Your Coaching Journey
In a bid to help our coachees generate new thinking, it might be useful to introduce them to a coaching tool called ‘The Six Thinking Hats’, which was created by Dr. Edward De Bono, a Maltese physician who is probably best known for introducing the world to the concept of lateral thinking. In this podcast episode we explore what ‘The Six Thinking Hats’ offers to the world of coaching and give our thoughts on why it is such a useful model to generate new thinking and new perspectives in the coaching room. We even play out a little vignette of a coaching session for a GP...
info_outline Episode 89: Coaching Approaches – Narrative CoachingYour Coaching Journey
We believe that coaching is all about helping our coachees to generate new thinking. However, in order to generate new thinking, it’s useful for our coachees to know what they’re already thinking and what has led them to tell the stories they’re telling. There is power, wisdom and insight sitting within the stories our coachees tell, as well as contradiction, tension and dissonance, if only we took the time to really listen and be truly present. Narrative coaching taps into our coachee’s storytelling, seeking to uncover the beliefs, the assumptions, the internal struggles...
info_outline Episode 88: Coaching Challenge – Unconscious BiasYour Coaching Journey
We love that coaching helps our coachees to generate new thinking. If you’re self-aware as a coach and continue to engage in reflective practice your coaching conversations are going to help you to develop your own thinking too. But what happens when your unconscious thought processes start to get in the way of your own performance in the coaching room, and your coachee’s unconscious prohibits their ability to think through their situation in an open and expansive way. In this episode we explore unconscious bias and how the phenomenon might impact us as coaches, as well as...
info_outline Episode 87: Interview – Dr. Jo WatkinsYour Coaching Journey
In this episode Tom will be chatting with Dr Jo Watkins. Jo is a portfolio GP, adventure-loving mum of four, co-founder of an organisation supporting teenage girls and this year has started her own podcast. Jo completed the Doctors’ Transformational Coaching Diploma with us in 2022 and has been putting her learning to good use as a mentor and coach to other medics and health care professionals who are starting their own businesses. Tom caught up with Jo to find out about her fascinating journey through the world of medicine and on to the world of self-employed coaching...
info_outline Episode 86: Listeners’ Questions #11Your Coaching Journey
Whether you’re at the beginning of your coaching journey, or are a more experienced coach, there are always questions to be asked and answers to explore. In this episode we are going to be talking about the first steps you will need to take when starting a coaching business, and we share our thoughts on business plans. plus we consider how you can help a client to stay positive and motivated to take the steps they identify as being required to achieve their desired outcome and what can help a people pleaser? We love listeners’ questions time, and always look forward to hearing from...
info_outline Episode 85: Coaching Topics – Social HealthYour Coaching Journey
Our social connections are vital to our wellbeing as human beings. Every model of wellbeing has relationships as one of its components but it very rarely gets talked about directly with patients, clients or coachees. We talk about physical health and mental health, but social health tends to get overlooked. Much of the deep thinking that’s been dedicated to the issue, from Aristotle to Brené Brown, recognises that it’s the deeper connections that we have with people that are the most important. But how do we talk to coachees about their social health and support them in giving thought to...
info_outline Episode 84: Coaching Tools – Meditation and mindfulnessYour Coaching Journey
Mindfulness has been a bit of a buzzword in recent years, however, the idea of mindfulness and the practice of meditation has been around for thousands of years. How does it fit in with coaching? And how can you utilise it in the coaching room, for your coachee or for your own benefit? From stepping into a non judgmental space, creating a vision for the future, and generating new perspectives, meditation and mindfulness can be gently powerful. Following on from episode 83 where we explored the Transpersonal Coaching approach, in this episode Helen will take us through some ideas...
info_outline Episode 83: Coaching Approaches – Transpersonal CoachingYour Coaching Journey
Transpersonal Coaching, which is often referred to as Spiritual Coaching, sits on the periphery of mainstream coaching, and is often regarded as a little bit too woo for some coaches to consider. In this episode we explore what it is, what it’s not and what it could be. We also consider why some people might choose to engage with Transpersonal Coaching, either as a coaching approach in its own right, or as an approach to borrow from, weaving elements of it into an integrated, holistic approach. With a long held interest in exploring various spiritual philosophies,...
info_outline Episode 82: Coaching Challenge – Common Themes and ChallengesYour Coaching Journey
Having trained over 250 doctors to coach and with another 50 or so currently participating in our training programmes, we have noticed that they do have some wonderful transferable skills. We’ve also noticed that most of the doctors that come to learn to coach have some common challenges that crop up for them when it comes to learning to coach. Some of these challenges stem from the personalities of our coaching doctors and some stem from their education, training and the constraints of the system they work within. In this episode we follow up on Episode 78 of the podcast where...
info_outline Episode 81: Interview – Dr. Jo HartleyYour Coaching Journey
In this episode Helen chats with Dr Jo Hartley, a delegate on one of our early Doctors’ Transformational Coaching Diploma courses. Jo is a former Emergency Medicine Consultant now working as a career and life coach for doctors. She works with doctors in training in her local professional support and wellbeing service and runs a business delivering workshops and coaching for hospital consultants. Helen caught up with Jo to find out about her journey into the world of self employed coaching, her favourite coaching tools and questions, and what learning to coach has given her. Jo also has the...
info_outlineFrom time to time we devote an episode to questions about coaching that have been asked by our listeners.
In this episode we are discussing the difference between team and group coaching, whether a coaching approach would help if you’re asked to facilitate with some mediation, and what to do if a client wants to end their coaching arrangement early.
If you have a question to ask about coaching and would like us to answer it for you on the podcast, do send us your questions, or even drop us a voice note of your question, and we’ll feature it on a future episode.
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Contact Details
Find out about our Doctors’ Transformational Coaching Diploma
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Email: [email protected]
Email: [email protected]
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Do You Have a Question?
From time to time we will have an episode where we answer listeners’ questions about coaching.
If you have a question, please send it to us using one of our email addresses above and you may get a mention in a future episode.
(If you want to remain anonymous, that's absolutely fine, just let us know)