7 Minutes in the Morning
Your Daily Dose From the Business Coach!
7 Minutes In the Morning - The Last Show...
7 Minutes In the Morning - The Last Show...
"If you want different results, you have to do things differently." ~Thom Rigsby Enjoy! Thom, THE Unashamed Non-Conformist =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= Thom Rigsby is a lifestyle & business strategy expert. Drawing on his experience as a small business owner and entrepreneur launching almost a dozen startups and more than 25 years of business experience, Thom brings his creativity and "Non-Conformist" approach to entrepreneurship and getting results for you and your small business! So, whether you are looking for answers to your small business questions, time management tips, need a comprehensive business strategy or just craving some work-life balance, following Thom's exclusive personal development plan you can letting life happen to you and begin to create the life you crave with your very own small business. Be sure to connect with Thom... ...on Facebook http://www.facebook.com/thomrigsbycoaching ...on YouTube http://www.youtube.com/thomrigsby ...and on Instagram http://www.Instagram.com/thomrigsby Become a part of the Work That Matters Facebook group at http://fb.com/groups/workthatmatters Thom is available for one-on-one coaching and as a motivational speaker on topics including peak performance, how to plan, personal development, success, and work-life balance to the mindset of wealth and success. Contact Thom at www.ThomRigsby.com for more details.
7 Minutes In the Morning - How to Make $100MM
7 Minutes In the Morning - How to Make $100MM
"The key to happiness doesn't lay in numbers in a bank account but in the way we make others feel and the way they make us feel." ~Joe Rogan Enjoy! Thom, THE Unashamed Non-Conformist =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= Thom Rigsby is a lifestyle & business strategy expert. Drawing on his experience as a small business owner and entrepreneur launching almost a dozen startups and more than 25 years of business experience, Thom brings his creativity and "Non-Conformist" approach to entrepreneurship and getting results for you and your small business! So, whether you are looking for answers to your small business questions, time management tips, need a comprehensive business strategy or just craving some work-life balance, following Thom's exclusive personal development plan you can letting life happen to you and begin to create the life you crave with your very own small business. Be sure to connect with Thom... ...on Facebook http://www.facebook.com/thomrigsbycoaching ...on YouTube http://www.youtube.com/thomrigsby ...and on Instagram http://www.Instagram.com/thomrigsby Become a part of the Work That Matters Facebook group at http://fb.com/groups/workthatmatters Thom is available for one-on-one coaching and as a motivational speaker on topics including peak performance, how to plan, personal development, success, and work-life balance to the mindset of wealth and success. Contact Thom at www.ThomRigsby.com for more details.
7 Minutes In the Morning - Making Dreams a Reality
7 Minutes In the Morning - Making Dreams a Reality
Enjoy! Thom, THE Unashamed Non-Conformist =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= Thom Rigsby is a lifestyle & business strategy expert. Drawing on his experience as a small business owner and entrepreneur launching almost a dozen startups and more than 25 years of business experience, Thom brings his creativity and "Non-Conformist" approach to entrepreneurship and getting results for you and your small business! So, whether you are looking for answers to your small business questions, time management tips, need a comprehensive business strategy or just craving some work-life balance, following Thom's exclusive personal development plan you can letting life happen to you and begin to create the life you crave with your very own small business. Be sure to connect with Thom... ...on Facebook http://www.facebook.com/thomrigsbycoaching ...on YouTube http://www.youtube.com/thomrigsby ...and on Instagram http://www.Instagram.com/thomrigsby Become a part of the Work That Matters Facebook group at http://fb.com/groups/workthatmatters Thom is available for one-on-one coaching and as a motivational speaker on topics including peak performance, how to plan, personal development, success, and work-life balance to the mindset of wealth and success. Contact Thom at www.ThomRigsby.com for more details.
7 Minutes In the Morning - How To Make Progress
7 Minutes In the Morning - How To Make Progress
"All progress takes place outside your comfort zone." ~Michael John Bobak Have you ever been on a lazy river ride? You know, you sit in the inner tube and the water just moves you around the "river." That's one of the only places I can imagine where it takes little to no effort on your part to make progress...that is, if you consider going around in circles progress. The truth is that real progress (movement toward a goal) requires YOU to get outside your warm, comfy cocoon and make some new calluses. Of course, blisters come first and those blisters can be quite painful, but if you want to find success as an entrepreneur, business owner, or just in life...you need the blisters. Situations like we've been going through for the past couple of months really emphasize the need for planning and stress testing the business, and that stuff is not fun. But if you don't do it in planning and learn from the mistakes of preparation, then your only choices it to learn in real time...and THAT can be fatal to your business. Take a few minutes right now and think about two or three things that you've been putting off till "tomorrow" and make completing them today a priority! Enjoy! Thom, THE Unashamed Non-Conformist =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= Thom Rigsby is a lifestyle & business strategy expert. Drawing on his experience as a small business owner and entrepreneur launching almost a dozen startups and more than 25 years of business experience, Thom brings his creativity and "Non-Conformist" approach to entrepreneurship and getting results for you and your small business! So, whether you are looking for answers to your small business questions, time management tips, need a comprehensive business strategy or just craving some work-life balance, following Thom's exclusive personal development plan you can letting life happen to you and begin to create the life you crave with your very own small business. Be sure to connect with Thom... ...on Facebook http://www.facebook.com/thomrigsbycoaching ...on YouTube http://www.youtube.com/thomrigsby ...and on Instagram http://www.Instagram.com/thomrigsby Become a part of the Work That Matters Facebook group at http://fb.com/groups/workthatmatters Thom is available for one-on-one coaching and as a motivational speaker on topics including peak performance, how to plan, personal development, success, and work-life balance to the mindset of wealth and success. Contact Thom at www.ThomRigsby.com for more details.
7 Minutes In the Morning - How To Be Limitless!
7 Minutes In the Morning - How To Be Limitless!
"Limitations live only in our minds. But if we use our imaginations, our possibilities become limitless" ~Jamie Paolinetti Have you ever seen a scary movie or had a nightmare? They use your imagination to create obstacles to your actions. And we don't need the movies to do that, we're plenty good on our own. Most people are pretty good at looking at a set of circumstances and letting the potential NEGATIVE outcomes prevent them from acting. Well, let's turn that on its head today. What if you use your imagination to see the potentially POSITIVE outcomes in a set of circumstances and use that vision of what could be to pull you into action?! What could you accomplish TODAY if you CHOSE to see the positive potential in every circumstance? And if you get stuck, you're in a circumstance that you just can't see a positive in, remember the words of Chief Tecumseh, "When you rise in the morning, give thanks...for the joy of living. If you can find no reason to give thanks, the fault lies only in yourself." Go out and make today...THE BEST DAY EVER! Enjoy! Thom, THE Unashamed Non-Conformist =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= Thom Rigsby is a lifestyle & business strategy expert. Drawing on his experience as a small business owner and entrepreneur launching almost a dozen startups and more than 25 years of business experience, Thom brings his creativity and "Non-Conformist" approach to entrepreneurship and getting results for you and your small business! So, whether you are looking for answers to your small business questions, time management tips, need a comprehensive business strategy or just craving some work-life balance, following Thom's exclusive personal development plan you can letting life happen to you and begin to create the life you crave with your very own small business. Be sure to connect with Thom... ...on Facebook http://www.facebook.com/thomrigsbycoaching ...on YouTube http://www.youtube.com/thomrigsby ...and on Instagram http://www.Instagram.com/thomrigsby Become a part of the Work That Matters Facebook group at http://fb.com/groups/workthatmatters Thom is available for one-on-one coaching and as a motivational speaker on topics including peak performance, how to plan, personal development, success, and work-life balance to the mindset of wealth and success. Contact Thom at www.ThomRigsby.com for more details.
7 Minutes In the Morning - Hi, What do you do?
7 Minutes In the Morning - Hi, What do you do?
"Don't let WHAT you do be ALL you do." ~Unknown It's a great introductory line at networking events and mixers, "Hi, my name is Thom and I own a store...what do YOU do?" We get so used to saying it, hearing it, and answering it that we miss the message inside. Don't fall into the trap! We'll dig into this and much more on today's installment of 7 Minutes In the Morning, with Thom Rigsby. Enjoy! Thom, THE Unashamed Non-Conformist =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= Thom Rigsby is a lifestyle & business strategy expert. Drawing on his experience as a small business owner and entrepreneur launching almost a dozen startups and more than 25 years of business experience, Thom brings his creativity and "Non-Conformist" approach to entrepreneurship and getting results for you and your small business! So, whether you are looking for answers to your small business questions, time management tips, need a comprehensive business strategy or just craving some work-life balance, following Thom's exclusive personal development plan you can letting life happen to you and begin to create the life you crave with your very own small business. Be sure to connect with Thom... ...on Facebook http://www.facebook.com/thomrigsbycoaching ...on YouTube http://www.youtube.com/thomrigsby ...and on Instagram http://www.Instagram.com/thomrigsby Become a part of the Work That Matters Facebook group at http://fb.com/groups/workthatmatters Thom is available for one-on-one coaching and as a motivational speaker on topics including peak performance, how to plan, personal development, success, and work-life balance to the mindset of wealth and success. Contact Thom at www.ThomRigsby.com for more details.
7 Minutes In the Morning - Be Yourself!
7 Minutes In the Morning - Be Yourself!
When times are crazy and you're working diligently to adapt and remain relevant to your market (and solvent), it can be really easy to look at what someone else is doing and, well, do that. We should certainly strive to learn from others but we can't BE others, you have to be yourself and bring your special brand of greatness to the market. THAT is what sets you apart and makes you a winner! You are uniquely gifted, talented and placed to do something special in the world, probably through or equipped by your business! If you need a hand finding that something special or how to leverage you business to make it happen, visit ThomRigsby.com/coaching to schedule a no-cost, no-obligation consultation today!
Why You Should Work Hard At Selling When Things Are Going Great | Thom Rigsby
Why You Should Work Hard At Selling When Things Are Going Great | Thom Rigsby
"What? Things are poppin'! I don't need to work on sales!" Actually...this is EXACTLY the time you need to work on sales! Its really easy to sit back and enjoy the steady flow of orders coming in when the going is good, but this is the time when you need to be "working for tomorrow." Invest in those relationships that will continue to pay off over time! Join me on this morning's installment of 7 Minutes In the Morning, the 5-day-a-week podcast for business owners and leaders as we talk about how to do just that! Enjoy! Thom, THE Unashamed Non-Conformist =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= Thom Rigsby is a lifestyle & business strategy expert. Drawing on his experience as a small business owner and entrepreneur launching almost a dozen startups and more than 25 years of business experience, Thom brings his creativity and "Non-Conformist" approach to entrepreneurship and getting results for you and your small business! So, whether you are looking for answers to your small business questions, time management tips, need a comprehensive business strategy or just craving some work-life balance, following Thom's exclusive personal development plan you can letting life happen to you and begin to create the life you crave with your very own small business. Be sure to connect with Thom... ...on Facebook http://www.facebook.com/thomrigsbycoaching ...on YouTube http://www.youtube.com/thomrigsby ...and on Instagram http://www.Instagram.com/thomrigsby Become a part of the Work That Matters Facebook group at http://fb.com/groups/workthatmatters Thom is available for one-on-one coaching and as a motivational speaker on topics including peak performance, how to plan, personal development, success, and work-life balance to the mindset of wealth and success. Contact Thom at www.ThomRigsby.com for more details.
Fear and Freedom | Business Questions (and Answers) with Thom Rigsby
Fear and Freedom | Business Questions (and Answers) with Thom Rigsby
We've talked a lot about fear, mostly about the fear of failure. But as we examine what to do when your business grows too fast, there may be another fear lingering for you that we need to discuss...the fear of success. Yes, that's right, I said it! People...maybe even YOU...can be and are afraid of being successful! Sometimes those fears have a rational basis, sometimes they come from your own history, but in every case, THEY ARE MADE UP FEARS! In today's installment of 7 Minutes In the Morning, the 5-day-a-week video podcast for business owners and leaders, Thom shares some of his business history and how it has caused him to struggle with the fear of success for many years. Whether your fear is rooted in success or failure (or pain) there is great information in this podcast to help you! Grab a cup of coffee, sit back, and enjoy! Thom, THE Unashamed Non-Conformist =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= Thom Rigsby is a lifestyle & business strategy expert. Drawing on his experience as a small business owner and entrepreneur launching almost a dozen startups and more than 25 years of business experience, Thom brings his creativity and "Non-Conformist" approach to entrepreneurship and getting results for you and your small business! So, whether you are looking for answers to your small business questions, time management tips, need a comprehensive business strategy or just craving some work-life balance, following Thom's exclusive personal development plan you can letting life happen to you and begin to create the life you crave with your very own small business. Be sure to connect with Thom... ...on Facebook http://www.facebook.com/thomrigsbycoaching ...on YouTube http://www.youtube.com/thomrigsby ...and on Instagram http://www.Instagram.com/thomrigsby Become a part of the Work That Matters Facebook group at http://fb.com/groups/workthatmatters Thom is available for one-on-one coaching and as a motivational speaker on topics including peak performance, how to plan, personal development, success, and work-life balance to the mindset of wealth and success. Contact Thom at www.ThomRigsby.com for more details.
Staying Successful | Business Questions with Thom Rigsby
Staying Successful | Business Questions with Thom Rigsby
Okay, so things are going pretty well. Whether it's because of your incredible business acumen or just a smoking hot economy...things are cooking! Now what? Well, one thing we know for sure, whatever the cause of your success, there will inevitably be a time when things are NOT going so well. How can you prepare NOW while things are good? That's our topic this morning on 7 Minutes In the Morning, the 5-day a week video podcast featuring THE Unashamed Non-conformist and arguably the best business coach in Huntsville, Alabama...Thom Rigsby! Grab a cup of coffee and join us...you'll be glad you did! Enjoy! Thom, THE Unashamed Non-Conformist =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= Thom Rigsby is a lifestyle & business strategy expert. Drawing on his experience as a small business owner and entrepreneur launching almost a dozen startups and more than 25 years of business experience, Thom brings his creativity and "Non-Conformist" approach to entrepreneurship and getting results for you and your small business! So, whether you are looking for answers to your small business questions, time management tips, need a comprehensive business strategy or just craving some work-life balance, following Thom's exclusive personal development plan you can letting life happen to you and begin to create the life you crave with your very own small business. Be sure to connect with Thom... ...on Facebook http://www.facebook.com/thomrigsbycoaching ...on YouTube http://www.youtube.com/thomrigsby ...and on Instagram http://www.Instagram.com/thomrigsby Become a part of the Work That Matters Facebook group at http://fb.com/groups/workthatmatters Thom is available for one-on-one coaching and as a motivational speaker on topics including peak performance, how to plan, personal development, success, and work-life balance to the mindset of wealth and success. Contact Thom at www.ThomRigsby.com for more details.
What To Do When It All Goes Right! | Business Questions with Thom Rigsby
What To Do When It All Goes Right! | Business Questions with Thom Rigsby
We talk a lot more often about what to do when things go wrong...but what about when things go right? I mean REALLY right...like, now you feel like you're over your head in the deep end of the pool!? We all dream of great success when we start our business, but once we get started and we're covered up just handling the day-to-day...who's got time to think about things going TOO good? This is our topic all week this week on 7 Minutes in the Morning, the 5-day-a-week podcast for business owners, leaders and entrepreneurs that are ready to level up their business so they can finally enjoy the life, and lifestyle, they crave! Join me, Thom Rigsby, THE Unashamed Non-conformist, business coach, and host of the show as we dig into how to handle success! Enjoy! Thom, THE Unashamed Non-Conformist =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= Thom Rigsby is a lifestyle & business strategy expert. Drawing on his experience as a small business owner and entrepreneur launching almost a dozen startups and more than 25 years of business experience, Thom brings his creativity and "Non-Conformist" approach to entrepreneurship and getting results for you and your small business! So, whether you are looking for answers to your small business questions, time management tips, need a comprehensive business strategy or just craving some work-life balance, following Thom's exclusive personal development plan you can letting life happen to you and begin to create the life you crave with your very own small business. Be sure to connect with Thom... ...on Facebook http://www.facebook.com/thomrigsbycoaching ...on YouTube http://www.youtube.com/thomrigsby ...and on Instagram http://www.Instagram.com/thomrigsby Become a part of the Work That Matters Facebook group at http://fb.com/groups/workthatmatters Thom is available for one-on-one coaching and as a motivational speaker on topics including peak performance, how to plan, personal development, success, and work-life balance to the mindset of wealth and success. Contact Thom at www.ThomRigsby.com for more details.
Why Your Business Is Stuck | THE Business Coach
Why Your Business Is Stuck | THE Business Coach
Okay, so we've talked about why YOU feel stuck...but why is your BUSINESS stuck? Still chugging along but not really growing? That's our topic today on 7 Minutes In the Morning, THE daily video podcast for business owners and leaders! Join your host Thom Rigsby from Huntsville, Alabama as we dig into Getting Your Business Unstuck! Enjoy! Thom, THE Unashamed Non-Conformist =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= Thom Rigsby is a lifestyle & business strategy expert. Drawing on his experience as a small business owner and entrepreneur launching almost a dozen startups and more than 25 years of business experience, Thom brings his creativity and "Non-Conformist" approach to entrepreneurship and getting results for you and your small business! So, whether you are looking for answers to your small business questions, time management tips, need a comprehensive business strategy or just craving some work-life balance, following Thom's exclusive personal development plan you can letting life happen to you and begin to create the life you crave with your very own small business. Be sure to connect with Thom... ...on Facebook http://www.facebook.com/thomrigsbycoaching ...on YouTube http://www.youtube.com/thomrigsby ...and on Instagram http://www.Instagram.com/thomrigsby Become a part of the Work That Matters Facebook group at http://fb.com/groups/workthatmatters Thom is available for one-on-one coaching and as a motivational speaker on topics including peak performance, how to plan, personal development, success, and work-life balance to the mindset of wealth and success. Contact Thom at www.ThomRigsby.com for more details.
3 Mistakes Business Owners Make That Keep Them Stuck | Small Business Coach
3 Mistakes Business Owners Make That Keep Them Stuck | Small Business Coach
Progress - verb - movement in a direction. Building a business doesn't happen in one step. You don't go from nothing to Amazon in one step. There are lots of steps, and they're messy - The need to be perfect. Comparison. Don’t compare your now to their now. - The need for “someone else” or “something” else, looking for ‘one more thing’ - Waiting for someone else is deferring your success on to someone else’s shoulders. You’re saying you can’t be successful without them. You’re blaming them for your lack of success. Will you also give them the credit when you do succeed? - No clear vision If you need help or a strategy to break free from your stuckness...schedule a confidential, no-obligation call... www.ThomRigsby.com/coaching Enjoy! Thom, THE Unashamed Non-Conformist =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= Thom Rigsby is a lifestyle & business strategy expert. Drawing on his experience as a small business owner and entrepreneur launching almost a dozen startups and more than 25 years of business experience, Thom brings his creativity and "Non-Conformist" approach to entrepreneurship and getting results for you and your small business! So, whether you are looking for answers to your small business questions, time management tips, need a comprehensive business strategy or just craving some work-life balance, following Thom's exclusive personal development plan you can letting life happen to you and begin to create the life you crave with your very own small business. Be sure to connect with Thom... ...on Facebook http://www.facebook.com/thomrigsbycoaching ...on YouTube http://www.youtube.com/thomrigsby ...and on Instagram http://www.Instagram.com/thomrigsby Become a part of the Work That Matters Facebook group at http://fb.com/groups/workthatmatters Thom is available for one-on-one coaching and as a motivational speaker on topics including peak performance, how to plan, personal development, success, and work-life balance to the mindset of wealth and success. Contact Thom at www.ThomRigsby.com for more details.
How to Grow Your Business When You Feel Stuck | Three Action Steps You Should Take Today!
How to Grow Your Business When You Feel Stuck | Three Action Steps You Should Take Today!
It's really hard to grow a business when you feel stuck! Sometimes it can seem like the only thing growing is your to-do list and you're barely better off than when you were stuck in the 9-5! Every business owner want's to grow, at least a little, but sometimes that growth can stagnate...usually because of what WE do on a daily basis! If you're feeling stuck in your business growth, join Thom Rigsby, THE Unashamed Non-conformist on today's installment of 7 Minutes In the Morning. This is the 5-day-a-week video podcast where we talk about how to start, grow, and enjoy the benefits of business ownership! Enjoy! Thom, THE Unashamed Non-Conformist =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= Thom Rigsby is a lifestyle & business strategy expert. Drawing on his experience as a small business owner and entrepreneur launching almost a dozen startups and more than 25 years of business experience, Thom brings his creativity and "Non-Conformist" approach to entrepreneurship and getting results for you and your small business! So, whether you are looking for answers to your small business questions, time management tips, need a comprehensive business strategy or just craving some work-life balance, following Thom's exclusive personal development plan you can letting life happen to you and begin to create the life you crave with your very own small business. Be sure to connect with Thom... ...on Facebook http://www.facebook.com/thomrigsbycoaching ...on YouTube http://www.youtube.com/thomrigsby ...and on Instagram http://www.Instagram.com/thomrigsby Become a part of the Work That Matters Facebook group at http://fb.com/groups/workthatmatters Thom is available for one-on-one coaching and as a motivational speaker on topics including peak performance, how to plan, personal development, success, and work-life balance to the mindset of wealth and success. Contact Thom at www.ThomRigsby.com for more details.
Why A Vision Is Important | Small Business Essentials
Why A Vision Is Important | Small Business Essentials
Having a business is easy...having a SUCCESSFUL business is difficult...especially if you don't know what "successful" means for you! On today's episode of 7 Minutes In the Morning, Thom will explain the value of a vision and how to use it to build a business that Works FOR You! Enjoy! Thom, THE Unashamed Non-Conformist =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= Thom Rigsby is a lifestyle & business strategy expert. Drawing on his experience as a small business owner and entrepreneur launching almost a dozen startups and more than 25 years of business experience, Thom brings his creativity and "Non-Conformist" approach to entrepreneurship and getting results for you and your small business! So, whether you are looking for answers to your small business questions, time management tips, need a comprehensive business strategy or just craving some work-life balance, following Thom's exclusive personal development plan you can letting life happen to you and begin to create the life you crave with your very own small business. Be sure to connect with Thom... ...on Facebook http://www.facebook.com/thomrigsbycoaching ...on YouTube http://www.youtube.com/thomrigsby ...and on Instagram http://www.Instagram.com/thomrigsby Become a part of the Work That Matters Facebook group at http://fb.com/groups/workthatmatters Thom is available for one-on-one coaching and as a motivational speaker on topics including peak performance, how to plan, personal development, success, and work-life balance to the mindset of wealth and success. Contact Thom at www.ThomRigsby.com for more details.
How To Make Your Work, Work FOR YOU! | Small Business Essentials
How To Make Your Work, Work FOR YOU! | Small Business Essentials
You do work every day...but is your work working FOR YOU? What does that even mean? If work is defined as 'the net value you leave in your wake,' what is the value your work leaves? Does it pay you once, many times, how long? All these questions and more at tackled in today's installment of 7 Minutes In the Morning, the daily video podcast for business owners, leaders, and entrepreneurs! Enjoy! Thom, THE Unashamed Non-Conformist =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= Thom Rigsby is a lifestyle & business strategy expert. Drawing on his experience as a small business owner and entrepreneur launching almost a dozen startups and more than 25 years of business experience, Thom brings his creativity and "Non-Conformist" approach to entrepreneurship and getting results for you and your small business! So, whether you are looking for answers to your small business questions, time management tips, need a comprehensive business strategy or just craving some work-life balance, following Thom's exclusive personal development plan you can letting life happen to you and begin to create the life you crave with your very own small business. Be sure to connect with Thom... ...on Facebook http://www.facebook.com/thomrigsbycoaching ...on YouTube http://www.youtube.com/thomrigsby ...and on Instagram http://www.Instagram.com/thomrigsby Become a part of the Work That Matters Facebook group at http://fb.com/groups/workthatmatters Thom is available for one-on-one coaching and as a motivational speaker on topics including peak performance, how to plan, personal development, success, and work-life balance to the mindset of wealth and success. Contact Thom at www.ThomRigsby.com for more details.
What Do You Want Your Business To Do For Your? | Small Business Essentials
What Do You Want Your Business To Do For Your? | Small Business Essentials
Every year around 627k people with dreams of success and freedom from the tyranny on their 9-5 take the leap into business ownership...and every year, around 595k frustrated business owners decide to close an exhausting chapter of their life...and their business. ⠀ ⠀ Of the 32k intrepid souls that make it through the slings and arrows of their first year, many will ultimately fall prey to the same frustrations and shortcomings that befall the vast majority of those brave enough to consider starting a small business.⠀ ⠀ Why do some succeed where others struggle and fail?⠀ ⠀ This is the topic we will tackle all week on 7 Minutes In the Morning, the 5-day-a-week podcast that explores how to start, grow, AND ENJOY the benefits of business ownership!⠀ ⠀ If you or someone you know owns a business THIS is the show for you! It's quick, punchy, kinda funny, and features THE Unashamed Non-Conformist himself, Thom Rigsby. Enjoy! Thom, THE Unashamed Non-Conformist =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= Thom Rigsby is a lifestyle & business strategy expert. Drawing on his experience as a small business owner and entrepreneur launching almost a dozen startups and more than 25 years of business experience, Thom brings his creativity and "Non-Conformist" approach to entrepreneurship and getting results for you and your small business! So, whether you are looking for answers to your small business questions, time management tips, need a comprehensive business strategy or just craving some work-life balance, following Thom's exclusive personal development plan you can letting life happen to you and begin to create the life you crave with your very own small business. Be sure to connect with Thom... ...on Facebook http://www.facebook.com/thomrigsbycoaching ...on YouTube http://www.youtube.com/thomrigsby ...and on Instagram http://www.Instagram.com/thomrigsby Become a part of the Work That Matters Facebook group at http://fb.com/groups/workthatmatters Thom is available for one-on-one coaching and as a motivational speaker on topics including peak performance, how to plan, personal development, success, and work-life balance to the mindset of wealth and success. Contact Thom at www.ThomRigsby.com for more details.
Bigger Difference, Bigger Profits | Small Business Startup
Bigger Difference, Bigger Profits | Small Business Startup
If you want bigger profits, figure out how to make a bigger difference! Grab a cup of coffee and join me for today's installment of 7 Minutes In the Morning - THE source for business growth and entrepreneur success! Enjoy! Thom, THE Unashamed Non-Conformist =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= Thom Rigsby is a lifestyle & business strategy expert. Drawing on his experience as a small business owner and entrepreneur launching almost a dozen startups and more than 25 years of business experience, Thom brings his creativity and "Non-Conformist" approach to entrepreneurship and getting results for you and your small business! So, whether you are looking for answers to your small business questions, time management tips, need a comprehensive business strategy or just craving some work-life balance, following Thom's exclusive personal development plan you can letting life happen to you and begin to create the life you crave with your very own small business. Be sure to connect with Thom... ...on Facebook http://www.facebook.com/thomrigsbycoaching ...on YouTube http://www.youtube.com/thomrigsby ...and on Instagram http://www.Instagram.com/thomrigsby Become a part of the Work That Matters Facebook group at http://fb.com/groups/workthatmatters Thom is available for one-on-one coaching and as a motivational speaker on topics including peak performance, how to plan, personal development, success, and work-life balance to the mindset of wealth and success. Contact Thom at www.ThomRigsby.com for more details.
But What About the Customers I Will Lose?
But What About the Customers I Will Lose?
Anytime you focus on one thing, something else loses focus. That just common sense. So what happens when your focus is applied to a customer or group of customers and you lose others? That's our topic on this morning's edition of 7 Minutes In the Morning. Stay tuned! Enjoy! Thom, THE Unashamed Non-Conformist =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= Thom Rigsby is a lifestyle & business strategy expert. Drawing on his experience as a small business owner and entrepreneur launching almost a dozen startups and more than 25 years of business experience, Thom brings his creativity and "Non-Conformist" approach to entrepreneurship and getting results for you and your small business! So, whether you are looking for answers to your small business questions, time management tips, need a comprehensive business strategy or just craving some work-life balance, following Thom's exclusive personal development plan you can letting life happen to you and begin to create the life you crave with your very own small business. Be sure to connect with Thom... ...on Facebook http://www.facebook.com/thomrigsbycoaching ...on YouTube http://www.youtube.com/thomrigsby ...and on Instagram http://www.Instagram.com/thomrigsby Become a part of the Work That Matters Facebook group at http://fb.com/groups/workthatmatters Thom is available for one-on-one coaching and as a motivational speaker on topics including peak performance, how to plan, personal development, success, and work-life balance to the mindset of wealth and success. Contact Thom at www.ThomRigsby.com for more details.
It's Not the Customer's Job to Know What They Want! - Really? | Small Business Startup
It's Not the Customer's Job to Know What They Want! - Really? | Small Business Startup
Almost everything Steve Jobs ever said has become canon for business owners and designers...but what about this one? "It's not the customer's job to know what they want." Is that REALLY true? Join me on this episode of 7 Minutes In the Morning and we'll talk about it, then create a plan to put into action RIGHT NOW to put your own ding in the Universe! Enjoy! Thom, THE Unashamed Non-Conformist =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= Thom Rigsby is a lifestyle & business strategy expert. Drawing on his experience as a small business owner and entrepreneur launching almost a dozen startups and more than 25 years of business experience, Thom brings his creativity and "Non-Conformist" approach to entrepreneurship and getting results for you and your small business! So, whether you are looking for answers to your small business questions, time management tips, need a comprehensive business strategy or just craving some work-life balance, following Thom's exclusive personal development plan you can letting life happen to you and begin to create the life you crave with your very own small business. Be sure to connect with Thom... ...on Facebook http://www.facebook.com/thomrigsbycoaching ...on YouTube http://www.youtube.com/thomrigsby ...and on Instagram http://www.Instagram.com/thomrigsby Become a part of the Work That Matters Facebook group at http://fb.com/groups/workthatmatters Thom is available for one-on-one coaching and as a motivational speaker on topics including peak performance, how to plan, personal development, success, and work-life balance to the mindset of wealth and success. Contact Thom at www.ThomRigsby.com for more details.
Is the Customer-First Mindset Right | Starting A Business
Is the Customer-First Mindset Right | Starting A Business
Every business owner has experienced it...no sales! The hard truth is people don't buy your product or service because they don't want it! Why not!? I mean, it is a great idea, right? One that thousands...maybe millions of people could use! They'd LOVE it if they just gave it a chance! As a business owner or entrepreneur, it's hard to put yourself, um, I mean your PRODUCT out there and risk people saying they don't like it (and by extension, they don't like you...at least that's what you're thinking!). If we know how painful it is...why do we do it? Honestly, because we don't know any better. And for millions of would-be entrepreneurs, they never learn this lesson, and they're doomed to failure! There are tons of compelling arguments about the idea that the customer is always right...but most coaches and consultants frame that in the context of customer service. I want to shape it a little differently for you. What if, instead of pushing YOUR idea on the customer, you let the customer tell you what they wanted to buy...then you sell them THAT? Do you think that would be easier? Too often aspiring business owners begin with their own idea that they want to force upon their customers. Sure, sometimes you can disguise it as 'market education' but the truth is...if they don't know they need it, they probably don't want it, and if they don't want it, they won't buy it! You are much better off to begin by identifying a market you want to serve, find a problem that they need a great, no-brainer solution for, then sell them that! It will be much easier, your customers will be happier and more likely to return, and you will have a MUCH better experience as a business owner! Enjoy! Thom, THE Unashamed Non-Conformist =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= Thom Rigsby is a lifestyle & business strategy expert. Drawing on his experience as a small business owner and entrepreneur launching almost a dozen startups and more than 25 years of business experience, Thom brings his creativity and "Non-Conformist" approach to entrepreneurship and getting results for you and your small business! So, whether you are looking for answers to your small business questions, time management tips, need a comprehensive business strategy or just craving some work-life balance, following Thom's exclusive personal development plan you can letting life happen to you and begin to create the life you crave with your very own small business. Be sure to connect with Thom... ...on Facebook http://www.facebook.com/thomrigsbycoaching ...on YouTube http://www.youtube.com/thomrigsby ...and on Instagram http://www.Instagram.com/thomrigsby Become a part of the Work That Matters Facebook group at http://fb.com/groups/workthatmatters Thom is available for one-on-one coaching and as a motivational speaker on topics including peak performance, how to plan, personal development, success, and work-life balance to the mindset of wealth and success. Contact Thom at www.ThomRigsby.com for more details.
WHY THE SMALL THINGS MATTER - Transforming Dreams and Goals into Actions
WHY THE SMALL THINGS MATTER - Transforming Dreams and Goals into Actions
Have you ever set a goal for yourself and then felt overwhelmed at the size of the goal? Maybe you're really clear on what you want but not sure what to do first to make it a reality. Transforming dreams and goals into actions and why the small things matter is what we're talking about today on 7 Minutes In the Morning. Stay tuned! Business owners and entrepreneurs have big dreams and make big plans...it's just what we do. But sometimes the end goal or outcome is much easier to see that the next three steps we should take. The key to beating overwhelm and making your goals a reality is to keep breaking them down into smaller and small pieces. Goals become projects. Projects become tasks. Tasks get scheduled and done! And when you do the tasks that complete the projects...they accomplish your goals! Don't ever let the size or the scope of your dreams keep you from starting. And similarly, don't ever scale down your dreams because they seem too big and unobtainable. The Wright brothers LEARNED TO FLY because they had a dream! Yes, that was a Big Hairy Audacious Goal and they crushed it! Did they stumble along the way? Have set-backs? Of course! But they made their dream a reality, and you can too...with a little bit of planning! If you'd like to talk about your plans or maybe you need help putting your plans together, don't hesitate to reach out, I'm here to help! Just go to https://www.ThomRigsby.com/coaching and sign up for a confidential, no-obligation call to see where you are, where you want to go, and the next steps you need to take to turn your dreams and goals into actions and reality! Enjoy! Thom, THE Unashamed Non-Conformist =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= Thom Rigsby is a lifestyle & business strategy expert. Drawing on his experience as a small business owner and entrepreneur launching almost a dozen startups and more than 25 years of business experience, Thom brings his creativity and "Non-Conformist" approach to entrepreneurship and getting results for you and your small business! So, whether you are looking for answers to your small business questions, time management tips, need a comprehensive business strategy or just craving some work-life balance, following Thom's exclusive personal development plan you can letting life happen to you and begin to create the life you crave with your very own small business. Be sure to connect with Thom... ...on Facebook http://www.facebook.com/thomrigsbycoaching ...on YouTube http://www.youtube.com/thomrigsby ...and on Instagram http://www.Instagram.com/thomrigsby Become a part of the Work That Matters Facebook group at http://fb.com/groups/workthatmatters Thom is available for one-on-one coaching and as a motivational speaker on topics including peak performance, how to plan, personal development, success, and work-life balance to the mindset of wealth and success. Contact Thom at www.ThomRigsby.com for more details.
Should I Set Business or Personal Goals | The Business Coach
Should I Set Business or Personal Goals | The Business Coach
When you set goals for the year, do you make separate sets for personal and business outcomes? If you do, here's why I think you should do things differently! It's just like my argument against work-life balance...there's no such thing! There is just life...and work happens to be a big part of it! Here's proof...have you ever been at work and thought about something you needed to do at home, at home thinking about work, or on vacation thinking about whether you closed the garage door. Your MIND doesn't create separate buckets for each so why do you plan separately for each? As a business owner or entrepreneur, you have to consider the entirety of your life when you plan for the upcoming year, quarter, or day (can you make that client call or do you need to pick up the kids?). When you are setting business goals for the next year, try adding in a couple of personal categories, say, for example, health, family, and personal development. By thinking holistically you will be much more likely to hit ALL your goals and be happier along the way! Enjoy! Thom, THE Unashamed Non-Conformist =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= Thom Rigsby is a lifestyle & business strategy expert. Drawing on his experience as a small business owner and entrepreneur launching almost a dozen startups and more than 25 years of business experience, Thom brings his creativity and "Non-Conformist" approach to entrepreneurship and getting results for you and your small business! So, whether you are looking for answers to your small business questions, time management tips, need a comprehensive business strategy or just craving some work-life balance, following Thom's exclusive personal development plan you can letting life happen to you and begin to create the life you crave with your very own small business. Be sure to connect with Thom... ...on Facebook http://www.facebook.com/thomrigsbycoaching ...on YouTube http://www.youtube.com/thomrigsby ...and on Instagram http://www.Instagram.com/thomrigsby Become a part of the Work That Matters Facebook group at http://fb.com/groups/workthatmatters Thom is available for one-on-one coaching and as a motivational speaker on topics including peak performance, how to plan, personal development, success, and work-life balance to the mindset of wealth and success. Contact Thom at www.ThomRigsby.com for more details.
I Have A Great Idea...But Where Do I Start!?
I Have A Great Idea...But Where Do I Start!?
Ever had an idea for the next great product? You know, the kind they show on late-night TV where their inventor makes millions and retires to some cruise ship? Maybe you have that idea now...and have no idea where to start! Then today's show is just for you! This is 7 Minutes in the Morning, a daily video podcast by business coach and THE Unashamed Non-conformist, Thom Rigsby. Every day Thom takes one business (or life of the business owner) topic and breaks it down, sprinkles it with a bit of his unique insight, then sends you on your way with the encouragement you need to win the day! Enjoy! Thom, THE Unashamed Non-Conformist =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= Thom Rigsby is a lifestyle & business strategy expert. Drawing on his experience as a small business owner and entrepreneur launching almost a dozen startups and more than 25 years of business experience, Thom brings his creativity and "Non-Conformist" approach to entrepreneurship and getting results for you and your small business! So, whether you are looking for answers to your small business questions, time management tips, need a comprehensive business strategy or just craving some work-life balance, following Thom's exclusive personal development plan you can letting life happen to you and begin to create the life you crave with your very own small business. Be sure to connect with Thom... ...on Facebook http://www.facebook.com/thomrigsbycoaching ...on YouTube http://www.youtube.com/thomrigsby ...and on Instagram http://www.Instagram.com/thomrigsby Become a part of the Work That Matters Facebook group at http://fb.com/groups/workthatmatters Thom is available for one-on-one coaching and as a motivational speaker on topics including peak performance, how to plan, personal development, success, and work-life balance to the mindset of wealth and success. Contact Thom at www.ThomRigsby.com for more details.
How To Make Difficult Decisions
How To Make Difficult Decisions
What do you do when you're faced with a difficult decision? Keep working (or work harder) on the business...or shut it down? Stick with this problem employee...or let them go? Sell the 30-year-old family business...or refinance? These are just a few of the questions business owners and leaders face every day, and they're tough! And if this is your first time in the entrepreneurial pool...then can be even tougher. On today's installment of 7 Minutes in the Morning, Thom will wrap up the week and talk about how to make difficult decisions! Enjoy! Thom, THE Unashamed Non-Conformist =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= Thom Rigsby is a lifestyle & business strategy expert. Drawing on his experience as a small business owner and entrepreneur launching almost a dozen startups and more than 25 years of business experience, Thom brings his creativity and "Non-Conformist" approach to entrepreneurship and getting results for you and your small business! So, whether you are looking for answers to your small business questions, time management tips, need a comprehensive business strategy or just craving some work-life balance, following Thom's exclusive personal development plan you can letting life happen to you and begin to create the life you crave with your very own small business. Be sure to connect with Thom... ...on Facebook http://www.facebook.com/thomrigsbycoaching ...on YouTube http://www.youtube.com/thomrigsby ...and on Instagram http://www.Instagram.com/thomrigsby Become a part of the Work That Matters Facebook group at http://fb.com/groups/workthatmatters Thom is available for one-on-one coaching and as a motivational speaker on topics including peak performance, how to plan, personal development, success, and work-life balance to the mindset of wealth and success. Contact Thom at www.ThomRigsby.com for more details.
Knowing When To Give Up
Knowing When To Give Up
Have you ever had that feeling that maybe this just wasn't meant to be? Even though I've worked really hard at it, for a long time, I should just cut my losses now? The good news is, everyone who has ever tried something new, difficult, and/or worthwhile has felt that way...so you're in really good company. The BETTER news is...well, watch or listen to the podcast...I don't want to give it ALL away here! Enjoy! Thom, THE Unashamed Non-Conformist =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= Thom Rigsby is a lifestyle & business strategy expert. Drawing on his experience as a small business owner and entrepreneur launching almost a dozen startups and more than 25 years of business experience, Thom brings his creativity and "Non-Conformist" approach to entrepreneurship and getting results for you and your small business! So, whether you are looking for answers to your small business questions, time management tips, need a comprehensive business strategy or just craving some work-life balance, following Thom's exclusive personal development plan you can letting life happen to you and begin to create the life you crave with your very own small business. Be sure to connect with Thom... ...on Facebook http://www.facebook.com/thomrigsbycoaching ...on YouTube http://www.youtube.com/thomrigsby ...and on Instagram http://www.Instagram.com/thomrigsby Become a part of the Work That Matters Facebook group at http://fb.com/groups/workthatmatters Thom is available for one-on-one coaching and as a motivational speaker on topics including peak performance, how to plan, personal development, success, and work-life balance to the mindset of wealth and success. Contact Thom at www.ThomRigsby.com for more details.
The Guaranteed Way To Fail - And the Confidence To Start Anyway
The Guaranteed Way To Fail - And the Confidence To Start Anyway
Are you 'almost' ready to start your business or next project...just as soon as you ___? That attitude will GUARANTEE your failure! There is one easy way to overcome that obstacle and it is required of EVERY successful project! Do you know what it is? Then stay tuned! Every business owner and aspiring entrepreneur has a laundry list of things they 'want' to do. The difference between those that succeed and those that fail however is that the successful businesses START! "But Thom, you don't understand, I just need to know ___!" Whatever words you choose to fill in that blank, I've heard them...and they're all excuses! Stop making excuses and start taking action! Now, of course, there are materials to gather, plans to make, intel to collect on the enemy, um, competition...so how do you deal with that AND start? Simple...you simplify on a timeline! (not guaranteed to be easy!) First, you simplify with the MVP method. MVP stands for Minimum Viable Product...what is the least amount of product (or service) that my client will pay me for? That's your MVP. Second, you develop your MVP on a timeline. You don't have an unlimited amount of time to figure out what your MVP is, you time-box your decision making then at the end of that time-box...you start...no matter what! Will your decision be perfect? Unlikely. Will you have to modify or adapt your trajectory? Very likely! Will you be ahead of the competitors that are still reading books and watching videos? Definitely! And as we talked about yesterday, being out front is PARAMOUNT! (Here's the link in case you missed it: https://www.thomrigsby.com/thelatest/2020/01/leadership-as-a-business-strategy-confidence-to-go-first/ Look, I know this is scary, but the best way to gain confidence is to start! And with momentum, you can actually gain speed and make the work easier the faster you go. And it all begins with starting! If you're stuck and not sure how to get started, I can help. Take 90 seconds right now and visit www.ThomRigsby.com/coaching to schedule a time for us to talk! Start the ball rolling RIGHT NOW! Enjoy! Thom, THE Unashamed Non-Conformist =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= Thom Rigsby is a lifestyle & business strategy expert. Drawing on his experience as a small business owner and entrepreneur launching almost a dozen startups and more than 25 years of business experience, Thom brings his creativity and "Non-Conformist" approach to entrepreneurship and getting results for you and your small business! So, whether you are looking for answers to your small business questions, time management tips, need a comprehensive business strategy or just craving some work-life balance, following Thom's exclusive personal development plan you can letting life happen to you and begin to create the life you crave with your very own small business. Be sure to connect with Thom... ...on Facebook http://www.facebook.com/thomrigsbycoaching ...on YouTube http://www.youtube.com/thomrigsby ...and on Instagram http://www.Instagram.com/thomrigsby Become a part of the Work That Matters Facebook group at http://fb.com/groups/workthatmatters Thom is available for one-on-one coaching and as a motivational speaker on topics including peak performance, how to plan, personal development, success, and work-life balance to the mindset of wealth and success. Contact Thom at www.ThomRigsby.com for more details.
Leadership As A Business Strategy - Confidence To Go First
Leadership As A Business Strategy - Confidence To Go First
Is your business a leader in your industry? Are you considered a thought leader regarding your industry? Do you even consider these questions important to the strength and stability of your business? ... You should...and here's why! In any race or contest, it is a simple truth...if you're not in the lead, then you are playing catch-up! In business, if you're not leading your industry segment, then YOU are behind and playing catch-up! Personally, I'd much rather feel the nip of the competition on my heels than be running desperately, fighting off the other competition to close the gap with the leader. Sure, some business owners will comfort themselves by pointing out that they're not last in their category, maybe there are even competitors 'following' their lead...but that's just a compromise. It's an acknowledgment that they're not first and they never will be! They've already lost the game, they just haven't given up yet! When you are the leader in your segment, your words have power. Your actions have consequences, and your choices move markets! When you are not the leader, you are being overpowered, moved, and whip-sawed...subject to the whims of your leader. As a business coach, I see it all the time, the newly minted entrepreneur working diligently to focus on the goals they've set but working in a vacuum, completely oblivious to the market in which they play. No business operates on an island, immune to the influences of the others around them competing for the customers' attention and money! If you accept that premise, then you must also accept that the businesses that will find success are those that direct and influence that market. So what can YOU do to be a leader in your market? Here are a couple of ideas: - Be Vocal! - Speak out about what's going on in your industry, share your opinion. Yes, you will alienate some, but you will also galvanize others behind you! - Challenge the Norm! - If you're just like everybody else, then you're only competing on price, and that is a losing game. What are you doing to be different and challenge the mediocre masses? - Take On the Leader! - Even if you don't win right away, take on the leader, challenge them, call them out, make them work for it! Yes, you MIGHT make some headway by supporting them...but how many others are doing the same thing. Once again, you slip into the quiet masses! As our Quote of the Day from Rick Krug says, if you don't have followers you're not a leader, you're just going for a walk. What will YOU do today to create followers and take your position out front? If you're not sure what to do next or how to implement leadership as a business strategy, I'd love to talk and help you create a plan to make it happen. Just click on https://www.ThomRigsby.com/coaching and schedule a no-obligation Discovery Session right now! Enjoy! Thom, THE Unashamed Non-Conformist =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= Thom Rigsby is a lifestyle & business strategy expert. Drawing on his experience as a small business owner and entrepreneur launching almost a dozen startups and more than 25 years of business experience, Thom brings his creativity and "Non-Conformist" approach to entrepreneurship and getting results for you and your small business! So, whether you are looking for answers to your small business questions, time management tips, need a comprehensive business strategy or just craving some work-life balance, following Thom's exclusive personal development plan you can letting life happen to you and begin to create the life you crave with your very own small business. Be sure to connect with Thom... ...on Facebook http://www.facebook.com/thomrigsbycoaching ...on YouTube http://www.youtube.com/thomrigsby ...and on Instagram http://www.Instagram.com/thomrigsby Become a part of the Work That Matters Facebook group at http://fb.com/groups/workthatmatters Thom is available for one-on-one coaching and as a motivational speaker on topics including peak performance, how to plan, personal development, success, and work-life balance to the mindset of wealth and success. Contact Thom at www.ThomRigsby.com for more details.
Restream io on 2020 01 09 at 07 06 45
Restream io on 2020 01 09 at 07 06 45
Enjoy! Thom, THE Unashamed Non-Conformist =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= Thom Rigsby is a lifestyle & business strategy expert. Drawing on his experience as a small business owner and entrepreneur launching almost a dozen startups and more than 25 years of business experience, Thom brings his creativity and "Non-Conformist" approach to entrepreneurship and getting results for you and your small business! So, whether you are looking for answers to your small business questions, time management tips, need a comprehensive business strategy or just craving some work-life balance, following Thom's exclusive personal development plan you can letting life happen to you and begin to create the life you crave with your very own small business. Be sure to connect with Thom... ...on Facebook http://www.facebook.com/thomrigsbycoaching ...on YouTube http://www.youtube.com/thomrigsby ...and on Instagram http://www.Instagram.com/thomrigsby Become a part of the Work That Matters Facebook group at http://fb.com/groups/workthatmatters Thom is available for one-on-one coaching and as a motivational speaker on topics including peak performance, how to plan, personal development, success, and work-life balance to the mindset of wealth and success. Contact Thom at www.ThomRigsby.com for more details.
The Gears of the Success Machine!
The Gears of the Success Machine!
Enjoy! Thom, THE Unashamed Non-Conformist =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= Thom Rigsby is a lifestyle & business strategy expert. Drawing on his experience as a small business owner and entrepreneur launching almost a dozen startups and more than 25 years of business experience, Thom brings his creativity and "Non-Conformist" approach to entrepreneurship and getting results for you and your small business! So, whether you are looking for answers to your small business questions, time management tips, need a comprehensive business strategy or just craving some work-life balance, following Thom's exclusive personal development plan you can letting life happen to you and begin to create the life you crave with your very own small business. Be sure to connect with Thom... ...on Facebook http://www.facebook.com/thomrigsbycoaching ...on YouTube http://www.youtube.com/thomrigsby ...and on Instagram http://www.Instagram.com/thomrigsby Become a part of the Work That Matters Facebook group at http://fb.com/groups/workthatmatters Thom is available for one-on-one coaching and as a motivational speaker on topics including peak performance, how to plan, personal development, success, and work-life balance to the mindset of wealth and success. Contact Thom at www.ThomRigsby.com for more details.