up in, did not match the reality she was seeing & feeling out in the world upon going to college. This spiritual crisis would take her on a journey of away from her relationship to Jesus initially, only to find him again in a new way & light after being guided by a guru, dicovering meditatio & eventually in a sacred native american plant ceremony to findchrist conciousness once again. This is a fascinating tale, with twists that always seem to lead us back home. Thank you for joining & let's dive in!
Founder of the New Age in the Spiritual Mecca of Sedona: Anita Dalton
Founder of the New Age in the Spiritual Mecca of Sedona: Anita Dalton
The spiritual movement has been long in coming into the modern day. What is coined as the 'New Age' is making it way into the mainstream reality/conciousness & today, we have the incredible Anita Dalton, the owner & founder of the Center for the New Age in Sedona, Arizona here, to share herjourney of helping to bring hat advanced conciouness into the world. Originlly from the East Coast, Anita said that she had always been deeply spiritual, first finding herself in Catholic Churches in prayer& meditation constantly. It then evolved, after she discovered sales & desired to do her best, which would lead her into a deeper awarness of how energy (which includes money) works. This job would take her out to California, until one day, on what was a seemingly errant journey, it would land her in Sedona. From there, with spirit at the helm, she recounts stories of experiencing ghosts in Jerome to being drawn to the building where the Center now is, to the miracles it took to support & create the spiritual hub as we know it today . You are in for a special treat with this one, so thank you for joining & let's dive in!
The Bridge between communing with Animals & the departed: Susan Allen
The Bridge between communing with Animals & the departed: Susan Allen
She still cites animal communication as her main driving passion, yet it would eventually lead her into mediumship and supporting those living with the passing of their loved ones. It was through a fateful day of working with a woman needing advice about her cats, that the woman’s father came through in the form of an image, in a picture, that now Susan’s mediumship came forth. In a pleasant synchronicity for Bringonthewoo, as the individual Susan worked with quite a bit to understand her gift was Tim Braun, another amazing Medium out of California who we have had the pleasure of interviewing before. It was through him, working with it herself & taking some courses to guide her, that she has become the internationally renowned medium we know today. Thank you so much for joining & now let’s dive in to this riviting story!
Finding the Meaning of Life through Suicide with Maria Teresa
Finding the Meaning of Life through Suicide with Maria Teresa
There can be an extraordinarily powerful moment in life where we choose to step into our authentic power & self or choose to expire. In toay's story, we have Maria Teresa who shares her experience of a failed suicide attempt & how that has now become one of the greatest blessings of her existence. She was able to see beyond the suffering & abuse of her childhood after that point, with the voice of god coming to her & telling her to now wade through the depths & the mire to help others. Maria is now an incredible Shaman that can help those struggling with suicide, as she's been on that path & now knows how to help people to navigate off it. She also is an amazing & prolific poet that is able to pour her heart & soul into such an unsung art form that has been a savior for her. Thank you so much for joining in the gift of a tale & let's dive in!
Mysteries of the Universe & Life found in the Body with Julie Farhbach
Mysteries of the Universe & Life found in the Body with Julie Farhbach
An often underrated tool to the spiritual path is our own physical body. Generally considered to be the hinderence to our path to enlightenment, more & more we can find that it actually can be our keywhen engaged with in a healthy & aware manner. Today, we have Julie Farbach who tells us her story of going from the traditional corperate job in LA that was putting her under immense pressure & stress to the point of suppressing her light & ability to function. After 10 years of this rat race, she found herself seeking healing to just feel like herself again, that would open the door to her life's purpose withBody Memory Recall. This work uses the body as a gateway to open & release suppressed memories from this life & others, that are hindering us from getting to our highest potential. Thank you for joining in to hear this incredible journey with Julie & now, let's dive in!
An Ancient Art Form Brought to Life in Spiritual Practice & Healing with Robert Abrams
An Ancient Art Form Brought to Life in Spiritual Practice & Healing with Robert Abrams
It is often neglected to be remembered that pain is an incredile teacher while we are in the thick of it. Pain, of course s rough, though a salient sensation. It is teaching us that there is something more happening that needs to be addressed. Such is the case with Robert Abrams on his awakening path where debilitating gastro-intestinal problmes lead him down a path to discover Medical Chi Gong after years of developing pain & mistreatment/diagnosis by western doctors. He took this experience to guide him in not only understanding his own deficiencies & traumas that were still being manifested in his body but also, as a teaching tool to now help others in their paths of spiritual development & healing. His passion for his craft is palpable & his knowledge is tremendously diverse to bring more light in the world. Thank you for tuning in & now let's dive in!
An Ancient Art Form Practiced in Movement & Stillness: Katie Auditori
An Ancient Art Form Practiced in Movement & Stillness: Katie Auditori
There is an allure to ancient mystery schools within the west, yet in the east, they still exist & thrive. Today we are diving into the depths of the Ancient Indian practice of the path of Yog, which includes many fascets such as yoga & the healing art form of Auyrveda. Katie Auditori is our guide & goes into her story of growing up a good Catholic girl yet always sought global & social science studiesas she knew there was much more going in on in life & the world than just her limited perspective at school. She was a frequent meditator, starting there & then dove into a yogic practice that really helped her become aware of the bodies way to mover energy as well as being an incredible conduit to source. Katie journied to India to deepen her practice & bring forth that knowledge & wisdom to others, while simultaneouly opening the doors to the weird & the woo! To heal those tales, let's dive into the beautiful depths that is her story.
Angels to Aliens, from AZ to Chile with Channeler Adrian Fisher
Angels to Aliens, from AZ to Chile with Channeler Adrian Fisher
The avenues of the Spiritual path are varied & encompase a variety of fields to help deliver truth & awarenes. Today we have Adrian Fisher with us, an incredible channel that draws down informaiton from the heavens to bring knowlendge to individuals about their personal lives & endenvours as well as for the human concious collect to evolve into its next phase. Unlike most, Adian's awakening took him from Zero to Sixty into the spiritual path from having been an extraordinarily succesful, international businessman to the powerful intuitive he is today. Listen in for his unique perspective & tale on his weirdest experiences that include contact with Aliens to having thedead come through from their plane. Thank you for joining & now let's dive in!
From Addiction to the Shaman: Sarah Walter
From Addiction to the Shaman: Sarah Walter
Pain and suffering are common denominators in life, that we often will go to great lengths to avoid by over consuming distractions like drugs, alchol, sex or food. In the story today, we have Sarah Walter expressing her awakening experience that occurred in one night, with the voice of God irrevocably changing her life after years of alchol and drug abuse. One night to change everything! From that moment, Sarah quit cold turkey, discovered yoga and took fitness to a whole new level as well as pursued the path of the shaman. He tale is beautifuly woven with tragedy, come backs, aliens, physical awareness and a healthy dose of woo! Thank you for joining & now let's listen in!
Andrew Newman: Crossing the Globe & Cultures to Spark Healing w/Creativity
Andrew Newman: Crossing the Globe & Cultures to Spark Healing w/Creativity
The realm of the creative & the mystic overlap dramatically in terms of the incredible things we can see or create. Today we have Andrew Newman with us, a prolific author specializing in children's concious stories that dives into his story of discovering his abilites as a fabulously creative being, something he never realized until later in his life. Growing up in South Africa in the jewelry & jem stone industry, much of Andrew's abilites were hidden from him until he eventually moved away to carve out his own path in the world: an adventure that would take him to multiple continents, learning new healing modalities that he now uses not only for the benefit of children but of adults as well in finding the hidden jems of creativity that are dormant within. Thank you for joining us & now let's dive in!
Haunted Houses & Dying Again & Again to Live: Elizabeth Chambers
Haunted Houses & Dying Again & Again to Live: Elizabeth Chambers
There is a bridge found between life & death that we dance with in dreams and enter when dying. In today's interview, we are speaking to Elizabeth Chambers & her tale of a Near Death Experience where she died for 20 minutes, only to come back & bring forth stories/messages from the other side. This pivital moment in her life, had defined how she has been able to move forward to support others in their spiritual awakening & awareness by bringing in first hand experience of the divine from the side of heaven. Listen in today for some of the wonder that comes from walking in that inbetween state of planes, including how to deal with ghosts!
From Average to Super Natural, Hearts Unleashed with Abigail Gazda
From Average to Super Natural, Hearts Unleashed with Abigail Gazda
The perfect life on paper looks very similar for most people across the board from a young age. We want to be happy and we associate that with having a relationship, getting married, buying a house with a white picket fence, having children, and having a career that brings us fulfillment as well as money to top it off. Again on paper, these all sound absolutely wonderful. In reality there’s a huge discrepancy in that imagery with life in actuality. In the case of Abigail Gazda, she was on her way to be able to have all of these things in her life, until the other shoe dropped. She was out house shopping with her new husband/former long-term boyfriend of nine years, before he came to her and said that he wanted to divorce after only six months of marriage and her world completely changed forever on that day. In hindsight, she said that she could see the signs leading up to the split & cites this as well as her knee injury that ended her college basketball career, as the most pivotal points of her awakening process. After Abigail’s break up with her husband, which took place only within a short 45 minute window, did she realize that she needed to find herself and discover a new path. This journey would take her physically from the Midwest out of California and it was so rich with experience and details as well as emotional highs and lows that she ended up creating a fictional story about it and her book Talking to Trees. It was on that journey that she became more aware of her spiritual path, even if it would sometimes make her feel crazy to do things, such as talk to trees or the ocean or the land and get messages back, Abigail was driven onwards. It was through this exploration and expressing her own story in writing that her company, Hearts Unleashed was created. Through which she has been able to help a multitude of individuals including big name personalities and celebrities to create their own books and transform their lives in unimaginable ways through her coaching. Her biggest goal with her work is to get people to become more aware of their centers within themselves, found in the heart. By knowing this space intimately, everything else becomes such a blessing. Abigail is an advocate for pushing boundaries, as she has discovered how important it is to do in her own life. These can include just even becoming more comfortable and aware of your body like embracing your own nudity, when appropriate. She has found that as an author, creativity coach & fellow podcast interviewer that the impact of having people truly find themselves has been without measure. Her energy is so pervasive to hear and enjoy in this interview, that it is difficult not to feel happier yourself upon listening. It is truly a treat today to experience her passion for life and wisdom that she’s gained along the way, so now let’s dive in to enjoy this wonderful being! More information: Note: The statements and opinions in this podcast are those solely of the individual being interviewed, and not to be taken as medical advice. This podcast is for informational and entertainment purposes only.
Adopted into the way of life as a Sundancer: Clint Frakes
Adopted into the way of life as a Sundancer: Clint Frakes
There are many different walks of life that until we gain exposure to, we may not realize is a potential or possibility for ourselves. In today’s podcast we have Clint Frakes with us who goes into his story about having been adopted into a Lakota family as a young man and how that has changed his perception of life. While not his genetic ancestry, the way of the Lakota people has become an integral part of his path and identity that he shares with us today. He’s awakening story was fraught with many trials like most yet he expressed how he had had vivid memories of becoming one with the universe as a child and how those moments would remain with him as a remembrance that there was something greater than ourselves out there. He also found an innate calling to support those in grief from a young age, noticing it with a neighboring friend of his who had had a death in the family & being able to console them with wisdom beyond his years, which is work that he continues to do to this day. Helping those who have had grief knock on their door to find that it’s OK to walk through it and discover there is life on the other side. He also delves into an unusual experience he had, later on in life, while bathing at a Hot Spring with family, how the water of the river held him in what could be described as the universal connection to life and it was from that moment onward that he realized his path was to support and protect mother earth through the education of others to the best of his ability. Having come from a poetry background, Clint is very adept at utilizing words to their greatest capacity for expression in matters of the heart and of the human condition. He’s a strong believer that through language, we can find one another in a deeper connection and find it within ourselves. He shared some rather poignant thoughts on how and why we get sidetracked from our spiritual paths as children, citing that it’s a natural state of being in wonder and wisdom of youth, that through lack of encouragement or neglect of this awareness of the divine, it diminishes until we make a choice to bring it back. Clint also dives into his identity as a Sundancer, which was traditionally a male (now more fluid) dancer that brings life to prayers for the people who need it. While women bring life in through their physical vessels, men are able to do this in sun dancing with focused intention for those in need such as the elderly or the infirm. Plains tribes throughout the country have some form of Sundance to help bring the wishes and prayers of the people to light. That is what the two Legged are meant to do on this plane as medicine, bring in that creation to physical reality. Now let’s dive in to hear & understand more! More information: Note: The statements and opinions in this podcast are those solely of the individual being interviewed, and not to be taken as medical advice. This podcast is for informational and entertainment purposes only.
Empowering You through Empathy & Awareness: Veronica Irons
Empowering You through Empathy & Awareness: Veronica Irons
Today, the tables have turned with our host, Veronica Irons, being interviewed by the co-founder of Mystics for Hire, Christy Strauch. In this story, we get to hear how Veronica's journey began through some spiritual guidance that went awry at the age of four & would forever set her on the path of the mystic. You will also get to hear about her experience in navigating the internal landscape as an clairesentient/empath via feelings & emotions, as well as discovering more of a map to become more aware of the voices that affect us in our heads & how to develop confidence in our abilities & higher self. With these tools, Veronica helps multitudes of individuals to become more of who they truly are. We also get to hear about perspectives on death & how/why it is a crucial part of our development as humans, to life greater & more fulfilled lives. So without further ado, let's dive into hearing a different perspective of our host!
From Escaping/Survival to Thriving in the Four Bodies of Health & Well-being: Allison Ankar
From Escaping/Survival to Thriving in the Four Bodies of Health & Well-being: Allison Ankar
Time and time again, for multiple practitioners, they have expressed how the introduction to yoga as a way of life, beyond just a physical form of exercise, has completely transformed their lives. With diligent focus and intention, these asanas become more than just a stretch or strengthening practice but a way of approaching life with fulfillment and joy. In today’s podcast, we have Allison Ankar who dives into her story back as a young graduate, moving to Arizona from Michigan, completely on faith from an intuitive hit that she needed to be there. As the party girl from college followed her from the Midwest to the southwest, yet while still being a passionate advocate for children as a teacher, the need to escape every day responsibility and reality was overwhelming Allison’s life, particularly her health, when she was outside of the classroom, which was rare as she was working 60 to 70 hour weeks. Upon discovering Yoga Allison‘s approach to life began to dramatically change with more awareness of this practice and inherently herself. Beyond being a yoga instructor too, she is now a health and wellness coach that utilizes the cognitive functioning of learning, that she has continually developed having been a teacher, yet also she integrates Health from a four tiered perspective, or what she calls our four bodies; the physical, mental, emotional, and spiritual. By addressing each of these and bringing them into harmony, Allison has found that her clients are able to not only feel better in the general sense but also to find profound fulfillment and happiness by embracing adaptability and confidence in moving forward to navigate through their futures. Some of the big takeaways that she emphasizes are to: 1) even begin to take the time to notice where we are out of balance in one of our four bodies. Yoga was so vital for her and even bringing her to balance in the left and right brain hemispheres with movement such as being able to move the left arm on command, for example. Where in life are we maybe also struggling with those simple & basic connections? 2) Allison also really dives into the importance of honoring your gut instinct and knowing when you are on a healthy, appropriate path for yourself versus following something that’s leading you astray or to the point of being destructive, such as escapism. This inner guidance and compass has been vital for her not only in her own life but as a practitioner as well. 3) She also brings in a unique factor into her clients lives and recommends everyone engage much more deeply with the power of essential oils and the olfactory senses. Smell has the ability to transform us into the past through profound memory or to facilitate our ability to find the depths of peace when utilizing essences like lavender or others that are very calming. By being able to effectively and appropriately use external beneficial substances like essential oils, we begin to empower ourselves to health and vitality. More information: Note: The statements and opinions in this podcast are those solely of the individual being interviewed, and not to be taken as medical advice. This podcast is for informational and entertainment purposes only.
Grace and Ease Found in the Arrangement of Our Lives via Feng Shui w/Rajita Antonia
Grace and Ease Found in the Arrangement of Our Lives via Feng Shui w/Rajita Antonia
The realm of the spiritual has everything to do with our ability to interact with it. Most people tend to think of that as more of a ‘psychic’ or ‘metaphysical’ phenomenon, yet today we have the tremendously powerful yet amazingly graceful Rajita Antonia with us to discuss how we can actually interact with it. Rajita describes how feng shui is an accentuation to our lives, much like vitamins and minerals are. We can survive without them yet they create more health and well-being within us. Same with this ancient art. By developing an understanding or awareness of it, or even engaging with a practitioner such as Rejita, we can really build on our foundation for successful relationships, finances and overall well being. Her story begins in the deeply spiritual place of Mount Shasta, California. It was there that she was seeking more on her path to discovering the secrets of the universe. It was through awareness of needing a guide to discover the subtle realms of life that Amma, the hugging saint of India, who has hugged over 6 million people in an effort to create global awareness of peace, came into Rajita’s life to help guide her to/through those mysteries. After having met Amma in the United States a few times, she ended up moving to the Saint’s ashram in India for 10 years. After a decade of finding she was overheating and realizing she needed balance the masculine and feminine energies in her life, did Rejita end up in Maui, Hawaii with little to her name yet a desire to be of service. After seeking counsel of a Vedic astrologer, who had heavily suggested that she teach and practice feng shui, did she realize that this art needed to be on her radar as a business, yet to hit the ground running, she felt she needed another avenue to support herself financially, which turned out to be real estate. Eventually she was able to combine her passion for feng shui and finding homes for others, as her intuitive knowing of the appropriate space for individuals and their own energy in connection to these houses she was looking at, became clearer & clearer.Some of the weird things she’s experienced in her own life is learning where to appropriately place her office, as after unknowingly putting her computer in a zone that was detrimental to work, to the point that her laptop was actually flung away from the space and shattered. She also feng shui’d in her bedroom, to an inch from its life, as she laughingly quotes, to sustain a healthy and happy relationship with her partner. Let’s dive into this eye opening yet ancient practice that can benefit our lives in some tremendously beautiful ways. More information: Note: The statements and opinions in this podcast are those solely of the individual being interviewed, and not to be taken as medical advice. This podcast is for informational and entertainment purposes only.
From the Surgical Suite to Lotus Pose: Norah Brown Joslin on Healing
From the Surgical Suite to Lotus Pose: Norah Brown Joslin on Healing
Success can be defined in a myriad of different ways. Traditionally, it looks like go to school, get a good job, get married, have kids and such. Fairly normal. With today's guest though, you will heara fascinating tale of how even gaining all of this, there is so much more to life! Norah Brown Joslin is abit unusual in the fact she did go school & came out the other side as a Cardio-Thoracic Surgeon. She did in fact, work by saving lives, get married, have kids, yet several her divine nature kept creeping in to remind her of her other powerful & innate gifts that would lead her to where she is now, helping others find peace & self through meditation. Join us now for this traditional story of success & how it has been flipped on its head in Norah's life, to mean something entirely different!
Born to walk between the Worlds of Life & Death: Internationally renowned Medium Tim Braun
Born to walk between the Worlds of Life & Death: Internationally renowned Medium Tim Braun
The other side is much closer to us than we realize. For a select few, it’s actually a very present daily part of their lives, such as the case with Tim Braun, an internationally renowned medium and author out of California. His story begins at a young age with seeing spirits and hearing voices, yet this realization came simultaneously while his brother was being diagnosed with schizophrenia, claiming to hear voices as well. It wasn’t until Tim was 22, well after the age schizophrenia would have presented itself, that he felt confident what he was experiencing was real and was not a mental disorder. It was from this age/time frame that he really began to step into the space of embracing his abilities. It wasn’t until after a dream, in that same phase of life, that Tim was compelled to go to India and work with mother Teresa did he really step into that power to start helping others find peace with loved ones that have passed on. He describes this dream more as a vision, and against all odds with friends dissuading him from going due to an outbreak of plague, he went. Everything unfolded as he had seen in his dream, such as the airplane parking in the middle of the runway after landing and then deboarding the plane to greet the missionaries who then carried his luggage, to finally meeting mother Teresa herself. This meeting imparted many lessons on him but the biggest is remembering compassion in all that we do in life. Of all of the celebrities and heads of states that Tim has that he’s met, only mother Theresa truly embodied the vibration of compassion. How Tim carries that awareness into his work is remembering that individuals on this side and the other, are fragile, regardless of what they’ve experienced in life. Having compassion for the message that has been received, no matter how awkward it is on occasion, as he shares interesting stories on, such as identifying a man to a woman by his penis, it is important to embody the message so that the living can really feel and identify with our loved ones who have passed. As a medium, this can be done through sight, taste, smell, & sound, so it is always important to hold space for those senses by refraining from wearing simple things like perfume or lotion when attending a sitting, so the best message can be brought forth. Some of the big takeaways working with the other side that has really left an impression with Tim and then now being able to relate to us, is no matter what you do in life, do it to the absolute best of your ability. On the other side that’s all that truly matters. Regardless of your title, income, or notoriety, from the trashmen, to the CEO, to the fashion model, to the hairstylist, at the end of the day the dead would impart that being committed and passionate about what you do, is ultimately of the utmost importance and in that way the living have a lot to learn but we can start here together, now. More information: Note: The statements and opinions in this podcast are those solely of the individual being interviewed, and not to be taken as medical advice. This podcast is for informational and entertainment purposes only.
Lessons from the wild & on the land, Magic & Miracles Rising: Angie Ardnt
Lessons from the wild & on the land, Magic & Miracles Rising: Angie Ardnt
The universe often has an extraordinarily unusual sense of humor when it comes to putting us into life circumstances that will mirror our internal and emotional development. In today’s story with Angie Arndt, and it begins with that exact divine comedy. Her spiritual awakening path started by working with exotic animals that were in a sanctuary. They were put there after people tried to make them pets unsuccessfully, being wild animals. At the sanctuary there was a huge range of exotics from big cats, donkeys and burros, and a myriad of others, yet it was their attitudes towards Angie, as cleaned their pens or took care of their other needs, that really created an awareness to the natural world and understanding of mammalian interaction. From here she started to become aware of the greater spiritual picture. She noticed there were those that could care less whether or not she existed, as they had given up on humanity, mirrored by the fact Angie herself, had given up on people as well, after a very difficult childhood of being poor and often misjudged. It was through working with these animals, over a period of seven years, that she was able to not only garner their trust but develop more understanding and awareness of the human condition, that we all go through things that can make us damaged and hurt, which then will lead us to be reactive, like the animals, that she then began to develop a deep sense of compassion towards her fellow man. It was at this point that a friend gave her a book on the soul and consciousness that up leveled her awareness to this practice, as well as taking her first international trip to Costa Rica. While traveling she noticed that people were happy, even with very little. With that, the epiphany came that just simply by being an American citizen, this would actually give her more of an advantage in life via opportunities such as even having a choice to things like a variety of food. From here Angie realized that happiness is a choice and that is worth striving for internally rather than feeling like it is something that you receive from the external source. In coming to this place of understanding, she was able to rekindle a sense of joy that she then perpetuated further and further and more and more by getting out onto the more wild land of Florida and then eventually to Sedona, Arizona via California. Angie now takes people out onto the land in the desert to help them raise their own awareness of the magic that can be found in nature. She herself has experienced miracles such as witnessing the kundalini rising in her self and a friend, not only in a proverbial energetic sense but also physically after doing a yoga practice out on the rocks. While in those movements, they noticed that a hawk caught, to her mind, the largest rattlesnake she had ever seen, and as it was captured, it was mimicking that same kundalini rising energy within the body as it was being carried away. Her story is one of many trials and tribulations, yet magic and miracles as well so let’s dive in! More information: Note: The statements and opinions in this podcast are those solely of the individual being interviewed, and not to be taken as medical advice. This podcast is for informational and entertainment purposes only.
From Rags to Riches, trusting in Spirit: Brett Labit
From Rags to Riches, trusting in Spirit: Brett Labit
The scale of Woo varies on how & where we apply in our lives. Today, we are taking a look at bringing the mystical into the business realm, with the incredibly successful & intuitive Brett Labit. Based out of Scottdale, Arizona, via Boise, ID, Brett is a art gallery owner, leadership coach & a force behind bringing Tribal culture & leadership to the world in terms of life and networking. He dives into his story of being more aware that leadership comes from within, a beautiful sense of knowingness of self & others, as well as creating scenarios with deep intention of striving for the win-win-win scenarios to create more success. Brett delves into his awareness of telepathy & how to use it to its highest vibration in creating the best outcomes in finance & relationships. His story is a 10 year journeyof faith, pouring blood, sweat & tears into his dream of seeing the world be a more collaborative place & he shares his story with you today. So let's dive right on it!
From Tarot Reader to Seeing into the Truth of Unsolved Mysteries: Trista Wright
From Tarot Reader to Seeing into the Truth of Unsolved Mysteries: Trista Wright
Moving almost the entire breadth of a country can absolutely change your perspective and awareness of life. Such as the case with Trista Wright in the fact that she moved from West Virginia to Sedona, Arizona, feeling like her transition to this new phase of her life in this space was unique, only to come to find out that when you’re called to Sedona it’s important to heed the call. Unlike moving to anywhere else, your journey to get here will be seemingly unusual until you realize that’s how the energy and the space works, yet upon getting out here, it was a particularly special Valentine’s Day that would change Trista‘s life. On that day she got a tarot reading for herself, something that she was never interested in before and was immediately approached to be hired to work for the woman she got the reading from, not understanding why. Her first deck of tarot cards made it into her hands that day as well. Simultaneously on valentines, she also got fired from the very job that brought her out to Sedona, yet she was aware but all things happen for a reason and it was OK. This transition also inspired Trista to reflect on her physical, mental and emotional well-being which led her to discovering a yoga practice that she had never engaged with before. Not only did this new way to engage with her body help her feel better and, what she would discover later help her be a clearer as a channel, her studio also encouraged her to practice her gift of working with others by reading tarot. Having done that for a while, another really fascinating deck and story would come into her life via the other studio as well. A woman reentering normal life, from having been in prison, connected with Trista and ended up giving her a really rare deck that she uses to this day, that is hard to find out in the real world. Of course immediately after, this individual seemingly disappeared from the area only having been there to deliver these unusual cards to Trista’s hands. Another really fascinating part of Trista story is the fact that she reconnected with her old life in West Virginia via a woman who had been murdered in her hometown. Trista was having continuous dreams about seeing this woman being beaten, killed and then stuffed in the trunk of a car and it wasn’t until talking to friends back home that she realized the connection and that she was being shown a perspective from a ghost of what had happened in the last moments of life. The story continues as Trista was able to change her dynamic with a ghost/entity by creating some boundaries, as she was constantly being woken up to this brutal scene. Yet even with this change, she was still witnessing what had happened, creating some peace for this slain woman and knowing that there was a witness to her story, even if it was from halfway across the country. Listening for all of the incredible details! Note: The statements and opinions in this podcast are those solely of the individual being interviewed, and not to be taken as medical advice. This podcast is for informational and entertainment purposes only.
The keys to life found in Mystery & Magic via Math & Music: Ty Hudnall
The keys to life found in Mystery & Magic via Math & Music: Ty Hudnall
Today we’re getting to dive into a whole new perspective on the spiritual realm by combining the macrocosmic and the microcosmic realms and bridging their connection and significance into our own lives. There is a profound awareness that comes with being able to have someone help bridge this gap for us. With us is Ty Hudnall, to do just that, who is a practicing Toltec and African shaman, specializing in music, sound healing as well as astrology with decades of experience. In this journey today, he takes us into a deeper awareness of the reality that everything in life is vibration and by understanding the deeper implications of this concept, how when we can create healing and miracles within our life. Originally from Texas, Ty‘s journey begins with music as a musician and student, having his first out of body experience on the bandstand, leading to a deeper spiritual awakening. He was credits short from graduating with his degree when he left, after he realized that the musical program he was in was guiding him to be a band director and wanted more than that for his life, much to the lament of his family. So Ty then took his path and morphed into a burgeoning healing practice. He utilized his knowledge base of music and used it to become more and more aware of different sound waves and frequencies and how they affect the physical body as well as the material world, finding the longer waves were those hardest to release from the body. To this day, he uses his background in music theory to help facilitate those who studied music as well to create a deeper and more profound understanding of the universe by integrating the awareness of fractal energy found within the scales. Some of the more unusual things he’s experienced were: 1) hosting a ceremony to help anchor intergalactic and divine loving light into the energy of Dallas and yet discovering that it had to be done in collaboration with a female as a fire keeper, after the first ceremony was abandoned. 2) After the ceremony was eventually completed, by meeting multiple people from Mount Shasta to help with this anchoring integration and collaborating with them, he was then energetically spun out of Dallas and moved to Sedona. After checking with his guide, to confirm it was written in his destiny, he moved. 3) Another was early on in his thai massage practice, he witnessed a woman levitating off of the ground while simultaneously experiencing orgasmic bliss, which he felt as well emanating from her, and after this experience it let him into a deep dive and study of physics. From these studies he reconciled that what he had witnessed does pertain to the natural realm but deals more with someone being in full coherence integration that they end up creating their own gravity. An individual can become so self-organized like stars or planets that they are able to, for all intents and purposes, float. More information: Note: The statements and opinions in this podcast are those solely of the individual being interviewed, and not to be taken as medical advice. This podcast is for informational and entertainment purposes only.
Back to Origins of healing with Plant Medicine: Siddiqah Verrett
Back to Origins of healing with Plant Medicine: Siddiqah Verrett
There are so many different ways to support our life‘s energy and to follow the healing path. Today we’re getting the opportunity to journey with Siddiqah Verrett and her discovery of being able to use very gentle plant medicine and facilitating healing for herself, her family, and for her community. The story is fraught with a tremendous amount of adversity, involving the military, an occult and an incredibly strict religious upbringing. Yet through it all, Siddiqah has found her calling in the magic of medicinal herbs. Coming from a family with a practicing Muslim father and very devout Christian mother, Siddiqah grew up in an environment that was rife with fear. There was a constant theme of having to be afraid of the repercussions dealing with any thoughts or perspectives that were alternative to the faith within the household. This fear would be an overlying force within Siddiqah’s life, constantly undermining her truth & reality, until she found the courage to face that deep, dark emotion. She would do it through baby steps, such as starting with something as simple as meditation, as in her own words, ‘it was much like prayer’ in her mind. Or to trust her inner wisdom that said when she discovered Esther and Abraham Hicks, that it was OK to not only listen, but also to start creating or what she would call manifesting, her life in her future. From that small opening of curiosity and questioning her reality for her upbringing, her intuition then would act as a pivotal insight and guide for her moving forward. With a background in the military, as a Chaplain, serving in Japan, her story would connect her with an amazing group of people that would be her family abroad in faith & practice. Upon leaving the military & ending up in Colorado Springs, she & her family found themselves deeply desiring that same connection with others, found a church that felt like it was espousing good truth. Turned out it was a cult that would permanently alter her understanding of faith. It wasn’t until five years later, after learning the power of her No & expressing by leaving the group with her family that Siddiqah would come back to Arizona and begin to process that part of her life. She was even able to write a book about it that you can find on her website delving further into disentanglement. During the aftermath, she poured a lot of love into herself and her family and it wasn’t until a pivotal moment of considering going back into the Air Force, that she had a profound dream that showed her what the future held in store. Siddiqah’s dream revealed to her about working with plants to be able to support the healing of herself and others. In this dream she saw jars upon jars of different flowers and herbs that she would come to learn after certifications can be profoundly magical in facilitating healing for people. Listen in today for this incredible and inspiring journey! More information: Note: The statements and opinions in this podcast are those solely of the individual being interviewed, and not to be taken as medical advice. This podcast is for informational and entertainment purposes only.
Finding Center & Self within Mindfulness & Sound as guide for Life: Erin McDermott
Finding Center & Self within Mindfulness & Sound as guide for Life: Erin McDermott
As we are discovering, the path to the spiritual realm comes in many shapes and sizes through life experiences. Some individuals are born with it and some discover it through their life‘s journey. Such as the case with Erin McDermott having worked in a genetics lab and opening herself up to new Awareness, she discovered that in the downtime between certain specific testing at the lab, that when she practiced mindfulness, insights would reveal themselves. A big discovery that occurred to her was that her mind ran with thoughts like a New York Stock Exchange ticker tape that was ceaseless. Having a partner to bounce ideas off of, she threw this one out there, to see if he had experiences with his thoughts running rampantly like hers, only to discover that he didn’t. An upsetting truth that actually made her feel like he may be lying since in her reality, as it became obviously apparent through this awareness, was very different from his. These mindfulness practices that she was coming to terms with will take her to the next level of not only developing a deeper partnership with her now husband, but also to be in the flow of life so that things will happen with much more grace and ease. Her path to becoming a sound healer was a bit slower in coming but it started from a desire to create beautiful things through music such as she had experience with a harp. After finally being really willing to commit and invest in some crystal balls herself, in Mount Shasta, did she dive into the next level of her now career. Erin is a sound healer, utilizing vibration to help individuals enter into states that either creates clarity, journey or even an ultimate purpose/perspective, helping individuals to dive further into their own spiritual journey. She is able to use her abilities solo or in collaboration with multiple individuals to create life altering events. Some of the incredible synchronicity‘s that she was able to dive into for us was the very apropos realization that her awakening path started almost 15 years to the day of the interview. Also that when her life in California was ready to transition, all the doors were open for her and her husband to move to Sedona, to start the next leg of their journey finding community and work with profound ease. Collaborations are now becoming more and more common, creating bigger opportunities for awareness and sound healing in her life such as being featured in Travel and Leisure magazine. Some of the big takeaways from the podcast are to trust the journey, become more aware of reactionary responses within self and being mindful of them, instead of defaulting to assuming what is actually happening. This practice of reflection vs reaction, will save so many people from the judgment, shame and guilt we feel upon finding out the actual truth/reality, which then really allows us to enter into the flow of life, so that we can be more confident on our paths. More information: Note: The statements and opinions in this podcast are those solely of the individual being interviewed, and not to be taken as medical advice. This podcast is for informational and entertainment purposes only.
The Divine found in poetry, steeped in tradition & mysticism: Kamala Murphy
The Divine found in poetry, steeped in tradition & mysticism: Kamala Murphy
There is a beauty and a magic found within the ability to have a practice of rituals. From rituals, we are able to create a foundational awareness to taking care of our health, such as something as simple as brushing our teeth daily, to really deepening our faith and walking our path with the divine intelligence that is present in our life. In today’s story Kamala Murphey shares her experience with growing up as a Catholic finding she really enjoyed the rituals of faith, such as the 14 states & even as a 13 year old, signing up for being one of the teachers for younger students to learn about Catholicism. While being enthusiastic in her learnings & teaching of htis Christian path, she always felt a little out of place. Kamala found from an early age that she would see and experience things that couldn’t be explained on her seemingly ‘normal/traditional’ path. One of the biggest moments for her in realizing there was a discrepancy in her personal beliefs & reality versus the traditional religious route, was found & defined by an encyclopedia actually. She was looking up something under the letter G, and at the top of the page it ghosts as a subject, was listed, which caught her attention. The definition left her wanting as it said that there was no such thing as ghosts. As she had had experiences with them directly hersel, this left a gap in her awareness, & drove her to seek a greater explanation that she would eventually find in another form of faith. Immersed in the writings of Hafez or Rumi, it was a poem about experiencing Oceans of Love that really spoke to Kamala on her path and introduced her to a practice of Sufism. This is the gnostic forms of Islam, quite ancient, steped within the arts of dance, poetry and visualizations, that would lead her into a beautiful awareness of her world and help her experience ritual in a whole new way. Drawing from that faith, from the wells of deep love and compassion, Kamala uses her devotion for divine love to help people, particularly women, dive more and more into the heart centeredness after having been shut down in life due to abuse or lack of nourishment of the emotional body. She encourages these women, typically with religious backgrounds, to really embrace self-love, even if it feels that it is unavailable at the moment, to even start cracking that door open to that beautiful center, that will lead to a happier, healthier & more heart centered life. Some of the big takeaways from her life experience and story is to really allow yourself to be inundated into the richness of the divine, in whatever path that you follow, as she is such an exemplary individual to highlight how savoring the divine and universal love in your life brings forth a lot of magic. Kamala also heavily encourages anyone who knows what makes their heart happy to follow that path, because at the end of the day not only will it revitalize someone’s spirit, will help them sustain their health and well-being, and bring them peace in their final moments. Our heart awareness and happiness is of the utmost importance and should never be undervalued. More information: Note: The statements and opinions in this podcast are those solely of the individual being interviewed, and not to be taken as medical advice. This podcast is for informational and entertainment purposes only.
Peace found beyond the Chaos in Awakening: Chris Waychoff
Peace found beyond the Chaos in Awakening: Chris Waychoff
The story that we’re diving into today, is one that I deeply cherish, as it’s a great example of the awakening process in action that occurred recently. One of the things about working with practitioners that gets to be rather interesting, is that oftentimes they’ve been down their path for quite a while, so some of the nuances to what it looks like to become more conscious and aware of the reality around them, get lost with time or in overarching major significant details. Today we have Chris Waychoff with us and his journey is incredibly exciting as he had already been involved in the spiritual realm, in the way of wanting to support practitioners, yet hadn’t gone through that same process himself. Yet when it hit, it changed everything about his life. Chris is an accountant, working with numbers, being very logically oriented yet had some interesting experiences in childhood with seeing the ghost of his grandmother but admitted that empathy and sensitivity to the world around him was not something that boys ‘did’, having grown up in the 60s and 70s. Walking more of a traditional path, Chris found himself in the very left brain career that he had had. It wasn’t until he wanted to collaborate with Christy Strauch on a project in encouraging individuals to have more ritual in their life, did his own life get turned on its head. After having started and connecting with psychics, mystics and healers, including myself, did Chris get invited to go to a conference with Polly Wirum and Tony Redhouse, both of whom have been featured on Bring on the Woo, that Chris had an awakening experience that would enhance and enrich his life by simply becoming more aware of himself. After completing a ceremony with Tony, at the end of the retreat with Polly, Chris’s sense of heart centeredness, empathy and sensitivity to the world around him became clear and amplified, almost to the point of overwhelm. With guidance from myself and other incredible practitioners, he has now found that it is much easier to feel those energies, on his own terms, while respecting others' space as well. A very common mistake when first learning how to manage your own energy is to intentionally or unintentionally overlap with someone else’s field. He now is able to use grounding tools and shielding practices to help him feel more comfortable and confident in the world yet also embracing his abilities. A great example of this is that Chris has always been aware to some degree that he’s needed to meet clients in person to be able to discern whether or not they’re a fit to work together. Yet now can even identify it more strongly as his ability to read their energy and find compatibility between them and him. Some of the big takeaways from his story are accepting and trusting the process even if it can feel overwhelming because on the other side of tuning in to the sensitivities is the worlds where peace can be found amidst the chaos. More information: Note: The statements and opinions in this podcast are those solely of the individual being interviewed, and not to be taken as medical advice. This podcast is for informational and entertainment purposes only.
Love spanning continents & Covid: Siddiqi Ray, creating visibility across the Pacific
Love spanning continents & Covid: Siddiqi Ray, creating visibility across the Pacific
There is always something so incredible about hearing a truly beautiful love story! While not always comfortable, a good love story needs a dash of adversity for it to come together as well as a healthy dose of faith. The one that I have for you today, spans continents, a dark night of the soul as well as a pandemic. With a lot of belief in the divine Siddiqi Ray, not only waited for the man of her dreams for over a period of two years in Los Angeles, after falling off of a cliff in Mexico and severely damaging her lower body, her connection was tried even further with an impetus to go back to New Zealand again after making her relationship work long distance over the Pacific. This pressing need for her to return would turn out to be the last time she could travel before the pandemic hit, which would then completely close down the country. Her flight turned out to be the last that was allowed to enter New Zealand before the borders entirely shut, leading to an epic twist of fate for not only her love life but her career as well. Now, after having been established in a new country, getting married over zoom, and creating a life in Auckland, with even new puppies included, Siddiqi was now at a crucial juncture of what to do next with career. Having left the United States in a hurry, she left her camera behind, a tool that she would realize later that had become a crutch after having been a 30 year professional photographer, that the real work she needed to do was to bring women into the limelight and help them discover how to become visible in the world on the camera. Her work as a Visibility Coach has helped her witness people transform themselves to the point doubling their income, or having their dream come true of working with the White House. The big takeaway is that: Siddiqi would have us remember to trust intuition. Having grown up with it, it has been an invaluable resource to help her navigate life and she strongly encourages everyone to embrace the adventure that intuition offers, even if it doesn’t always make sense as it can lead to incredible connections and stories like she experienced with her husband or eventually her career. Siddiqi Ray is a groundbreaking Visibility Mentor who has developed her 30-year career as a professional photographer and master mentor to women, into a program to support change-maker women and business owners to master their visibility to enable their success and results in the world. Siddiqi is the founder and creator of the ground-breaking Soul Portrait™ process. For over 30 years Siddiqi has worked with world-leading organizations and leaders including The Mayo Clinic, Target, The Associated Press, The Navy Seals, The Dalai Lama, Nelson Mandela, Deepak Chopra, and The Kennedys to support their visibility and work in the world. Siddiqi was also awarded the Icon Award by the International Women's Economic Forum for her work with women community leaders. More information: Note: The statements and opinions in this podcast are those solely of the individual being interviewed, and not to be taken as medical advice. This podcast is for informational and entertainment purposes only.
Encountering the hand of God for a 180 change in life: Jason Flores
Encountering the hand of God for a 180 change in life: Jason Flores
If there is ever a story where you can believe the hand of God is maneuvering somebody’s destiny in unfathomable ways, then listen in today for Jason Flores’ tale. Leading what all would consider to be a very idyllic life, pursuing his dreams and working for a high end tech company, traveling extensively, Jason was on the fast track for the traditional sense of success. It wasn’t until he was in Iceland on a vacation, that a congenital defect reared havoc and completely course corrected the path Jason was on. He has a rare genetic defect that someone would carry from birth, where he had a blood vessel burst in his brain, altering his cognitive and physical abilities. It was so severe that he was immediately rushed to the hospital in Iceland and stayed there for months after brain surgery before having to go home where he worked extensively with physical & mental therapy, fighting his emotional depression, until one day he admitted to his parents that he was done. He was so distraught at having them take care of him, when he really aspired to take care of them, that it took the life out of him. It wasn’t until his parents' response to him, that left a tremendous mark in his life to this day, that they were so sorry for having done this to him that he realized he needed to get out of his funk. By taking the reins and reevaluating his life after his near-death experience, Jason then realized that he needed to push himself to have a new experiences and let the universe guide him to where he needed to be and that’s when he found Mind valley that really resonated with him. Then that led him to their gathering called Afest, which after applying and being accepted, he was on his way to Bali. Jason experienced, like most of us can, incredible doubt about his decision to go but quickly realized that the beautiful people there & the connections were exactly what he had been looking for in his life. And even going to the next conference in Portugal, he found one of his closest friends now, had actually been in Bali, too. They had almost led parallel lives in finding they were in the exact same place in Singapore at almost the exact same time, live only minutes from one another in Southern California only to find that they had to meet in Portugal. A great example of divine synchronicity and connection in his life. Jason has now come to realize that his life’s work is in service to others and he’s found his ability to do that through encouraging men in particular, to embrace their vulnerability as the strength it is rather than the weakness we’ve always perceived it to be. Within vulnerability, he finds life‘s greatest expression and that by conveying our feelings, we are able to release and experience life all encompassing, versus his trench analogy and constantly digging a hole and pretty soon finding yourself stuck down there because you’re trying to bury all those things that are uncomfortable. Vulnerability teaches us that the only way to deal with this pain is to go through it as he’s learned immeasurably in his own life. Now let’s listen in! More information: Note: The statements and opinions in this podcast are those solely of the individual being interviewed, and not to be taken as medical advice. This podcast is for informational and entertainment purposes only.
The answer to life found in breath with Zach Rehder
The answer to life found in breath with Zach Rehder
What if this (what you’re experiencing) isn’t what you think it is? This is a profound question and mantra brought forth by the incredible teacher and guide Zach Rehder. This question has stuck with me from having experienced one of his breath workshops, as a pivotal engagement of questioning experience within a spiritual practice and life. We are so quick to want to label things to understand, yet you may not yet realize how this aspiration takes away from being able to invite magic in our lives! Zach's story is one that culminates in this lesson of questioning, as his awakening path began in his late teens early 20s after growing up in a household that was devoid of religion or spiritual practice. He sought to understand and find something greater, as he knew something was missing in his life. This journey would take him into accumulating a tremendous amount of spiritual information yet happiness eluded him, as knowledge without application only takes up space in the mind versus creating positive feelings. Aka he just knew more stuff without feeling better. He had a profound insight on his path, that he shares with us today, in that if you feel you ‘know’ it, then it is not what you understand it to be. Zach shares that on his journey of finding peace, instead of understanding, breath is crucial. You cannot breathe tomorrow or in the past, you can only breathe in this moment and it is one of the best places to find yourself in our center and be in the present moment, which then gives us grace to allow. In facilitating breath work for others, he conveyed a few stories of witnessing miraculous events such as people levitating or tumors entirely disappearing. Zach also elaborates on his awareness of the brain's capacity to process such miracles and that the person who levitated the next day forgot. Or in another story, how three sisters witnessed their father‘s passing, and in that moment, the bed the father lay upon, shook as if it was going through an earthquake. The next day two of the sisters remembered but one did not. His point is that the brain itself cannot process infinite and by being aware of how much more there is to life, it then creates the space to allow for the beautiful unknown. Join us today for an incredible journey into this unknown, to embrace our lives in the fullest expression they’re meant for! Zach Rehder is an international teacher, speaker and healer. Through a series of awakenings, he became a channel for messages and energies that heal, unlock and awaken human potential. His work enables individuals to dissolve barriers and free themselves from negativity, limitation and lack. He travels to facilitate seminars and workshops and regularly hosts teleclasses and online programs. He provides remote and in-person private sessions for clients from around the globe. Many clients have experienced amazing, inexplicable healings and awakenings through Zach’s programs and sessions. His mission is to support others in their awakening process. He assists people in removing physical, mental, emotional and spiritual obstacles so that they can clearly see, hear and follow their own Divine guidance with grace and ease and fully embody who they came here to be. More information: Note: The statements and opinions in this podcast are those solely of the individual being interviewed, and not to be taken as medical advice. This podcast is for informational and entertainment purposes only.
From being an architect to a designer of health & spiritual well-being: Athena Allread
From being an architect to a designer of health & spiritual well-being: Athena Allread
Something magical happened in the 1980s, where a whole shift of different energies entered into the human realm to create beautiful change for the world. Speaking today to Athena Allread, the Seaside Shaman based out of Rehoboth Beach Delaware, she’s one of these beautiful energies that came in the 80s to really help transform everyone’s lives for the better. Being a part of what she calls the indigo children, those that came in during this time are looking to create deep, profound healing with individuals and eventually the world, as Athena does daily, in her life and work. Originally from Baton Rouge, Louisiana, coming from a rather religious background, Athena‘s story starts very young and her recognition of her abilities to read adults and their feelings as well as having those “imaginary” friends that would be around her and supporting her in childhood. It wasn’t really until college that she started expressing even more of her spiritual abilities by exploring yoga alongside the very grounded and practical study of architecture. It was design that would initially propel her out of college into the world, yet it was a beautiful synchronicity of a desire to become a yoga instructor that would change her life. She was fired from her architecture firm the weekend she decided to pursue yoga yet what would seem to be a travesty in our modern terms, also then opened the door to new opportunities as an instructor as well as other architecture jobs to sustain her living. It wasn’t until she had to reconcile her life after her second Saturn returns, and so much of her life fell apart including the death of her mother during this time, she discovered a shaman to help her on her journey and her healing. Athena got to such a breaking point that she was questioning life and whether or not she should be a part of it due to the amount of pain she was suffering. After working with the shaman and discovering what she really needed to do was grieve for all that she had lost to then allow herself to become someone new, did she realize that not only was her healing miraculous but also something she could do for others as well. And hence, began her journey as a shaman herself. Athena is now a practicing shaman teacher, leader of groups and author that provides a tremendous amount of resources to those that she works with to have healthier, happier, more fulfilled lives. Some of the magic that she shares here with me today are of the synchronicity that happen when you allow yourself to surrender to the guidance of God and either discovering people who can help you on your path such as when she was starting her nonprofit, or bringing hope and faith into her life in such a magical profound way that I truly hope will move you on your path to remember that no matter how bleak things can seem there are always the stories that can uplift us as humanity bring us together and help us move forward. Resources: Note: The statements and opinions in this podcast are those solely of the individual being interviewed, and not to be taken as medical advice. This podcast is for informational and entertainment purposes only.