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Ep. 17 - Busy Is Bullshit

Experience Andy Weins Live

Release Date: 04/10/2024

Ep. 32 - Victor, Victim, or Villain show art Ep. 32 - Victor, Victim, or Villain

Experience Andy Weins Live

Welcome back to another installment of . This weekly session is my chance to delve into a topic that's not only significant in my life right now but also universally relevant. Today, we're exploring the concepts of being a victor, a victim, or a villain through our choice of words when reacting to events around us. But first, let's chat about gratitude. Each week, I focus on gratitude because, honestly, it's something I've always struggled with. This practice ensures that at least once a week, I pause to truly appreciate the people and things in my life. Today, I want to give a shout-out to...

Ep. 31 - It's Cruel To Be Kind show art Ep. 31 - It's Cruel To Be Kind

Experience Andy Weins Live

Welcome back to another episode of Experience Andy Weins Live, where every Monday I dive into what's on my mind and how I'm planning to make the world a better place this week. Today, I want to explore the theme of why it's cruel to be kind, drawing on some principles from Jordan Peterson's 12 Rules for Life, and how language plays a crucial role in shaping our world. First, I want to express my gratitude toward all the hustlers and grinders out there—the people who inspire me daily through their posts on social media platforms like Facebook and LinkedIn. One standout example is Macy...

Ep. 30 - Learning To Respond show art Ep. 30 - Learning To Respond

Experience Andy Weins Live

Hey there, welcome to this weeks post. I recorded this episode from the center camera today since the top one decided to bail on us—but hey, that's actually what we're diving into: learning to respond to situations rather than reacting to people or stimuli. Let's unpack that shortly. First off, a little gratitude moment here. I'm feeling really thankful for the weather here in Wisconsin—70 degrees the past few days, can you believe it? In my line of work with junk removal, winters can be brutal, so this warmth is a huge lift. Just this Saturday, fresh from an electronics recycling event, I...

Ep. 29 - FOPO - Fear Of People's Opinions show art Ep. 29 - FOPO - Fear Of People's Opinions

Experience Andy Weins Live

Another Monday, another great day to be alive! I’m here to share our life experiences, helping us all grow together. So, let’s kick off today with a moment of gratitude before diving into today’s topics, and I'll share a little something about how you can support me today. First up, I’m really thankful for the people who hold me accountable. I’ve been incredibly fortunate to find folks who push and challenge me exactly where I need it. Each week, I come here to share my ideals with the world, and it’s these very people who keep me true to these ideals. Like anyone, I make mistakes,...

Ep. 28 - Working Through Loss show art Ep. 28 - Working Through Loss

Experience Andy Weins Live

Welcome to episode 28, live from my corner of the world. This week, we're diving deep into the heart of loss and the journey I've been on, turning it into a stepping stone towards where I dream of being. Before anything else, let's settle into our moment of gratitude, a tradition here that's more than just a habit—it's my weekly ritual to anchor in the good amidst life's storms. I want to share my immense gratitude for my daughter this week. Picking her up on Friday and spending an Easter weekend filled with movies, laughter, and just being together has recharged my spirit. For parents out...

Ep. 27 - Accountability show art Ep. 27 - Accountability

Experience Andy Weins Live

Kicking things off with a big thank you – this time, I'm diving deep into gratitude, sharing a slice of my life, and then we'll pivot to what's hot on my mind today. This weekend, I found myself at a gun raffle up north, a tradition that's been in my life for a solid 30 years. Imagine a gathering brimming with guns, fried chicken, and a sense of camaraderie – that's it. It's these moments, surrounded by family and echoes of my childhood, that I'm immensely thankful for. Spending quality time with my Aunt Nancy recently reminded me of the unique bond I share with my aunts and uncles, a...

Ep. 26 - Excite, Inform, Ask show art Ep. 26 - Excite, Inform, Ask

Experience Andy Weins Live

Every week, we take these precious 15 minutes to invest in ourselves, and I'm stoked you're here with me. Let's dive into what's buzzing in my mind this week, but first, a quick moment for gratitude, something I've leaned heavily into lately. I've realized that, over the past weeks, my heart's been drawn towards people when it comes to expressing gratitude. But today, I want to switch gears and shout out to something that always recharges my spirit—live music. There's just something about attending concerts, the raw energy, the unfiltered creativity on stage, that fills me with joy. This...

Ep. 25 - Takeaways From Dr. Jordan B. Peterson show art Ep. 25 - Takeaways From Dr. Jordan B. Peterson

Experience Andy Weins Live

Hey everyone, Andy here, and welcome back to another blog post! It's like we're hanging out, just you and me, sharing moments and experiences, thanks to the incredible world of social media. Let's kick off with a quick moment of gratitude. I've had an incredible week, especially with a trip to Punta Cana with my girlfriend. Amazing service, met fantastic people - shoutout to all the drivers, vendors, and tour guides. And then, coming home to celebrate my 40th birthday. The love I felt from everyone, even folks I haven't heard from in ages, was truly heartwarming. It's a reminder of how much we...

Ep. 24 - Mistakes Are Not Made, Choices Are show art Ep. 24 - Mistakes Are Not Made, Choices Are

Experience Andy Weins Live

Hey, it's Andy here, coming at you from the sunny shores of Punta Cana, Dominican Republic. Even though I'm on vacation writing this, I'm still here, doing my thing because, well, discipline. Every week, I'm committed to delivering content that resonates with my world, and this week is no exception. But before we dive deep, let's take a moment for gratitude. Today, I'm reflecting on what allows me to be here, enjoying a break, and a big shoutout goes to the leadership team and crew back at Camo Crew Junk Removal, ensuring everything runs smoothly so I can take this time off. And not to forget...

Ep. 23 - Devil Within The Details show art Ep. 23 - Devil Within The Details

Experience Andy Weins Live

Hey folks, Andy here, coming at you with another slice of life. This isn’t just any blog post; it’s my opportunity to share, to stir the pot, and hopefully, to make us all think a little differently about the world we’re navigating together. Your feedback is the fuel that keeps this machine running, so let’s dive into this week’s adventure together, shall we? First things first, I’ve got to start with a massive shoutout of gratitude. This week, I’m feeling particularly thankful for the people who have played a pivotal role in elevating me, especially from a media perspective....

More Episodes

Before we dive into why ‘busy is bullshit,’ let’s explore a bit more about the lesson from my book, Words Fucking Matter. This week’s highlight and moment of gratitude go to Sergeant First Class Davis, a fellow army veteran, who recently picked up 10 copies of the book for a book club with army reserve soldiers. I’m truly grateful for the support I receive from those who resonate with my content.

As I’ve been networking more, people often approach me saying they read my blog or watch my videos and find inspiration. I always ask what they’ve taken away from it. Just like Sergeant First Class Davis, many connect with the lesson about productivity. In the army, we’re always busy, but it’s essential to differentiate between being busy and being productive.

Here’s a fundamental truth: 90% of people are consumers, 9% are contributors, and only 1% are creators. As a creator, I appreciate those of you who actively engage and contribute. It’s a reminder that not everyone interacts, and that’s okay. Busy, as I emphasize, is a state of being, not an action. Society tends to glorify busyness, but it’s crucial to evaluate the results of our actions.

This is one of the core lessons from my book—the “anti glossary,” you may say, of a list of words that don’t serve us. The one I want to focus on today is “busy.” Busy is bullshit. It’s non-quantifiable and often leads to a narrow, tunnel-vision perspective. I use the analogy of working out because, like our bodies, we need to care for our time and energy.

Being busy without being productive is a trap. To break free, you can delegate, automate, or eliminate tasks that don’t contribute to your goals. It’s not about time management but time prioritization, rather. We all have the same amount of time; it’s about making the most of it. You can’t manage time, it keeps on going, however you can prioritize what you do during certain times of the day

I used to spend hours creating content, now as it pertains to this show I spend 15 minutes a week. By delegating, automating, and eliminating, I’ve become more productive. The key is intentional rest and reset—taking time to relax, exercise, or pursue activities that bring joy.

In the army, we prioritize four functions: eat, sleep, shit, shower. These are productive, necessary activities. I challenge you to do a two-week time study, identify unproductive busyness, and reclaim that time.

When you master eliminating unproductive words and habits, you’ll notice others using them. Use it as an opportunity to ask questions and understand what they truly mean by being busy. Life is simple; figure out when you’re being busy and take steps to be truly productive.

So, as always, remember my battle cry: Do the fucking thing, tell the fucking world, and show the fuck up. See you next week!