3 Mistakes Business Owners Make That Keep Them Stuck | Small Business Coach
Release Date: 02/11/2020
7 Minutes in the Morning
"If you want different results, you have to do things differently." ~Thom Rigsby Enjoy! Thom, THE Unashamed Non-Conformist =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= Thom Rigsby is a lifestyle & business strategy expert. Drawing on his experience as a small business owner and entrepreneur launching almost a dozen startups and more than 25 years of business experience, Thom brings his creativity and "Non-Conformist" approach to entrepreneurship and getting results for you and your small business! So, whether you are looking for answers to your small business questions, time management tips, need...
info_outline7 Minutes in the Morning
"The key to happiness doesn't lay in numbers in a bank account but in the way we make others feel and the way they make us feel." ~Joe Rogan Enjoy! Thom, THE Unashamed Non-Conformist =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= Thom Rigsby is a lifestyle & business strategy expert. Drawing on his experience as a small business owner and entrepreneur launching almost a dozen startups and more than 25 years of business experience, Thom brings his creativity and "Non-Conformist" approach to entrepreneurship and getting results for you and your small business! So, whether you are looking for answers...
info_outline7 Minutes in the Morning
Enjoy! Thom, THE Unashamed Non-Conformist =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= Thom Rigsby is a lifestyle & business strategy expert. Drawing on his experience as a small business owner and entrepreneur launching almost a dozen startups and more than 25 years of business experience, Thom brings his creativity and "Non-Conformist" approach to entrepreneurship and getting results for you and your small business! So, whether you are looking for answers to your small business questions, time management tips, need a comprehensive business strategy or just craving some work-life balance,...
info_outline7 Minutes in the Morning
"All progress takes place outside your comfort zone." ~Michael John Bobak Have you ever been on a lazy river ride? You know, you sit in the inner tube and the water just moves you around the "river." That's one of the only places I can imagine where it takes little to no effort on your part to make progress...that is, if you consider going around in circles progress. The truth is that real progress (movement toward a goal) requires YOU to get outside your warm, comfy cocoon and make some new calluses. Of course, blisters come first and those blisters can be quite painful, but if you want to...
info_outline7 Minutes in the Morning
"Limitations live only in our minds. But if we use our imaginations, our possibilities become limitless" ~Jamie Paolinetti Have you ever seen a scary movie or had a nightmare? They use your imagination to create obstacles to your actions. And we don't need the movies to do that, we're plenty good on our own. Most people are pretty good at looking at a set of circumstances and letting the potential NEGATIVE outcomes prevent them from acting. Well, let's turn that on its head today. What if you use your imagination to see the potentially POSITIVE outcomes in a set of circumstances and use that...
info_outline7 Minutes in the Morning
"Don't let WHAT you do be ALL you do." ~Unknown It's a great introductory line at networking events and mixers, "Hi, my name is Thom and I own a store...what do YOU do?" We get so used to saying it, hearing it, and answering it that we miss the message inside. Don't fall into the trap! We'll dig into this and much more on today's installment of 7 Minutes In the Morning, with Thom Rigsby. Enjoy! Thom, THE Unashamed Non-Conformist =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= Thom Rigsby is a lifestyle & business strategy expert. Drawing on his experience as a small business owner and entrepreneur...
info_outline7 Minutes in the Morning
When times are crazy and you're working diligently to adapt and remain relevant to your market (and solvent), it can be really easy to look at what someone else is doing and, well, do that. We should certainly strive to learn from others but we can't BE others, you have to be yourself and bring your special brand of greatness to the market. THAT is what sets you apart and makes you a winner! You are uniquely gifted, talented and placed to do something special in the world, probably through or equipped by your business! If you need a hand finding that something special or how to leverage you...
info_outline7 Minutes in the Morning
"What? Things are poppin'! I don't need to work on sales!" Actually...this is EXACTLY the time you need to work on sales! Its really easy to sit back and enjoy the steady flow of orders coming in when the going is good, but this is the time when you need to be "working for tomorrow." Invest in those relationships that will continue to pay off over time! Join me on this morning's installment of 7 Minutes In the Morning, the 5-day-a-week podcast for business owners and leaders as we talk about how to do just that! Enjoy! Thom, THE Unashamed Non-Conformist =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=...
info_outline7 Minutes in the Morning
We've talked a lot about fear, mostly about the fear of failure. But as we examine what to do when your business grows too fast, there may be another fear lingering for you that we need to discuss...the fear of success. Yes, that's right, I said it! People...maybe even YOU...can be and are afraid of being successful! Sometimes those fears have a rational basis, sometimes they come from your own history, but in every case, THEY ARE MADE UP FEARS! In today's installment of 7 Minutes In the Morning, the 5-day-a-week video podcast for business owners and leaders, Thom shares some of his business...
info_outline7 Minutes in the Morning
Okay, so things are going pretty well. Whether it's because of your incredible business acumen or just a smoking hot economy...things are cooking! Now what? Well, one thing we know for sure, whatever the cause of your success, there will inevitably be a time when things are NOT going so well. How can you prepare NOW while things are good? That's our topic this morning on 7 Minutes In the Morning, the 5-day a week video podcast featuring THE Unashamed Non-conformist and arguably the best business coach in Huntsville, Alabama...Thom Rigsby! Grab a cup of coffee and join us...you'll be glad you...