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Church Hurt Ft. DJ Brown

Your Neighbors podcast

Release Date: 07/30/2023

Breaking The Cycle of Masculinity (Full Episode) show art Breaking The Cycle of Masculinity (Full Episode)

Your Neighbors podcast

Breaking The Cycle Of Masculinity begins with the MEN. In this episode we will address the false identities and ideologies that culture and society try to encourage men to adopt. As Neighbors, we will lift eachother up and hold each other accountable. This message is for the men, but also the women who are raising young men. Continue to stand in the gap. Talking Points - Breaking The Cycles of: Fatherhood Filling Voids Choosing to Heal Scripture: Deuteronomy 30:19-20 This day I call the heavens and the earth as witnesses against you that I have set before you life and death, blessings...

Season of Symptoms show art Season of Symptoms

Your Neighbors podcast

Season of Symptoms. Episode 8 of Your Neighbor's Podcast will help listeners to identify areas of their life that they are only addressing the symptoms and not the sickness. As Neighbors, we will identify each work deeper than just cutting off every branch of the symptoms and dig up the root of the sickness.  As yourself, do you want to get healed, or do you only like the idea of being healed? Key verse: John 5:6 ...Jesus saw him lying there and learned that he had been in this condition for a long time, he asked him, “Do you want to get well?”

Church Hurt Ft. DJ Brown show art Church Hurt Ft. DJ Brown

Your Neighbors podcast

Church Hurt  Recognizing that we may get "church hurt" because we put our trust in people who are misrepresenting Jesus When you feel resistant to attending church, be aware of your anger, resentment, and hypocricy People need to know God for themselves Life and death are in the power of the tongue God stands in the gap where we fall short Operating in past hurts, will cause us to misstep and lead from a place of pain 

Don't Paint Todays Picture With Yesterdays Brush show art Don't Paint Todays Picture With Yesterdays Brush

Your Neighbors podcast

In John 9:1-9, Jesus healed a man who was born blind. Pay attention to verse 8 where it says “8 His neighbors and those who had formerly seen him begging asked, “Isn’t this the same man who used to sit and beg?” Notice how the people who REMEMBER him as a blind and begging man, do not KNOW him to be the man that Jesus healed. There is a difference between knowing someone and remembering them. God knows you, but a lot of people just remember you.    John 1:1-9   Mark 6:4

Checking In show art Checking In

Your Neighbors podcast

On this week's episode of Your Neighbors Podcast, we're CHECKING IN! Where are you in your walk with God? Has anything gotten in the way of you being able to serve God and honor Him obediently? Does God get your best, or does He get the rest? Checking in allows us to be aware of where we are in our journey with God. If you need prayer, feel free to reach out via Instagram @Yourneighbor_nique. Peace and Love my neighbors.    Proverbs 5:21 For your ways are in full view of the Lord, and he examines all your paths   James 1:8 Such a person is double-minded and unstable in all they...

Identity show art Identity

Your Neighbors podcast

Identity  "Who you are" is different from "Whose you are". This week, we discuss the difference between whose we are vs who we are. My identity was built around my athletic career for most of my life, but when it was taken away, I had no idea who I was. It wasn't until God showed me whose I am, that I could discover who I am. Being a father, a brother, and an educator is all for the Glory of God. Follow us on Instagram @yourneighbor_nique.   1 Corinthians 6:19 NIV Do you not know that your bodies are temples of the Holy Spirit, who is in you, whom you have received from God? You are...

Get Out Of Your Feelings show art Get Out Of Your Feelings

Your Neighbors podcast

In this week's episode, we will discuss the areas of our journey where we need to get out of our feelings. Sometimes we can allow our feelings to dictate our obedience to God's assignments.  Let us recognize our feelings, and submit them to God. When we are in those seasons of our life, when we don't "feel" like praying, going to church, or reading the bible, may our posture be corrected to honor God. Listen to how we can get out of our feelings, and be aware of what God is doing in this season.   Galatians 5:17 17 For the desires of the flesh are against the Spirit, and the desires...

Your Neighbors Podcast - Episode 2 - I'm Not Supposed To Be Here show art Your Neighbors Podcast - Episode 2 - I'm Not Supposed To Be Here

Your Neighbors podcast

Episode 2: Have you ever thought, " I'm Not Supposed To Be Here"? In this week's episode, we discuss the areas of our life that we feel we don't deserve to be in. Whether it's a blessing that we don't feel worthy of or a circumstance that we don't think we should be in. "Don't let the devil discount you!" Join us as we break down the value that has been placed on our lives and how the adversary will attempt to block our blessings. I want to remind you, that you are called! Please be encouraged to follow, share your praise report, and leave a review, as we continue to give God all the glory....

Your Neighbors Podcast - Ep 1 - Commitment show art Your Neighbors Podcast - Ep 1 - Commitment

Your Neighbors podcast

Welcome to Your Neighbors Podcast, hosted by Nique Williams.  In this episode, we will discuss commitment from biblical and worldly perspectives. We will discuss the biggest commitment that God requires of His children, as well as the areas of our lives that we hesitate to commit to God with.    Bible Verses: Psalm 37:5  Commit your way to the Lord: trust in him, and he will act   Proverbs 16:3 Commit your work to the Lord, and your plans will be established    Revelation 3:15-16 I know your deeds, that you are neither cold nor hot. I wish you were...

More Episodes

Church Hurt 

  • Recognizing that we may get "church hurt" because we put our trust in people who are misrepresenting Jesus
  • When you feel resistant to attending church, be aware of your anger, resentment, and hypocricy
  • People need to know God for themselves
  • Life and death are in the power of the tongue
  • God stands in the gap where we fall short
  • Operating in past hurts, will cause us to misstep and lead from a place of pain