2 Dumplings
大厨Linda上了一个在线编剧课。和Scarlet讨论在线写作课的Pros & Cons
info_outline Ep7 一个悲伤的警察故事 和 在加拿大入籍 A Sad Police Story2 Dumplings
Scarlet讲了一个酒驾背后的悲伤故事。Linda讲了她和加拿大骑警的亲密接触。 Scarlet talked about a catastrophic story about drink and drive. Linda talked about her close enounter with RCMP.
info_outline Ep6 在加拿大自杀式学车 考驾照 真难啊 It's hard to get a driver's license2 Dumplings
Scarlet 讲她自杀式的学车历程,三次考驾照体验。 Scarlet's suicidal driving lessons and her driving tests.
info_outline Ep5 买酒不再被查身份证 内心很伤感 Feels a bit sad about not being asked for ID when buying alcohol.2 Dumplings
在加拿大如何买酒,奇怪的规矩,禁酒令时期的故事。 How to buy alcohol in Canada and its weird laws for drinking. and Prohibition era.
info_outline Ep4 Linda在加拿大喝酒升级了 Linda has upgrated her drinking ability in Canada2 Dumplings
在加拿大喝各种酒,海聊红的白的啤的。 We drink all kinds of booze in Canada
info_outline Ep3 在加拿大酒+驾 Drink + Drive in Canada2 Dumplings
因为Linda想聊酒,Scarlet想开车(真的开车,也许),于是有了这一连串的酒+驾。 Linda wanted to talk about wines as Scarlet wanted to talk about driving. Therefore, we had this series of drink and drive (not at the same time)
info_outline Ep2 喜欢不喜欢加拿大 Like and dislike Canada2 Dumplings
本集来谈谈:我们喜欢加拿大的什么?又不喜欢什么? What do we like about Canada? What do we dislike?
info_outline Ep1 为什么移民加拿大 Why Canada2 Dumplings
本集来谈谈:我们各自为什么选择加拿大,又是如何移民的? Linda and Scarlet talked about WHY and HOW they came to CANADA.
Linda wanted to talk about wines as Scarlet wanted to talk about driving. Therefore, we had this series of drink and drive (not at the same time)