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4 Cures to Slow Boring Ass Cardio (Ep. 25)

The Growth Potential Show

Release Date: 05/01/2023

The Formula For Pursuing Personal Excellence and Peak Physical Condition (Ep. 52) show art The Formula For Pursuing Personal Excellence and Peak Physical Condition (Ep. 52)

The Growth Potential Show

I'm seeing more and more of the younger generations and even my generation become soft. While it isn't everyone, this is a trend we cannot ignore. I believe the antidote to this is pursuing personal excellence and peak physical condition but most people don't know where to start. I'm going to give you the formula in this episode. I also have an announcement about this show and its future at the end. I appreciate you beyond words if you've listened to one, all, or somewhere in between and this platform has allowed me to find my voice so thank you again for being along for this ride with me....

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The Growth Potential Show

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7 Gym Hacks to Simplify and Streamline Your Results (Ep. 50) show art 7 Gym Hacks to Simplify and Streamline Your Results (Ep. 50)

The Growth Potential Show

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The Growth Potential Show

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The Growth Potential Show

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7 Ways to Change Your Body in 6 Months or Less (Ep. 47) show art 7 Ways to Change Your Body in 6 Months or Less (Ep. 47)

The Growth Potential Show

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3 Simple Fat Loss Tips That Work Every Single Time (Ep. 46) show art 3 Simple Fat Loss Tips That Work Every Single Time (Ep. 46)

The Growth Potential Show

If you've been feeling stuck lately trying to lose weight but nothing is working, I might have the solution for you. Anytime I get stuck or my clients get stuck in their fat loss journey, there are 3 tips I go back to every single time that make a positive impact. Let me know which tip you're going to implement this week!   Time Stamps:   (0:57) 3 Simple Tips That Work For Me and My Clients (1:27) Recently Added a Husband and Wife to My Roster (3:12) High Protein Breakfast (5:22) Story From One of My Favorite Clients (6:28) Simple Solutions (10:07) How to Implement This...

When Does Delayed Gratification Pay Off? (Ep. 45) show art When Does Delayed Gratification Pay Off? (Ep. 45)

The Growth Potential Show

I talk a lot about delayed gratification and you might be wondering when it pays off. Does it ever "pay off"? I want to share with you a client story from my past, share a quote that will help frame this conversation, and share with you my non-negotiables and thoughts around when delayed gratification pays off.    Time Stamps:   (0:59) When Does Delayed Gratification Pay Off? (1:50) Story About One of My Clients (4:00) Note From My Producer Kyle From Alex Hormozi (5:25) My Non-Negotiables (7:18) Please Share, Rate, and Review --------------------- ---------------------

Lies and Uncomfortable Truths We Tell Ourselves (Ep. 44) show art Lies and Uncomfortable Truths We Tell Ourselves (Ep. 44)

The Growth Potential Show

Back in my 9-5 days, I kept myself stuck and unhappy because of the lies I kept telling myself. I'll start tomorrow… I don't have time… either of these sound familiar? In today's episode, I have 3 lies and uncomfortable truths we tell ourselves that hold us back from the life and the body we want.    Time Stamps:   (1:10) Your External Reflects Your Internal (2:58) Lies We Tell Ourselves (3:20) Lie #1: I’ll Start Tomorrow (5:06) Lie #2: I Don’t Have Time (6:37) Lie #3: I’m Too Old (8:18) Examples From a Few of My Clients (11:47) Please Subscribe and Share...

How to Find Purpose and Fulfillment in Life and Work (Ep. 43) show art How to Find Purpose and Fulfillment in Life and Work (Ep. 43)

The Growth Potential Show

I used to be stuck in a boring 9-5 job I hated. It not only affected my professional life but it also bled into my personal life of how I was taking care of myself. In today's short but hopefully impactful episode, I want to share a story from my past around purpose and fulfillment and how you can find yours too.   Time Stamps:   (1:05) Story Time About My Boring 9-5 (4:35) Conforming Dale (7:02) Still Seeking Fulfillment (9:59) How To Start Seeking Purpose and Fulfillment In Your Life (11:10) Please Leave a Rating and Review --------------------- ---------------------

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There are a few things I hate in life including pickles and unsolicited advice but there are only a few things I hate more than cardio. Can you relate? It is, for all intents and purposes, a giant waste of our time if our goal is to get jacked and shredded. I want to share with you 4 specific cures to boring ass cardio and how to incorporate cardiovascular training into your week without falling over from boredom.


Time Stamps:


(1:04) The Few Things I Hate

(1:53) I Hate Slow Ass Cardio

(5:15) Finding the Sweet Spot

(9:35) Cures to Slow Boring Cardio

(10:12) Hill Sprints

(12:00) Biking

(12:56) Condition Medleys

(13:58) Every Minute on the Minute Workouts

(15:45) Take Walks

(17:10) Getting Out of Cardio Hell


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