Dear Old Dads
Thomas brings us an impossible conundrum that was shared in an recently: two couples were undergoing IVF, their samples were mixed up, and they unknowingly gave birth to the other's baby. Would you let your genetic offspring go and continue your family with the baby you've already been raising and loving for a year, or would you want to reunite with your biological child? But the question Lydia knows you've all been waiting for...did the dads remember to rip into it this week? Join the Facebook Group! For comments, email For extended episodes, bonus content, and most...
info_outline DOD177: Don’t Punish the Behavior You Want to SeeDear Old Dads
The Toms would like to talk about some of the greatest parenting advice they ever saw. And it's a meme. Or like, a tweet or something. But it's that good. Join the Facebook Group! For comments, email For extended episodes, bonus content, and most importantly, for an AD FREE SHOW, make sure to !
info_outline DOD176: Someone Named “Tom” Is Here and Says He Used to Be On the Podcast?Dear Old Dads
No idea if we're being scammed or not but assuming it's real, he's got a lot to tell us about his horrific Christmas. Join the Facebook Group! For comments, email For extended episodes, bonus content, and most importantly, for an AD FREE SHOW, make sure to !
info_outline DOD175: What If Our Kids Don't Want Kids?Dear Old Dads
Lydia joins Thomas and Eli to talk about a recent NYT article about the hidden grief of not becoming a grandparent. How would we feel if our children decided they didn't want kids? (Fingers crossed, this should hopefully be the last of the no-Tom episodes!) Join the Facebook Group! For comments, email For extended episodes, bonus content, and most importantly, for an AD FREE SHOW, make sure to !
info_outline DOD174: Bad Mojo DojoDear Old Dads
Lydia and Heath are with us as we tackle a listener question about a situation regarding their child's karate class, and we discuss what makes a coach good or bad. We're releasing the patron version for everyone because the bonus story just needs to be heard. It features t And yes, the audio still sucks since this was the same recording session. Last one! Join the Facebook Group! For comments, email For extended episodes, bonus content, and most importantly, for an AD FREE SHOW, make sure to !
info_outline DOD173: Free-Range Parenting - Good Idea? Or Eli's Nightmare. Or Both.Dear Old Dads
We were not able to locate the actor who normally plays Tom so in this episode he has been replaced by the combined forces of Lydia Smith and Heath Enright. The 4 of us discuss an article about a free-range parenting experiment. Note: I (Thomas) made a blunder in the recording of this podcast and had to use backup audio which combines Lydia and I. As a result, the quality is a little sub-optimal to a degree that may even be noticeable to normal human people. I could apologize, but no one is more upset about it than me, so does that really make sense? I think I'll apologize to myself and then...
info_outline DOD172: The Bad Influence FriendDear Old Dads
Eli had an interesting situation come up with Max involving another kid being potentially a bad influence. What should we do in this situation? And then he realizes he has never told us his infamous "Pot Party" story... Join the Facebook Group! For comments, email For extended episodes, bonus content, and most importantly, for an AD FREE SHOW, make sure to !
info_outline DOD171: Crashing Your Ex's VacationDear Old Dads
Tom shares a post from Reddit's Am I the Asshole and the dads debate the asshole-ranking of all of the characters involved. Join the Facebook Group! For comments, email For extended episodes, bonus content, and most importantly, for an AD FREE SHOW, make sure to !
info_outline DOD170: Eli Made the Mistake of Asking a Parenting Group SomethingDear Old Dads
Eli's got a parenting question and his facebook parenting group has... answers. Join the Facebook Group! For comments, email For extended episodes, bonus content, and most importantly, for an AD FREE SHOW, make sure to !
info_outline DOD169: Putting the Man in MannersDear Old Dads
The dads discuss politeness - what it is, how to instill it in your kids, and if it actually matters in the world. Also, how polite should we be with our closest friends and partners, and is there harm to being too polite in those relationships? Join the Facebook Group! For comments, email For extended episodes, bonus content, and most importantly, for an AD FREE SHOW, make sure to !
info_outlineThe dads discuss politeness - what it is, how to instill it in your kids, and if it actually matters in the world. Also, how polite should we be with our closest friends and partners, and is there harm to being too polite in those relationships?
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