Agent Academy
From New Agent To $48 Million Closed in Year 5 With Chelsea Hamre From New Agent To $48 Million Closed in Year 5 Always set goals with high expectations Invest in 3-4 hours of training ongoing Strong mindset and constantly compete with self Obsess over the process daily Keep the connections ongoing and always go deeper You can sit at home in your jammies or you can get to work
info_outline The True Navy Seal TeamAgent Academy
With Alex Lehr The True Navy Seal Team - $150,000,000 - 1 Agent, 1 Buyers Agent, 3 ISA's Why does business move at the speed of trust? Data-Driven Listing Presentation to secure 80% of the listing appointments you attend The process to present to all 4 Personality Styles on an appointment How door knocking landed a business that has generated over 1 Billion in Volume (and a 38-year marriage) Key Skill Sets you must master to dominate the living room or the board room Luxury techniques for ISA appointment setting Simple process to maintain and manage a high level of Core Energy How...
info_outline 180,000,000 producing team in 1.5 yearsAgent Academy
With Danny Burgess ✅ How to drive a high level of skill in your team while still scaling. ✅ The "Ultimate Open House" Strategy (step by step) used to dominate the market. ✅ Bringing Michelin Star rates service to the real estate space. ✅ The morning schedule used to move from $300,000 in volume to over $180,000,000 in volume ✅ Process for developing high levels of healthy competition on your team. ✅ How focusing on contribution to agents in the marketplace has moved agent count from 3 to 18 in 12 months without any outbound...
info_outline How I moved into a market and captured 20% Market Share in 3 yearsAgent Academy
With Rod Moser. - 30 plastic beads that lead to Millions of Dollars - Setting yourself up as the "virtual mayor" of your marketplace - The power of an athlete, agent, and leader - Outlined process for upgrading your LQ (Leadership Quotient) - How to drive profit with agent count in three simple steps - Becoming the person that everyone and every agent wants to be around. - KPI's for massive profitability - Key Pitfalls to avoid in leadership
info_outline $110,000,000 Million in one year ... Oh....and he took 14 vacationsAgent Academy
Brian Danney The life we all would love - Bouncing back from near financial ruin - Mastering repetitious boredom of a 9 year million dollar routine - Video Prospecting: What is it, why do it, and how it works - Why do I still role-play after a decade in the business -#1 skill that all agents must master - From 0-50 then 50-100...the step-by-step process for both - Gone for 27 days and still sold 13 homes - The power of Total Transparency and Agent Partnership for your team
info_outline Executing the 6 Key roles to build from 143 sales to over 3,000Agent Academy
Specific moves to make to double production in 12 months or less 3 Step recruiting process used to grow by 300 agents in 4 years Defining who you, your team, and your culture is to attract the right agents Establishing training programs to drive the productivity of a large organization How Justin created 6 separate leadership roles and systems and replaced himself in all of them How to use the Market Shift as an advantage for your organization The Weekly seller follow-up process to inform, educate, and support accurate pricing (with dialogue to get a reduction at the signing...
info_outline Mastering The Squad Leader/Mentor Model To Drive ProductivityAgent Academy
With Anthony Djon
info_outline Integrator: The One Role That Will Set You FreeAgent Academy
How an integrator feels, acts, thinks, and leads so you can be free Stop the false starts and reach the end goal Learning to successfully implement the business plan Finding those issues that are holding your organization back The right and wrong way to document and systematize your business Simple business model to go from 60 deals a year to 725 Huge business built 90 days at a time, without the overwhelm
info_outline 20 Agents Who Average 40 Plus Sales A Year with Brandon BrittinghamAgent Academy
You’re not growing because you are stuck in tactics and not growing as a leader -The shortcut to scale is to invest money in the development of your entire staff and agents constantly, don’t be cheap - Stop chasing the next latest and greatest shiny object - Lead from the heart and Love, NOT KPI’s and your numbers will blow up - Buy your time back through people - A mentor program that has allowed massive growth - Those you lead are watching everything you do personally and professionally - If I have to micro-manage, I am not a leader
info_outline How To Get Your Fee and Winning Through VA'sAgent Academy
John Gluch hits the Agent Academy Podcast He started off as most real estate agents do. Overworked, underpaid, and stressed. John went from selling 10 homes a year, working 60 plus hours a week to leading one of the largest real estate teams in the country selling 700 plus homes a year in three different states. John made this change by learning how to get your fee and working with VA’s. Raise the probability of getting your fee instead of negotiating Grow the bottom line Learn how to get a better fee for yourself when there are many buyers Getting good at signed VIP buyer agreements...
info_outlineJoin the conversation as I sit down with Agent Academy Coach, Isacc Guzman as we talk his principles of leadership…
…as Head of Agent Growth for The Beer Home Team from 2019 to 2021 growing the team from 9 agents and $211M in volume to 60 agents and $612M in sold volume in 2021.
Listen in as he shares his journey, charged with recruiting, managing the sales team, and overall sales strategy implementation for the #1 EXP Team In The World for Gross Commission Income.