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April - Guacharos & Geovanny

audio zine with Luna Coffee

Release Date: 04/19/2023

September - The Peréz fam, a nitrogen deep dive, & Haro Welabu show art September - The Peréz fam, a nitrogen deep dive, & Haro Welabu

audio zine with Luna Coffee

This month's zine we descend (cozily) into the 'wood wide web', pick apart synthetic nitrogen's issues, dig into what it means to be on the spectrum of transitioning a farm away from fungicides/conventional ag and reveal how the Peréz family tossed a 'traditional' farming worldview for a symbiotic one.   Key Links for this episode: follow us on all socials Join our growing monthly subscriber crew here: subscribers get a full-colour print version of this zine, first access to new coffee releases - and we all nerd out, it's real nice. xo, Laura & Nate 

August - Nano Genji (Techno Peach!) & Karindundu show art August - Nano Genji (Techno Peach!) & Karindundu

audio zine with Luna Coffee

This month's zine we follow an invisible string through the birthplace of coffee to where we are today, discussing landrace varieties vs cultivars along the way. The two coffees this month are both from East Africa though that's where their similarities end, with (Techno Peach) at the start of the thread with landraces from Gera and Agaro, and a continuation of our Juicebox series with from Nyeri, Kenya at the other end of that thread.  follow us on all socials Join our monthly subscriber crew here: xo,  Laura & Nate

Resident Seed guy Ildefonso & his Pink Bourbon show art Resident Seed guy Ildefonso & his Pink Bourbon

audio zine with Luna Coffee

New Release July 14th - Another stunner from the Guacharos group, Ildefonso Cordoba, and what makes Pink Bourbon special? follow us on all socials @enjoylunacoffee Join our monthly subscriber crew here:  xo,  Laura & Nate

April - Guacharos & Geovanny show art April - Guacharos & Geovanny

audio zine with Luna Coffee

This month's zine we zoom WAY in and out again with fermentation choices and the coffee growing scene at large. The two coffees this month are both from Colombia with the Guacharos group hailing from Bruselas, Huila and Geovanny Liscano in Inzá.  follow us on all socials @enjoylunacoffee Join our monthly subscriber crew here:   xo,  Laura & Nate

More Episodes

This month's zine we zoom WAY in and out again with fermentation choices and the coffee growing scene at large. The two coffees this month are both from Colombia with the Guacharos group hailing from Bruselas, Huila and Geovanny Liscano in Inzá. 

follow us on all socials @enjoylunacoffee

Join our monthly subscriber crew here: https://enjoylunacoffee.com/subscribe/



Laura & Nate