How Muhammad Ali once knocked out by a North Dakota blizzard
Release Date: 02/07/2024
Back Then with Tracy Briggs
As one local archivist retires, I take a look at just how important historians are to our community. See more from Tracy Briggs on our website:
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Area couples detail the ways they met their significant others, from Captain America to MTV to a squirt gun. See more from Tracy Briggs on our website:
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Opponents couldn’t always clobber "The Greatest" of all time, but 55 years ago, a Fargo snowbank did. See this and the rest of Tracy Briggs' Back Then stories on our website:
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Columnist Tracy Briggs trades laborious dishes to making easy inspired-by-her-sweet-tooth desserts for gatherings. Lazy? You decide. See more from Tracy Briggs here:
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Tom Netherton starred in the hit television show in the '70s, became a popular Christian performer in the '80s, and made national headlines with Kathie Lee Gifford in the '90s. Visit our website to see photos and read more stories from Tracy Briggs:
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After Tracy Briggs' column on the popular hamburger joint that operated in Fargo from 1961 to 1979, her inbox was flooded with comments and stories, including priceless ones from "Prince Leo." Read Tracy's original column, along with the rest of her work, at
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Even with 15 cent burgers and 12 cent fries, Fargo fast food pioneer King Leo's raked in the cash in the '60s and '70s thanks to a loyal fanbase and a fun-loving crew.
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News readers might just have been craving some good news. Perhaps that’s why Forum journalist Cal Olson grabbed his photo gear and set out to snap a few pics that would undoubtedly put a smile on people’s faces. He found himself at the Presentation Sisters Convent at 1310 Broadway in Fargo to take a few shots of the sisters on ice. According to Olson’s story on Jan. 22, 1956, “each afternoon for the past several weeks, between 30 and 35 of the nuns have been skating for an hour or so, whirling around the ice on a small rink behind the convent.”
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The story of how Bob Blake became a world-renowned builder of race cars for Jaguar while holding onto his Midwestern personality.
info_outlineBack Then with Tracy Briggs
Around this time every year, my hospital administrator dad would put away his suit and tie and put on the Santa gear, with very mixed results.
info_outlineOpponents couldn’t always clobber "The Greatest" of all time, but 55 years ago, a Fargo snowbank did.
See this and the rest of Tracy Briggs' Back Then stories on our website: