LANDBACK For The People
On this kickoff episode of Season 3 of LANDBACK For the People, Nick Tilsen, NDN Collective's Founder & CEO, welcomes new leadership to NDN Collective, President Wizipan Little Elk In this conversation we unpack the triad of leadership at NDN Collective, examining the origins of Nick, Wizipan, and Vice President Gaby Strong, and how they each came into their roles at the organization. We learn from each of them the makings of impactful Indigenous leadership, the interconnectedness of Indigenous lifeways that make the LANDBACK movement what it is today, and much more. ✊🏽 WANT TO...
info_outlineLANDBACK For The People
On this final episode of season 2, Nick Tilsen talks with Jason Sole to discuss what being an abolitionist means, the origins of FTP, how the LANDBACK movement and Black Liberation are required for our collective liberation, and that Black and Indigenous solidarity is a practice that we need to build within our movements. ABOUT JASON SOLE: Jason, formerly incarcerated, is an abolitionist. He has been a criminal justice educator for over 12 years and has been a national restorative justice trainer since 2008, In 2019, he received the John Legend “Can’t Just Preach” award for his...
info_outlineLANDBACK For The People
On this episode of LANDBACK FOR THE PEOPLE, Nick Tilsen invites Deenaalee Hodgdon, Co-Executive Director of Smokehouse Collective, Executive Producer of “On the Land” Podcast, and NDN Collective Radical Imagination artist, to discuss the subsistence lifeways of the Arctic through fishing and tracking salmon to feed and sustain their communities. ✊🏽 WANT TO LEARN MORE? ▶️ Visit the Smokehouse Collective website: ▶️ Follow on Instagram: @go_barefoot Support Indigenous-led narratives and organizing by donating to NDN Collective today at EPISODE CREDITS: Host: Nick Tilsen...
info_outlineLANDBACK For The People
On this episode of LANDBACK FOR THE PEOPLE, Nick Tilsen invites filmmakers Julian Brave Noisecat (former NDN Collective Media Fellow) and Emily Kassie, directors of the award winning documentary SUGARCANE, to have the conversation on Indian boarding schools (known as residential schools in Canada) and its relationship with land back. Boarding schools and education were weaponized in order to assimilate Indigenous people into mainstream society. We’re asking our allies and accomplices to share this episode with your families and communities because it’s important to understand what...
info_outlineLANDBACK For The People
In Season 2 Episode 4: Protect the ȞeSápa, Nick Tilsen, NDN Collective President and CEO talks about the the history of mining in the Black Hills of South Dakota, the direct corelation of the General Mining Act of 1872 and its relationship with the stealing of Indigenous land, and how we are working to protect the ȞeSápa today. "As long as the history is for the ȞeSápa, so is the history of resistance." Featured guests include Taylor Gunhammer and Andrew Catt-Iron Shell, local organizers for NDN Collective. ✊🏽 Want to learn more about our Protect the HeSapa Campaign? ▶️...
info_outlineLANDBACK For The People
In Season 2 Episode 3: The NDNs are coming! ... to Hold Racism Accountable, Nick Tilsen, NDN Collective President and CEO talks about the racism towards Indigenous Peoples on their homelands and how systemic racism is a problematic cause of economic injustice for our Indigenous relatives across Turtle Island. It's a daily hardship, "Whether it's in Gallup or in Rapid City. The story is the same." Nick Tilsen said. Our 'Rapid City vs. Racism' campaign is our effort to dismantle systemic racism on our homelands in Rapid City, which includes the civil rights lawsuit against the Grand Gateway...
info_outlineLANDBACK For The People
Independent artist Benjamin Hammond Haggerty – better known by his stage name Macklemore – is the featured guest on this episode. He speaks vulnerably about his journey to understand the intertwined nature of white supremacy, colonization, oppression, land theft, and more. On the episode, Nick Tilsen and Macklemore delve into how they met at a rally for Palestinian liberation, politically educating their children, reckoning with past cultural appropriation, the fear white people have of losing power, landback movements across the globe, and more. Links Mentioned: ...
info_outlineLANDBACK For The People
In Season 2 Episode 1, Nick Tilsen talks with Demetrius Johnson, Kiley Guy and Jennifer Marley from and . They discuss Indigenous liberation and continued solidarity with our Palestinian Relatives, the history of The Red Nation and the work they’re engaged in as community organizers, and why they started the Red Media podcast and more. Links Mentioned: Episode Credits: Hosted by: Nick Tilsen Produced by: Willi White Co-Producer: Steph Viera Edited by: Willi White Original Music by: Mato Wayuhi
info_outlineLANDBACK For The People
In this episode, Nick Tilsen visits with longtime mentor Dune Lankard, who shares stories and knowledge from his fight to protect his homelands in southcentral Alaska. From protecting millions of acres, to standing up for the bears, to fighting climate change while feeding the people with kelp, Dune shows what it means when he says, “ocean back.” As Dune says, “if it’s not regenerative then just don’t do it.” Dune Lankard, Eyak Athabaskan of the Eagle Clan from Cordova, Alaska, has been fighting to protect his homelands in the Prince William Sound and the Copper River Delta...
info_outlineLANDBACK For The People
For nearly 50 years, Indigenous organizers, activists, and allies have dedicated themselves to fight against the unjust incarceration of Indigenous movement leader, Leonard Peltier. In Episode 6 of the LANDBACK For The People, Nick Tilsen delves into the complexities of the longest serving Indigenous political prisoner alongside trusted legal and government affairs partners fighting for Leonard Peltier’s freedom. On this episode: Holly Cook Macarro, Red Lake Ojibwe, NDN Collective Government Affairs Bruce Ellison, Criminal Defense Attorney Read More:
info_outlineOn this final episode of season 2, Nick Tilsen talks with Jason Sole to discuss what being an abolitionist means, the origins of FTP, how the LANDBACK movement and Black Liberation are required for our collective liberation, and that Black and Indigenous solidarity is a practice that we need to build within our movements.
Jason, formerly incarcerated, is an abolitionist. He has been a criminal justice educator for over 12 years and has been a national restorative justice trainer since 2008, In 2019, he received the John Legend “Can’t Just Preach” award for his work to abolish prisons. In addition, Jason is the co-founder of the Humanize My Hoodie Movement in which he challenges threat perceptions about Black people through clothing, art exhibitions, documentary screenings, and workshops.
▶️ Check out Humanize My Hood by visiting:
▶️ Learn more about Jason:
▶️ Follow the Humanize My Hood on Instagram: @humanizemyhoodie
Support Indigenous-led narratives and organizing by donating to NDN Collective today at
Host: Nick Tilsen
Producer: Willi White
Co-Producer: Steph Viera
Editor: Willi White
Music: Mato Wayuhi
Set Photography: Angel White Eyes