A Global Approach to HIV Maternal Child Health with Jennifer Jao, MD, MPH
Release Date: 02/20/2024
In Pursuit
In this episode of In Pursuit, talks with , about her research in pediatric critical care medicine and respiratory infections in children. Dr. Coates shares insights into the challenges and unpredictability of viral respiratory illnesses in young patients, the impact of these infections on long-term lung health and how her research aims to reshape the field.
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info_outline A Global Approach to HIV Maternal Child Health with Jennifer Jao, MD, MPHIn Pursuit
As an infectious disease specialist, whose research focus is HIV maternal child health, , splits her time between sub-Saharan Africa and Chicago, investigating the long-term metabolic effects of in utero exposure to HIV and antiretroviral medications. In this episode, Jao retraces her path to Global Health and infectious diseases and offers a deeper understanding of the complexities surrounding HIV/AIDS and the ongoing efforts to improve care and prevention strategies in women and children.
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info_outline Introducing In PursuitIn Pursuit
Find out what's in store on In Pursuit, hosted by Patrick Seed, MD, president and chief research officer of Stanley Manley Children's Research Institute at the Ann and Robert H. Lurie Children's hospital of Chicago, one of the nation's largest freestanding pediatric research centers.
info_outlineAs an infectious disease specialist, whose research focus is HIV maternal child health, Jennifer Jao, MD, MPH, splits her time between sub-Saharan Africa and Chicago, investigating the long-term metabolic effects of in utero exposure to HIV and antiretroviral medications. In this episode, Jao retraces her path to Global Health and infectious diseases and offers a deeper understanding of the complexities surrounding HIV/AIDS and the ongoing efforts to improve care and prevention strategies in women and children.