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Collateral Consequences

Beyond The Razor Wire Fence

Release Date: 09/04/2024

Look at Us as Human Beings show art Look at Us as Human Beings

Beyond The Razor Wire Fence

This episode contains mentions of intimate partner violence, murder and  substance use disorder. In the final episode, meet Ivy Johnson (she/her) a Psychological First Responder, Caretaker and Social Justice and Anti Violence Activist. Ivy uses her experience with incarceration to highlight the need to repeal the forced labor statute in the 13th Amendment. She also shares her story around housing insecurity and supervision burdens and barriers in her quest for a successful reentry journey. Later in the episode, GWI Program and Data Manager Aathira Chennat interviews Liz Johnston, Re-entry...

Finding My Voice as an Advocate show art Finding My Voice as an Advocate

Beyond The Razor Wire Fence

We welcome Angie Orozco-Rasique (she/her), a Peer Educator with the Women’s Outreach and Advocacy Center at Cthe ommunity College of Philadelphia and the Founder of the Period Poverty Project. In this episode, Angie traces her trajectory as an advocate for comprehensive reproductive health justice for incarcerated women. She reflects on finding her voice and connecting her personal journey with her passion for equity. We learn more about reproductive health justice for folks who are incarcerated and how policies fail to provide the services and supports needed.   Sources: -On...

I'm So Worth It show art I'm So Worth It

Beyond The Razor Wire Fence

This episode contains mention of Substance Use, Mental Health struggles and the Opioid Epidemic. In this episode, we hear from Monique Taylor (she/her), a Special Initiative Outreach Worker at . Monique reflects on her history with substance abuse disorder and reflects on the supports she needed before, during and after her incarceration.  Later, GWI Director Kelly Sheard speaks with Carol Thomas, Director of Strategic Initiatives at Project HOME. Together, they unpack solutions and strategies to rethink how society engages with community members struggling with addiction and their...

Collateral Consequences show art Collateral Consequences

Beyond The Razor Wire Fence

Listen to Sappho Fulton (she/her, they/them), CEO and founder of Womxn Beyond Borders, a pre- and reentry support organization for women and LGBQTIA+ individuals. Sappho shares her journey through drug use, incarceration, healing, and education. They discuss the discriminatory consequences of incarceration— over a decade after coming home, and earning multiple degrees, her record continues to stand in the way of advancing her career. We’ll dive into the current environment for second chance hiring and its pitfalls. Sources: -JP Morgan Chase & Co. Policy Center. Giving People with...

Mr. Gender Wealth Gap show art Mr. Gender Wealth Gap

Beyond The Razor Wire Fence

This episode contains mention of Intimate Partner Violence, Drug Use, and Child Abuse This episode features Pamela Superville (she/her), a reentry specialist working for City of Philadelphia. A survivor of intimate partner violence (IPV), Pam shares the events and circumstances leading to her incarceration. Once inside, she learns she’s not alone. Pam discusses the link between incarceration and gender-based violence and presses the need for healing spaces in prisons. WOMEN’S WAY Chief Disruptor Diane Cornman-Levy sits down with Jacqui Johnson from , a Philly-based therapy practice that...

What I'm Built For show art What I'm Built For

Beyond The Razor Wire Fence

This episode contains mention of rape, sexual assault, domestic violence and child abuse. This episode, we hear from Victoria Best (she/her), Project Manager for the DATA CoLab at the Philadelphia District Attourney’s office and founder of (VUOTS). Victoria discusses the systems that have shaped her life: Foster Care System, the Criminal Legal System, and the Education system, and how she’s learned from her experiences to take charge of her future. Sources: -Wagner, W. S. and P. March, 14, 2023.  Mass Incarceration: The Whole Pie 2023. Prison Policy Initiative. -D’Onofrio, M. July...

Paying for My Freedom show art Paying for My Freedom

Beyond The Razor Wire Fence

In the first episode of the series, learn more about the gender wealth gap and its connection to incarceration. We meet Jamila W. Harris (she/her), author, activist, and editor of . Jamila discusses her long-standing battle against criminal justice debt related to her incarceration, and we learn how legal financial obligations thwarts economic stability for previously incarcerated women. Later in the episode, WOMEN’S WAY GWI Program and Data Manager Aathira Chennat talks to LaTonya Myers of the to learn about their efforts to provide aid to folks who are unduly burdened by bail fines and...

More Episodes

Listen to Sappho Fulton (she/her, they/them), CEO and founder of Womxn Beyond Borders, a pre- and reentry support organization for women and LGBQTIA+ individuals. Sappho shares her journey through drug use, incarceration, healing, and education. They discuss the discriminatory consequences of incarceration— over a decade after coming home, and earning multiple degrees, her record continues to stand in the way of advancing her career. We’ll dive into the current environment for second chance hiring and its pitfalls.


-JP Morgan Chase & Co. Policy Center. Giving People with Criminal Backgrounds a Second Chance. https://www.jpmorganchase.com/content/dam/jpmc/jpmorgan-chase-and-co/documents/jpmc-policycenter-expungement.pdf

-The Clean Slate Initiative, www.cleanslateinitiative.org/lawmakerspage. My Clean Slate PA. Expand Clean Slate and Get PA to Work. March 20, 2023. https://mycleanslatepa.com/wp-content/uploads/2023/04/Clean-Slate-HB-689-Explainer-1-page.pdf