Micro-dosing and Entheogenic Healing with Polymath Park Host Captain Compton
Release Date: 03/18/2023
Archaveda - Season 1, Episode 4 - Shante Little I host Microdosing Coach, Psilocybin Advocate & Educator, 🍄 Comms. Professional, Enthogenic Plant Medicine advocate and specialist on this episode. We discuss various aspects of the use of entheogens as sacred medicines for mental, spiritual and emotional well being. We discuss the current movement of large corperations into the pychedelic medicine space and how this movement affects current practicioners in this field. BIPOC considerations of this discourse are also talked through as well as what the future of...
info_outline Microdosing and Mindset Coach - Brionna MorseArchaveda
Archaveda - Season 1, Episode 3 - Brionna Morse I have the esteemed priviledge of having on the show Brionna Morse - Microdosing & Mindset Coach. We focus the discussion on what someone new to microdosing and/or considering hiring the services of a microdosing and mindset coach can expect, answer a lot of basic questions and deep dive into how microdosing fits into a spiritual and emotional healing journey. For more information on microdosing or the Awakened Women's Ceremony happening in-person on May 19th - 21st, you can reach out directly to Brionna through her Instagram account or...
info_outline Micro-dosing and Entheogenic Healing with Polymath Park Host Captain ComptonArchaveda
Archaveda - Season 1, Episode 2 - Captain Compton, Polymath Park On this episode of Archaveda, I talk with Captain Compton of Polymath Park [YouTube] how he incorperated microdosing psilocybin mushrooms into his entheogenic healing journey and how he used psychedelics to overcome auditory processing disorder (APD). We also discuss legality, research and other related topics. https://www.youtube.com/@polymathpark For questions or coments on covered topics or to request appearing on a future show feel free to email [email protected] Paul Stamets Save the Bees Research and Information...
info_outline Season 1 IntroductionArchaveda
Season and show introduction to kick things off, set intentions and establish some expectations. Archaveda is meant to be a community collaborative project that will establish a grassroots source of learning related to entheogenic healing, plant medicine, discoveries and breakthroughs on the practice of using psychelics in healing and curing of illnessness and psychological conditions. We'll be cpvering harm reduction concepts and trip reports, interviewing experts in the field as well as practitioners and pioneers in all things dealing with the recent resurgence of interest and...
info_outline An Ayahuasca Journey - Spreading the LightArchaveda
I interview a long time friend about his trip to Costa Rica to partake in an Ayahuasca healing session. We cover many of the fundamental aspects of what a guided Ayahuasca ceremony is like, what to expect and things to consider for anyone considering this as a path to healing, enlightenment or just personal growth. Background Music Credits: When I Was A Boy by Tokyo Music Walker | https://soundcloud.com/user-356546060 Music promoted by https://www.chosic.com/free-music/all/ Creative Commons CC BY 3.0 Sugar Coat by Purrple Cat | https://purrplecat.com/ Music promoted by...
info_outlineArchaveda - Season 1, Episode 2 - Captain Compton, Polymath Park
On this episode of Archaveda, I talk with Captain Compton of Polymath Park [YouTube] how he incorperated microdosing psilocybin mushrooms into his entheogenic healing journey and how he used psychedelics to overcome auditory processing disorder (APD). We also discuss legality, research and other related topics.
For questions or coments on covered topics or to request appearing on a future show feel free to email [email protected]
Paul Stamets Save the Bees Research and Information
Music Credits:
Garden Music by Kevn MacCleod
Music promoted by https://www.chosic.com/free-music/all/
Creative Commons CC BY-SA 3.0
When I Was A Boy by Tokyo Music Walker | https://soundcloud.com/user-356546060
Music promoted by https://www.chosic.com/free-music/all/
Creative Commons CC BY 3.0
Silent Wood by Purrple Cat | https://purrplecat.com/
Music promoted by https://www.chosic.com/free-music/all/
Creative Commons CC BY-SA 3.0
Disclaimer: This podcast is not intended to be used as a source of medical advice. The information provided by the hosts and guests are only opinions and should NOT be used as a substitute for professional medical advice, diagnosis or treatment. Always seek the advice of your physician or qualified health care provider with any questions you may have regarding a medical condition or treatment thereof before undertaking a healthcare regimen or making changes to an existing one.