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EP14: Signs & Synchronicities

Dandelion Dynamic Podcast

Release Date: 11/21/2022

EP 40: Emotions & Holding Space for Them show art EP 40: Emotions & Holding Space for Them

Dandelion Dynamic Podcast

In this episode we talk about emotions, how to hold space and not stuff them down.  How honoring our emotions allows them to move through us, and not get stuck within our bodies. We touched on: 1)  How often we have been told to ‘quit our crying or I’ll give you something to cry about’ and many of us have learned to stuff our emotions and not feel them. 2) Things that come up that trigger us, are there to teach us a lesson, and can be a mirror for our own healing.  It is a gift to lean into it and heal from it.  Generally things have nothing to do with the person,...

EP 39: Hiding show art EP 39: Hiding

Dandelion Dynamic Podcast

In this episode we talk about how often in life we hide from things because of our own beliefs about ourselves.  And how the light that we see in others, is within us as well… and we need to shine it, and share our gifts with the world. We touched on: 1)  How our bodies will physically manifest our beliefs about ourselves if we are not paying attention to them.  For example, acne if we fear being seen, or getting sick before travelling if we feel we don’t belong.  None of this is conscious thought. 2) When someone sees the light in you, honour it. Shine it. Show it....

Ep38: Be With Those Who Are Cheering For You show art Ep38: Be With Those Who Are Cheering For You

Dandelion Dynamic Podcast

In this episode we talk about how important it is to have people in your life that are not only there with you but cheering for you. They want the best for you, and want to see you succeed. Choose people who uplift and inspire you to be your best self. Respect your boundaries and support your growth, bring joy to your life, support you through it all, are kind, compassionate, and empathetic, and who encourage you to pursue your passions and dreams. We touched on: 1)  Sometimes people who are in your circle are not in your corner, and how we can put on masks, or shift who we are to be...

Ep 37: Farmyard Stories - Chicken Edition show art Ep 37: Farmyard Stories - Chicken Edition

Dandelion Dynamic Podcast

In this episode we have a little fun conversation about chickens, getting them, caring for them, and bringing them home unannounced. Surprise chickens!  We touched on: 1)  Niki’s recent trip to get 5 dozen eggs from a friend, which turned into 5 dozen eggs, and 10 chickens in the back of her Honda Pilot. 2) A story about eagles, and chickens and how they do not mix… (and a little story about how 10 turned into 9) but Niki was quickly reminded about the circle of life. 3) We talk about eggs, and the difference between store bought eggs, vs farm raised free range eggs. Connect...

EP 36: Vision & Looking Toward The Future show art EP 36: Vision & Looking Toward The Future

Dandelion Dynamic Podcast

In this episode we talk about how we look toward the future, and make plans and goals, but often the best things in our lives we could not have ever imagined. We touched on: 1)  Jenna just spoke at an event that she was invited to speak and, and we talked about how even 5 years ago, that may not even have been on her radar.  And how for both of us, Young Living came into our lives and changed it in the very best way, and that’s how we met.  Neither of us could have ever imagined how that kit would have changed our lives. 2) How some of the biggest blessings in our lives, are...

EP 35: Black Spruce Harvest Chat show art EP 35: Black Spruce Harvest Chat

Dandelion Dynamic Podcast

In this episode we talk about our experiences at the Young Living Northern Lights farm, when we harvested, distilled and made our own Northern Lights Black Spruce oil.  We are joined by some guests that took part in the harvest with us. We touched on: 1)  Young Living’s Seed to Seal process - where every step of the process of making essential oils is set to the absolute highest standards.  How Young Living owns farms around the world, and that we were blessed to take part in a harvest for a week, and take part in the entire process. 2) How community is everything. It’s...

EP 34: Great Big Love show art EP 34: Great Big Love

Dandelion Dynamic Podcast

In this episode we talk about how the love, validation and acceptance we often seek, needs to come from within. We need to give ourselves that great big love, first. We touched on: 1)  How sometimes a heavy, or hard day or week is the beginning of so much growth. We started the call with pulling a card, and talking about the message, and how oracle cards can be a tool that are sometimes fun to use at the beginning of a journaling session to give some direction.  The card Great Big Love was the one we started the call with. 2) How giving ourselves the love and validation and...

EP 33: Finding Your People - The Importance of Community show art EP 33: Finding Your People - The Importance of Community

Dandelion Dynamic Podcast

In this episode we talk about how important it is to find people that you connect with, and how saying “yes” can be the start of something beautiful We touched on: 1)  Finding your people. You may not know where ‘your’ people will be but saying yes to things when you listen to your heart, and trust it, you might meet a new best friend. 2) Doing things together is powerful. For example, a few friends getting together to make bread, or meal prep together.  We have all spent so much time apart these past few years, that getting together with like minded people can bring so...

EP 32: The Courage To Be Disliked show art EP 32: The Courage To Be Disliked

Dandelion Dynamic Podcast

In this episode we talk about taking off the masks and uncovering who we truly are. Anyone else ever feel like you are a chameleon and morph your opinions, thoughts and views just slightly based on who you are around?  We touched on: 1)  being seen and being loved as core human values 2) how when we actually allow ourselves to be ourselves, we attract the people who truly love us 3) the law of attraction and how like attracts like. When we are authentic,  we end up surrounding ourselves with very genuine and real humans. Connect with us here: To learn more about the...

EP 31: Organic, and Marketing show art EP 31: Organic, and Marketing

Dandelion Dynamic Podcast

In this episode we talk about ‘organic’ and Jenna shares her background in agronomy, agriculture, and many generations of a farming family, and how marketing can play a part in what we see in the store. We touched on: 1) how powerful marketing can truly be and why it’s again, important to ask questions 2) how knowing where your food comes is more important than the term ‘organic’ in my opinion 3) how if you can support the local farmer and buy direct, you will make a much larger impact in the right direction Connect with us here: To learn more about the essential oils we talk...

More Episodes

In this episode we talk about how we are always supported, and that there are signs and symbols everywhere around us, but that we need to be aware and keep our eyes open and trust that all things are happening for us.

We touched on:
1)  We do not have to figure out how or why we see symbols, we just need to trust that when we have that feeling that it’s a sign, that it is. Trust it!  Awareness is key!

2) Signs and wisdom can come to us in things we see, or even in random posts, animals, or lyrics in songs.  Sometimes songs appear, and if we are listening, we can hear the wisdom that is there for us.  And how you can write down ‘Evidence of your alignment’ when things happen, or there’s a sign, or when things feel like incredible synchronicities… you will see how often you create your reality. There’s evidence of it.  Write your own ‘evidence’ in a note in your phone.  Your Reticular Activating System is powerful.

3) We touched briefly about trusting your body, and how to use muscle testing. Jenna gives an example of how to do it, and where she’s used it in her life.

4) When we lean in and fully listen to our bodies, and listen to the ‘signs’ our bodies are giving us, then we can feel better. Our bodies, our gut, our inner knowing… it’s always talking to us. Trust it! Our bodies know what they need, we need to trust and listen to them. The signs are there.

Connect with us here:

To learn more about the essential oils we talk about, you can connect with us at www.simpleessentials.ca

To learn more about the online wellness community, you can connect with us at www.cultivatenow.ca 

Find Niki at nikiflynn on instagram

Find Jenna at cultivate_now on instagram

To hear the song by Kelsi Ballerini - What I Have - you can find it here on Youtube, or your favourite streaming platform. 